WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications
Print ISSN: 1790-0832, E-ISSN: 2224-3402
Volume 20, 2023
Exploring the Potential of EEG for Real-Time Interactions in Immersive Virtual Reality
Authors: , , , , , ,
Abstract: Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) can use data from non-invasive electroencephalogram (EEG) to transform different brain signals into binary code, often aiming to gain control utility of an end-effector (e.g mouse cursor). In the past several years, advances in wearable and immersive technologies have made it possible to integrate EEG with virtual reality (VR) headsets. These advances have enabled a new generation of user studies that help researchers improve understanding of various issues in current VR design (e.g. cybersickness and locomotion). The main challenge for integrating EEG-based BCIs into VR environments is to develop communication architectures that deliver robust, reliable and lossless data flows. Furthermore, user comfort and near real-time interactivity create additional challenges. We conducted two experiments in which a consumer-grade EEG headband (Muse2) was utilized to assess the feasibility of an EEG-based BCI in virtual environments. We first conducted a pilot experiment that consisted of a simple task of object re-scaling inside the VR space using focus values generated from the user’s EEG. The subsequent study experiment consisted of two groups (control and experimental) performing two tasks: telekinesis and teleportation. Our user research study shows the viability of EEG for real-time interactions in non-serious applications such as games. We further suggest that a simplified way of calculating the mean EEG values is adequate for this type of use. We , in addition, discuss the findings to help improve the design of user research studies that deploy similar EEG-based BCIs in VR environments.
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Keywords: electro-encephalography, EEG, interaction, locomotion, user research study, virtual reality
Pages: 98-108
DOI: 10.37394/23209.2023.20.12