WSEAS Transactions on Communications
Print ISSN: 1109-2742, E-ISSN: 2224-2864
Volume 13, 2014
New Routing Methodology Focusing on the Hierarchical Structure of Control Time Scale
Authors: , ,
Abstract: We present a new routing methodology that focuses on the hierarchical structure of a control time scale. The key concept of this study is to simultaneously implement both multiple routing protocols: OSPF routing (shortest-path) and MLB routing (multi-path). By considering the difference in their control time scales, we construct a new routing scheme that deals with sudden changes in network conditions. That is, we design an architecture that basically allocates packets to the shortest path route and simultaneously allocates packets to an alternative route when congestion occurs. Furthermore, using simulations, we have also shown that this methodology achieves more efficient use of the network and significant improvements in end-to-end delays. We believe this methodology will pave the way for hierarchical approaches based on the control time-scale methodology.
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Pages: 505-512
WSEAS Transactions on Communications, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1109-2742 / 2224-2864, Volume 13, 2014, Art. #56