Print ISSN: 2944-9154, E-ISSN: 2944-9006 An Open Access International Journal of Earth Sciences and Human Constructions
Volume 1, 2021
Review of Organizational Leadership Theories
Authors: , , ,
Abstract: Organization theory cannot be considering just an academic subject; it is a primary necessary for good leadership. The organizational leadership theories concentrated interaction, or influence of leadership on the development of effective organizations. This article reviews existing literature on organizational theories of leadership including: Humanistic Theories and Task-Relationship theories which has been categorized by Levine (2000). The objective of this paper is to analyze the review of literature on organizational theories of leadership over the past years and clarify how different leadership theories have emerged over a period of time and give more insights to leadership researchers.
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Pages: 35-38
DOI: 10.37394/232024.2021.1.6