WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development
Print ISSN: 1790-5079, E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 10, 2014
Part Sheet Usage in the Assembly Process of Small Hydro Power Plants
Authors: , ,
Abstract: Europe leans towards cleaner and more efficient energy production. The Renewable Energy Sources Directive of European Union sets mandatory national targets for renewable energy shares of final energy consumption in 2020. This fact makes the investments into renewable power not only inevitable, but also viable because of the guaranteed feed-in tariffs. These facts, together with the financial burden of mega projects in hydro power business made an investments into small and micro hydro power plants a viable option. Since each day a power plant is not running produces a noticeable loss in the power output which consequently results into a financial loss, each action, that can make a power plant feed the electricity into the grid sooner is highly valued. To ensure a faster assembly time a series of work sheets have been developed, these shall make the turbine assembly faster, downtimes shorter and the whole process more efficient.
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Pages: 197-201
WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1790-5079 / 2224-3496, Volume 10, 2014, Art. #20