Clustering Approaches for Low Voltage and High Voltage Distribution Load Pattern Analysis Using IoT
Country: India
Title of the Special Issue : Clustering Approaches for Low Voltage and High Voltage Distribution Load Pattern Analysis Using IoT
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Name of the Organizer: Dr. A. Ragavendiran Appavoo
Department: Electrical and Electronics Engineering
University: Anna University - Chennai.Aim: In the electricity energy market, knowledge about the behavior of the electrical customers is greatly helpful in such a way for designing various energy five efficient programs. The distribution regulation is modified to aid the electricity providers in formulating dedicated tariffs based on their consumption patterns by forming different classes of Customers. For designing this kind of program, the existing ten methods to classify the customers based on their type of activity are poorly related to their consumption patterns. The introduction of the smart grid concept in the Electric 15 utility made various improvements, among them, smart meters play a major role in identifying the consumption pattern of the customers’ emancipated electricity market allowing electrical company operators to exchange electricity in an open-access market. The customer load profile will supply varied information for improved utility operation by generating better pricing alternatives. Appropriate cluster validity indices are applied to discover the optimum clustering approaches for clustering the load pattern of low voltage distribution customers. This clustering technique is the foundation for implementing tariff structures for distribution clients.
Topics: Welcome Message from the Organizer: The aim of this special issue is to provide a new comprehensive overview on clustering and create more ideas on edge computing-enabled clustering algorithm, which will bring together researchers from academia, industry and governmental agencies to promote the research and development needed to address the significant challenges that pertain to this cutting-edge research topic.