WSEAS Transactions on Fluid Mechanics
Print ISSN: 1790-5087, E-ISSN: 2224-347X
Volume 11, 2016
The Influence of Discontinuities on Waterflooding Process
Authors: , ,
Abstract: The knowledge of the nature of fluid motion in the reservoir allows us to optimize a system of oilfield development. Thus, the study of filtration process in reservoirs with discontinuities, such as fractures, has a great importance for the oilfield development. For instance, the hydraulic fracturing is one of the most common recovery methods for unconventional reserves. The modern level of geophysics can show that most reservoirs have the tectonic faults of different permeability which have a great impact on well productivity. This article will show the impact of inclusions of different permeability in the reservoir on the waterflooding process. The steady-state flow process of incompressible fluid to the production well in a reservoir of constant height and permeability is considered. There is a thin area in the reservoir with constant permeability, which might be a highly permeable crack or low permeable barrier. The production and injection wells are placed inside the reservoir’s external boundary. The characteristics of waterflooding process are studied for various permeability values and different locations of a fracture and a pair of wells. Finally, the flow lines of the fluid flow will be analyzed for every considered case.
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Keywords: waterflooding, hydraulic fracturing, Darcy flow, impermeable boundary, flow potential, streamlines
Pages: 134-142
WSEAS Transactions on Fluid Mechanics, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1790-5087 / 2224-347X, Volume 11, 2016, Art. #17