WSEAS Transactions on Communications
Print ISSN: 1109-2742, E-ISSN: 2224-2864
Volume 22, 2023
Performance Analysis of Routing Protocol Using Trust-Based Hybrid FCRO-AEPO Optimization Techniques
Authors: ,
Abstract: Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) offer numerous benefits and have been used in different applications. MANETs are dynamic peer-to-peer networks that use multi-hop data transfer without the need forpre-existing infrastructure. Due to their nature, for secure communication of mobile nodes, they need unique security requirements in MANET. In this work, a Hybrid Firefly Cyclic Rider Optimization (FCRO) algorithm is proposed for Cluster Head selection, it efficiently selects the cluster head and improves the network efficiency. The Ridge Regression Classification algorithm is presented in this work to detect the malicious nodes in the network and the data is transmitted using trusted Mobile nodes for the QoS performance metric improvement. A trust-based routing protocol is introduced using the Atom Emperor Penguin Optimization (AEPO) algorithm, it identifies the best-forwarded path to moderate the routing overhead problem in MANET. The proposed method is implemented using Matlab software and the performance metrics are packet delivers ratio, packet loss ratio, routing overhead, throughput, end-to-end delay, transmission delay, network lifetime, and energy consumption. The proposed AEPO algorithm is compared with the existing PSO-GA, TID-CMGR, and MFFA. The AEPO algorithm’s performance is approximately 1.5%, 3.2%, 2%, 3%, and 4% higher than the existing methods for packet delivers ratio, packet loss ratio, end-to-end delay, and throughput and network lifetime. This evaluation enables the sender nodes to improve their data transmission rates and minimizes the delay. Additionally, the suggested technique has a clear benefit in terms of demonstrating the genuine contribution of distinct nodes to trust evaluation.
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Keywords: Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Cluster Head Selection, Hybrid Firefly Cyclic Rider Optimization, Malicious Node Detection, Ridge Regression Classification Algorithm, Atom Emperor Penguin Optimization
Pages: 75-96
DOI: 10.37394/23204.2023.22.7