WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications
Print ISSN: 1790-0832, E-ISSN: 2224-3402
Volume 12, 2015
On Cognitive Processes of Analysis and Synthesis in Cognitive Computing
Abstract: Analysis and synthesis are a pair of fundamental cognitive processes at the inference layer of the brain. The former is an inference process that deductively decomposes an object or a system into its constituting attributes and components. The latter is an inference process that inductively composes individual attributes of components into a complex whole. This paper presents the cognitive foundations of analysis and synthesis in cognitive inferences. A set of mathematical models of analysis and synthesis is created. Based on the cognitive and mathematical models, the cognitive processes of analysis and synthesis are formally described in Real-Time Process Algebra (RTPA), which enable a rigorous explanation of the cognitive mechanisms of mental inferences in cognitive computing and cognitive robotics.
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Keywords: Cognitive informatics, brain science, LRMB, cognitive models, cognitive processes, mathematical models, denotational mathematics, RTPA, cognitive computing, computational intelligence, AI, inference, reasoning, cognitive robotics
Pages: 177-185
WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1790-0832 / 2224-3402, Volume 12, 2015, Art. #17