WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications
Print ISSN: 1790-0832, E-ISSN: 2224-3402
Volume 10, 2013
An Improved Energy Efficient Intrusion Detection System for False Misbehavior Elimination in Wireless Sensor Networks
Authors: ,
Abstract: A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of many sensor nodes with low cost and power capability. The nature of WSN makes it easily prone to security attacks and paves way for attackers to easily eavesdrop the network. One of the deadliest attack is the Sink Hole attack where the destruction caused to the network becomes inexplicable. It causes the intruder to lure all the packets and drop it, that ultimately will disrupt the sensor networks functionalities. The existing Watchdog mechanism consumes more energy to compute the sink hole node in the network and its trustworthiness also becomes debatable. In this paper, a novel algorithm is developed to improve the existing Watchdog monitoring system for Intrusion Detection to detect the false misbehaving node and elimination of the same. The simulation results show that precise elimination of the malicious node is done. Moreover, a greater percentage reduction in energy consumption is achieved by the proposed method that makes this system more viable for WSN.
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Keywords: Wireless Sensor Networks, Intrusion Detection, Network life time, Energy efficient mechanism, Watchdog