WSEAS Transactions on Systems
Print ISSN: 1109-2777, E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 15, 2016
Methodological Approach to the Substantiation of the Form of Compact Build-Up Development Areas with the Aim of their Renovation
Authors: ,
Abstract: This paper proposes a methodological approach to the establishment of a rational form of the parts of compact build-up development areas intended for reconstruction in accordance with modern requirements. Modernization of the parts of these areas involves renovation of the entire complex of objects located in these areas and requiring reconstruction. These objects include: residential and public buildings, engineering networks, road infrastructure, parks, squares and others. The basis of substantiation of the form of the parts of urban areas for their reconstruction is the principle of similarity of the indicators of physical and moral depreciation, the number of floors in the residential buildings located in these areas and meant for renovation. This is due to the fact that this principle, on the one hand, realizes one of the main needs of society that is safe and comfortable residential buildings, and on the other hand contributes to typification of constructive and organizational and technological decisions made during the planning of the renovation of residential buildings at the given part of the urban area. The methodological approach includes a combination of the following methods: model representation of compact build-up development areas as a system - city planning formations (CPF); determination of physical and moral depreciation of the CPF and its components; method of generating variants of CPF; method of evaluating the effectiveness of the selected variants; method of selecting rational variants of CPF from the generated ones.
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Keywords: methodological approach, form, compact build-up development areas, city planning formation (CPF), renovation, moral depreciation, physical depreciation, expert method, Harrington scale
Pages: 28-38
WSEAS Transactions on Systems, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1109-2777 / 2224-2678, Volume 15, 2016, Art. #4