WSEAS Transactions on Communications
Print ISSN: 1109-2742, E-ISSN: 2224-2864
Volume 11, 2012
Design of Optimal Waveforms in MIMO Radar Systems Based on the Generalized Approach to Signal Processing
Abstract: We consider the problem of waveform design for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar sys-tems employing the generalized detector that is constructed based on the generalized approach to signal proce-ssing in noise. We investigate the case of an extended target and without limiting ourselves to orthogonal wave-forms. Instead, we develop a procedure to design the optimal waveform that maximizes the signal-to-interferen-ce plus-noise ratio (SINR) at the generalized detector output. The optimal waveform requires a knowledge of both target and clutter statistics. We also develop several suboptimal waveforms requiring knowledge of target statistics only, clutter statistics only, or both. Thus, the transmit waveforms are adjusted based on target and clutter statistics. A model for the radar returns that incorporates the transmit waveforms is developed. The tar-get detection problem is formulated for that model. Optimal and suboptimal algorithms are derived for design-ing the transmit waveforms under different assumptions regarding the statistical information available to the ge-neralized detector. The performance of these algorithms is illustrated by computer simulation.
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Keywords: Generalized detector, additive white Gaussian noise, detection performance, multiple-input multi-ple-output, signal-to-interference plus-noise ratio (SINR)