WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems
Print ISSN: 1109-2734, E-ISSN: 2224-266X
Volume 24, 2025
Pulsed Electromagnetic Gas Stimulator: Design and Suggestions for Rapid Prototyping
Authors: , , , , ,
Abstract: This paper discusses the development of a pulsed stimulation system designed to interact with
specific sections of gas molecules within a chamber made of insulating material. The primary aim is to design a
suitable chamber that can contain the gas under stimulation and to develop an electronic pulse generator
capable of delivering appropriate voltage pulses to the chamber's electrodes to interact with the gas. Various
chamber designs are explored, highlighting their advantages and limitations. From the perspective of pulse
generation, the objective is to create a simple, yet effective, generator to meet the system's requirements. The
proposed design employs an ATMEL™ ATMega328P microcontroller, for its ease of use and programming,
which are features well-suited for rapid prototyping.
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Keywords: Gas stimulation, pulsed electric field, pulse generator, stimulation chamber, high voltage pulses,
rapid prototyping
Pages: 1-10
DOI: 10.37394/23201.2025.24.1