WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics
Print ISSN: 1109-9526, E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
The Influence of Organisational Support, Advancement, Meaningfulness and Psychological Safety on Employee Engagement in a Petrochemical Organisation
Authors: ,
Abstract: By fostering employee engagement, organisations can achieve a range of benefits, including retaining top talent, increasing productivity and safety, improving customer satisfaction and retention, and achieving better financial results such as revenue growth and total shareholder return. This study aimed to investigate the impact of factors such as organisational support, advancement opportunities, meaningful work, and psychological safety on employee engagement among engineers in a petrochemical company, highlighting the crucial role of work engagement in ensuring sustainable performance. A quantitative research approach was utilized to collect data by surveying 84 engineers through questionnaires, using judgmental sampling in one of the organisation’s regional operating hubs. Descriptive, reliability and inferential statistics were utilized to examine the relationship between employee engagement, meaningfulness, and psychological safety. According to the descriptive statistics, the respondents had ample growth opportunities, including a high degree of variety, learning opportunities, and job independence. Advancement was also provided in terms of good salaries, although some respondents indicated that they lacked financial rewards, promotions, and training opportunities. Most respondents indicated a positive level of psychological safety, stating that they could be themselves at work and express their opinions. However, their level of engagement was average, and some differences based on demographic information were observed. According to the study, there was a notable and affirmative correlation between employee engagement, organisational support, psychological safety, and meaningful work. As a result, the study suggests that enhancing employee engagement levels, not just among engineers but other employees as well can lead to an increase in productivity and overall performance. The study provides recommendations on how to achieve this goal.
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Keywords: Advancement, Meaningfulness, Organisational Support, Employee Engagement, Work Engagement, Psychological Safety
Pages: 1100-1109
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.98