International Journal of Environmental Engineering and Development
E-ISSN: 2945-1159
Volume 2, 2024
Estimating Risk at the Energy Production Unit of “AHS” Keratea-Lavrio
Authors: , , ,
Abstract: Every business should protect its employees in matters of Safety and Health. It is deemed necessary to access, analyze and classify risks to achieve these issues. The study aims to analyse and estimate occupational risk based on the appropriate empirical " Checklist " method by the responsible staff. Specifically, the relevant legislation and Regulations-Directives from Greek and European sources were studied to approach the Safety and Health issues and data for Risk Analysis. Considering the theoretical background of the energy production, a rapid visual screening of the Unit of Keratea-Lavrio Steam Power Station (“AHS” Keratea-Lavrio) was conducted. In addition, discussions were held with the facilities' managers, who are responsible for developing and implementing safety and health plans and highlighting and analyzing critical points of the station. Afterwards, the total risk(after taking into account several factors) is identified and classifiedinto three categories, revealing the corresponding risk reduction measures. Conclusions about safety and hygiene were drawn about the “AHS” Keratea-Lavrio Energy Production Unit.
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Keywords: health and safety, risk assessment, safety assessment, occupational accident, energy production units, checklist empirical method
Pages: 63-72
DOI: 10.37394/232033.2024.2.6