WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development
Print ISSN: 1790-5079, E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 13, 2017
Population Analysis of the Spanish-Portuguese Basin of the River Tajo
Authors: , ,
Abstract: Over the last few decades, distribution and redistribution of the population within the territory has gained in importance as a subject of social interest, both regionally and nationally. This study is part of research which analyzes changes in how the population is settled and its effect on spatial organization of the urban network. The aim of this research is to analyze the changes in the population distribution of the municipalities located in the international basin of the River Tajo. This is an investigation of a quantitative nature, in its methodological approach, through the use of population census data covering the period 2001-2011. In the study of the municipalities in the international basin of the River Tajo, population size categories are applied. Likewise, the structure of the current population is examined and a predictive model of the population evolution will be performed to enable us to anticipate rationally future trends in the populations analyzed.
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Keywords: Rurality Index, Population Analysis, Population Distribution, Spatial Organization, Population Structure, River Tajo
Pages: 313-326
WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1790-5079 / 2224-3496, Volume 13, 2017, Art. #32