WSEAS Transactions on Computers
Print ISSN: 1109-2750, E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 15, 2016
Generalization Process for Loose Topological Relations of Regions
Authors: ,
Abstract: In Geographical Information System (GIS), we use principally three features, such as PolyLine, Point and loose region to represent the geographic object. The loose region is used to represent the area objects where they have a loose shape as building or green area. Loose regions can be seen as an extension of simple regions described in Egenhofer model. In this paper, we treat the mutation of the loose topological relations into others relations, when we need to change the scale the map. A new topological model is presented based on simple regions which are defined in Egenhofer model and also on the assertions of mutation of the topological relationships according certain criteria.