WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications
Print ISSN: 1790-0832, E-ISSN: 2224-3402
Volume 13, 2016
The Connection of System SMPSL (System for Measurement Using a Computer in the School Laboratory) and CAA (Computer Aided Assessment) for Demonstration of Mathematical Modeling of Angle
Authors: , ,
Abstract: The angles are very often used in practice and it is good to obtain knowledge of their approximate estimation. We can use angles not only in mathematics, but it is necessary for some professions – such as mechanical engineering, civil engineering or astronomy. During the practical lessons we can check the accuracy of estimation of different indicated angles with the SMPSL system and displacement sensor. It is shown using a graph of approximation drawing angle. Subsequently we can practice the ability to estimate different angles by using the CAA (e.g. Maple TA). The CAA system enters the angle graphically or by using angular (or radiant) rate. Students try to fit in the estimation to a certain (sufficiently narrow) interval containing a pictured angle in solving the task. CAA system is able to evaluate a solution and it is able to demonstrate the mistake graphically and numerically.
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Keywords: DAQ, system SMPSL, measurement system, computer aided experiment, CAA, mathematical education
Pages: 32-37
WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1790-0832 / 2224-3402, Volume 13, 2016, Art. #4