WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine
Print ISSN: 1109-9518, E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 11, 2014
Numerical Simulation Based on Transfer Function Specific to Proliferation of Tumor Cell Lines
Authors: , ,
Abstract: Glioblastoma is the most common highest-grade and lethal type of brain tumor, causing a high rate of death each year worldwide. Given the resistance of this tumor to standard surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, the consistent efforts to comprehensively profile glioblastomas using latest technologies are addressing this need. In line with this idea, this paper focuses to enhancing understanding of the potentially useful correlations between medicine field, electrical engineering, mathematical modeling and numerical simulation, as parts of our knowledge about life, Nature and Universe. Analysis of variables specific to a biological system by type of tumor cell populations can be made by analogy with the electric structure of passive quadrupole type. The transfer function is determined directly through a complex electronic structures encompassing a RC (resistor, capacitance) quadrupole + operational amplifier OA. By evaluating in vitro of the cell line GB9B, derived from glioblastoma, (GB), and based on the analysis of residues is determined indirectly, and validates the transfer function. Mathematical model of transfer function type enables to simulate numerical 2D of the expression of the output quantity. The findings of this work supports the belief in the power of science, demonstrating the strong links between the research in medicine field, and the electrical engineering outcomes.
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Keywords: cell fraction, electric passive quadrupole, mathematical modeling and numerical simulation, transfer function, tumor cells
Pages: 140-146
WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1109-9518 / 2224-2902, Volume 11, 2014, Art. #19