International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Computational Science and Systems Engineering
E-ISSN: 2766-9823
Volume 3, 2021
A Useful Application of a Simulator for Leak Events in Pipelines
Authors: ,
Abstract: During the development of an automated system for detecting leaks in pipelines, the test phase with actual and historical leak events is essential to verify the efficiency and effectiveness of detection methods implemented. However, frequently, both direct access to actual leak data and the availability of consistent historical leak data turn out to be extremely complex and difficult activities. In this paper we describe and discuss the performance of a leak event simulator in pipelines. The proposed simulator produces different scenarios with data generated from probability distributions, involving different types of parameters, such as flow, pressure, temperature, noise, vibration and dilation. Events generated by the simulator emulate closely correlated outputs of different components and leak detection sensors, which use methods based on mass balance, acoustics and optics. Simulating a heterogeneous range of events associated with different detection methods not only allows the detection and localization of a leak, but to prevent it before it happens.
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Pages: 76-84
International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Computational Science and Systems Engineering, E-ISSN: 2766-9823, Volume 3, 2021, Art. #14