WSEAS Transactions on Advances in Engineering Education
Print ISSN: 1790-1979, E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 10, 2013
Introduction to the Infomath Function in Mathematics and its Application in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Abstract: The InfoMath Function is a new function introduced by the author into mathematical domain in 2002 and it can describe an infinite number of functions, and can unify many expressions and formulae into only one expression or formula. It is introduced in the mathematical domain to facilitate and reduce many expressions and forms to a simple expression that has the same characteristics as the precedents. For example in the power electronics, one can join characteristics of the voltage applied on the resistor, capacitor and coil into only one expression without losing any data or any characteristic of these elements, this is not the case of any other function. The Infomath function is simple to use and to introduce in any type of expressions as any other functions for example: cosine, Logarithm; exponential… In another hand it can replace any other function by varying some parameters.