WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing
Print ISSN: 1790-5052, E-ISSN: 2224-3488
Volume 20, 2024
Restoration of AFM Images that were Produced using the Estimated AFM Tip at Three Different Scanning Speeds
Abstract: The contact between the sample and the AFM tip causes distortions in all atomic force microscope (AFM) pictures. With the three-dimensional tip form in hand, the distorted picture may be straightened out and the surface structure's original state "restored" using deconvolution methods. Compared to the initial distorted image, the restored image provides a more realistic portrayal of the sample's true 3D surface. In order to estimate the impulse response of the AFM, this work presents a new method that uses contact mode AFM to measure the dimensions of a micro-cylinder. Subsequent AFM pictures are subsequently restored using the predicted impulse response.