WSEAS Transactions on Electronics
Print ISSN: 1109-9445, E-ISSN: 2415-1513
Volume 7, 2016
3D Printing of Copper Filament for Layered Fabrication
Authors: ,
Abstract: 3D printing also referred as additive manufacturing is the automated printing methodology for 3D designed models. The layer by layer additive manufacturing possesses numerous benefits right from innovative products to reducing wastage in production. Optimized metal production using non FDM methods is perhaps inevitable in the manufacturing industry, particularly for military and aeronautical areas. It is still a challenge to handle high processing temperatures and multiple metal materials. Printing metal or multiple metals in a substrate is not yet prototyped using any of the 3D printing processes. New metal composite filaments are invented for FDM printers, among which is the Copper-PLA filament. The filament is printed for micro thickness on a glass substrate, which is characterized using inverted type metallurgical microscope for applying in nano sensor fabrication. The average grain size measures 6.5 microns with a total feature count of 82 microns. The minimum feature circumference of particles are 0.075 microns. The porosity count is 119 or 0.04% of the total surface area.
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Pages: 38-43
WSEAS Transactions on Electronics, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1109-9445 / 2415-1513, Volume 7, 2016, Art. #6