WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems
Print ISSN: 1109-9445, E-ISSN: 2415-1513
Volume 11, 2016
Economic Analysis of Energy Storage System Integration with a Grid Connected Intermittent Power Plant, for Power Quality Purposes
Authors: , , ,
Abstract: The increasing integration of grid scale intermittent power plants, like wind farms, is impacting negatively the stability of the interconnected power grid affecting the load factor of the intermittent power plant. Energy storage systems (ESS) are being considered as a potential solution for this problem since it can increase the power being exported to the grid by the wind farm, making it more stable, and therefore guarantying its economic feasibility. In this paper an economic study is carried out to analyze the economic feasibility for the integration of flywheel energy storage systems (FESS) with a wind power plant. It was concluded that the installation of the FESS is only feasible with the government subsidy in renewable energy projects, if considering that installation costs would not be reduced more than 10% of the estimated value. In addition, the integration of ESS would potentially improve the load factor of the power plant by increasing the load factor and therefore, make the project more profitable from an independent power producer perspective.
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Pages: 65-71
WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1109-9445 / 2415-1513, Volume 11, 2016, Art. #9