WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing
Print ISSN: 1790-5052, E-ISSN: 2224-3488
Volume 10, 2014
3D Visualization of Radar Coverage Considering Electromagnetic Interference
Authors: , , ,
Abstract: Radar plays an important role in many domains, such as target searching, target tracking and dynamic objects detection. However, the electromagnetic information of radar is invisible and full of changes in real time, which restricts users to plan and design the radar systems. In recent years, with the development of interactive visualization technology, 3D visualization of the abstract information of radar coverage under the influence of complicated environment becomes a hotspot. In this paper, we present a method to represent radar coverage considering the electromagnetic interference. Based on the radar equation, from the perspectives of pitch and azimuth angles to achieve 3D modeling of radar coverage through discrete subdivision, and the radar model possesses self-adaptability to different levels of detail. The 3D radar detection range under the influence of electromagnetic interference is analyzed and addressed based on radar jamming model. Experiments demonstrate that our method not only can efficiently complete the three-dimensional modeling of radar, but also visually show the true radar coverage under the influence of complex electromagnetic environment.
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Keywords: 3D visualization, radar coverage, levels of detail (LOD), electromagnetic interference, nonuniform sampling
Pages: 460-470
WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1790-5052 / 2224-3488, Volume 10, 2014, Art. #48