International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
E-ISSN: 2769-2507
Volume 2, 2020
Workflow tool to Model and simulate patients paths in Pediatric Emergency Department
Authors: , ,
Abstract: In this paper, we focus on treatment for patient journey at emergency department in hospitals. Modeling and optimized patients at emergency department is faced with a high amount of complexity due to the inherent dynamics of the processes and the distributed organizational structure of hospitals. The goal is to optimize these paths to improve the quality of the patient handling while mastering the wait time. The development of this model was based on accurate visits made in the Pediatric Emergency Department (PED) in CHRU of Lille (France). This modeling, which has to represent most faithfully possible the reality of the PED of CHRU of Lille, is necessary. Our survey is integrated into the project ANR HOST (ANR-11-TecSan-010)
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Pages: 73-78
International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, E-ISSN: 2769-2507, Volume 2, 2020, Art. #13