WSEAS Transactions on Fluid Mechanics
Print ISSN: 1790-5087, E-ISSN: 2224-347X
Volume 16, 2021
The Functioning of The Hybrid Integrated Partially Solar-Vapor-Compression Fridge
Abstract: The main purpose of our research is to increase the utilization of solar thermal energy to supply a refrigerator with vapor compression and reduce the refrigeration power needed for cooling. Combined Hybrid Solar - the vapor- compression refrigerating unit has been built and operates under Mutah University's environment in Jordan. The systems were made up of a capillary tube, condenser, evaporator, and collector. The vapor-pressure refrigerator was incorporated with the classic water-solar system to minimize the compressor's duty and to reduce power consumption in heating the amount of water held in the pipe to be sent along the tube outside the evaporator. After that, it will be returned to the compressor, But at a lesser temperature, to minimize compressor workload and enhance cooling performance. Before the compressor was developed, a solar collector system had been created to maximize its temperature before reaching the compressor to improve C.O.P, and the difference in temperature was remarkable. The vapor-compression refrigerator unit was powered by many generators: solar collector that has been discharged, photovoltaic system, flat plate solar collector. Two groups of tests have been performed experimentally on the partial solar compression refrigerator integrated into a hybrid system. First in the vapor compression refrigerator only, and the second in the Hybrid solar compression refrigerator incorporated. Total sunlight and different temperatures, current, and voltage were measured for many months each hour of the day. The performance coefficient was determined found 2.019, 2.432 respectively. Many auxiliary instruments are utilized to measure the temperature in irradiation networks, voltage, and night-time current every hour.
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Keywords: The vapor-compression fridge, Solar collector, compressor, hybrid, off-grid fridge, pilot solar hybrid PV/T unit, solid flow program, discharged solar collector, a voltage difference
Pages: 141-157
DOI: 10.37394/232013.2021.16.14