WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development
Print ISSN: 1790-5079, E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 10, 2014
Assessment of Radiation Hazard Indices and Excess Life Time Cancer Risk due to Dust Storm for Al-Najaf, Iraq
Abstract: Dust storm is a meteorological phenomenon common in Al-Najaf city of Iraq. This study investigates the presence of long-lived gamma emitters in dust storms samples, and estimates radiation hazed indices. Dust storm samples were collected from the Iraqi weather of 2013. After proper lab treatment, the samples underwent gamma spectroscopy, where the targeted radionuclides were 228U, 232Th, and 40K. The average of specific activity in the collected dust storms samples was found the range from (237.166±5.834) to (368.689±17.697) Bq/Kg with an average value of (308.168±46.124) Bq/Kg for 40K, 238U specific activity range from (11.531±2.080) to (34.997±2.683) Bq/Kg with an average value of (21.4775±8.406) Bq/Kg and 232Th specific activities range from (2.805±0.370) to (11.162±1.638) Bq/Kg with an average of (5.446±2.738) Bq/Kg and. The average value of the radium equivalent was found (52.994±13.041) Bg/Kg, while the average value of the external hazard index, internal hazard index ,representative level index, absorbed dose in air and annual effective dose in outdoorwere found (0.224±0.0569), (0.201±0.057) , (0.202±0.048), (26.384±6.263) nGy/h and (0.0324±0.007185 )mSv/y respectively. The range value of the Excess Lifetime Cancer Risk was found from(0.0762194 ) to (0.144037637 ) with an average (0.1132494±0.025147 ). The obtained the Radiation Hazard Indices and Excess Lifetime Cancer Risk are found to agree with those reported in the international level.
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Pages: 312-319
WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1790-5079 / 2224-3496, Volume 10, 2014, Art. #33