WSEAS Transactions on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics
Print ISSN: 1991-8747, E-ISSN: 2224-3429
Volume 10, 2015
Parametric Excitation and Suppression of Oscillations at the Interfaces of Continua for the Processes’ Control in Jet and Film Flows, Channel Flows with Phase Change and in Granular Media
Abstract: The problem is interesting theoretically and important for the practical applications in three aspects: 1. Excitation of parameters’ oscillations in continua in touch with intensification of various technological and technical processes: heat and mass transfer, mixing, decreasing the viscosity, improving the quality for crystallizing metal and many other phenomena. 2. Excitation of parameters’ oscillations in touch with necessity of disintegration of jet and film flows: air spray, spray-coating, metal spraying, dispersing and granulation of materials (e.g. particles’ producing from molten metals), etc. 3. Suppression of oscillations for stabilization of unstable regimes and processes: jet-drop and film screens for protection of diaphragm of experimental thermonuclear reactor, thermal instability and fusion control in reactor, control of electromechanical and electrochemical instabilities, combustion stability, decreasing the hydrodynamic and acoustic resistance, etc. In some cases, parametric control makes possible not just intensification the processes but also running such processes, which are impossible without parametric control. A lot of different linear as well as nonlinear model situations have been considered. As a result some interesting peculiarities of parametric wave excitation and suppression in film flows including three new phenomena of parametric film decay were revealed: resonant decay, soliton-like decay and shock-wave decay. The phenomena were first theoretically predicted and then experimentally invented and investigated. Based on these new phenomena we developed, created and tested the prospective dispersion and granulation machines for some metals and other materials.
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Keywords: Parametric, Wave, Excitation, Suppression, Instability, Stabilization, Control, Disintegration, Film Flow, Jet, Solidification Front, Granular Media
Pages: 1-23
WSEAS Transactions on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1991-8747 / 2224-3429, Volume 10, 2015, Art. #1