WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics
Print ISSN: 1109-9526, E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 10, 2013
Role of HR Practices in Turnover Intentions with the Mediating Effect of Employee Engagement
Abstract: The research paper seeks to identify the mediating role of employee engagement between HR practices and turnover intentions in the telecom sector of Pakistan. There has been a considerable gap in the existing literature indicative of the need to study HR practices and turnover intentions with reference to the employee engagement in Pakistan. Two leading Telecom Companies in Pakistan were included in the sample and the study was conducted on them. The results turned out to be extremely noteworthy as they highlighted a definite relationship between HR practices, employee engagement and turnover intentions. In addition to that, the research provides an effective model for the stake holders of concern telecom companies to keep hold of their capable work force in a highly dynamic and fluid business environment.