WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics
Print ISSN: 1109-2769, E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 23, 2024
New Right-truncated Shanker Distribution with Application to the Adaptive Multiple Dependent State Sampling Plan
Authors: , ,
Abstract: This study introduces and tests a new right-truncated Shanker distribution (RT-SD) that has specific statistical properties on four real datasets. The results showed that RT-SD is more consistent with the real dataset than the existing Shanker distribution. Furthermore, the adaptive multiple dependent state sampling plan (AMDSSP) implements the proposed new truncated distribution under the truncated life test. This sampling plan is constructed by integrating the principles of the double sampling plans (DSP) and the multiple dependent state sampling plans (MDSSP). The AMDSSP has greater inspection efficiency than the existing sampling plan. A nonlinear optimization is employed to calculate the optimal plan parameters for minimizing the average sample number (ASN) under various conditions for producers and consumers. A comparison between the AMDSSP under the RT-SD and the AMDSSP under the Weibull distribution (WD) was considered under the ASN based on the real dataset. The results showed that the proposed AMDSSP is more effective in terms of ASN when used with RT-SD.
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Keywords: Lifetime distribution, Shanker distribution, Right-truncated distribution, Truncated lifetime test, Acceptance sampling plans, A adaptive multiple dependent state sampling plan
Pages: 1018-1032
DOI: 10.37394/23206.2024.23.105