International Journal on Applied Physics and Engineering
E-ISSN: 2945-0489
Volume 3, 2024
Theoretical Calculations on Simultaneous Emission Removal from a Waste Gasification Plant
Authors: , ,
Abstract: This study presents a detailed and comprehensive methodology for theoretical engineering
calculations in a modelled waste gasification plant. The aim is to determine the most effective way to clean
up exhaust gases or emissions from industrial combustion processes. The pollution from chemical processes
is significant due to the direct emission of harmful gases into the atmosphere, such as SOx, NOx, COx, O3,
etc. To achieve this, we utilised the ASPEN PLUS simulation computer program, which facilitated a series
of theoretical calculations during the procedure and optimisation of capturing the abovementioned
dangerous gases and cleaning them out. This work involves two processes: the absorption of chimney's
emissions from waste gasification plants, which consists mainly of a reactor and an absorber, and cleaning
the contaminated remaining liquid from the absorber at the end of the capturing process. Through
meticulous simulation and computer calculations, we have determined the absorbing rate of the polluting
gases and completed a thorough sensitivity analysis for the entire process. This precision in our calculations
instils confidence in our results' reliability and the proposed methods' potential effectiveness, reaffirming
the trust in our research findings.
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Keywords: environmental pollution, pollutant gases, gas oxides, simulation, absorbing solutions, emission
Pages: 59-69
DOI: 10.37394/232030.2024.3.9