WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control
Print ISSN: 1991-8763, E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 16, 2017
Study of Ferromagnetic Dispersed Samples and Particles Magnetic Susceptibility by Faraday Method (Magnetometer with Polar Hemispheres)
Authors: , , , ,
Abstract: To study the magnetic susceptibility of samples (in particular, dispersed ones), a Faraday magnetometer version with pole-hemispherical tips is preferred. The approach to identification of the gradient stability zone (for positioning small samples) is shown: by the obtained coordinate characteristic of induction (meandering, with the possibility of an objective linear approximation of its section in the vicinity of the inflection) and the coordinate characteristic of the gradient – with stable gradient values in the vicinity of the extremum. Experimental data on the magnetic susceptibility of dispersed samples containing a dispersed phase of magnetite particles revealed a nonlinear character of the dependence of their susceptibility on the volume fraction of this phase – with an almost linear initial section. The possibility of obtaining information on the susceptibility of the particles themselves using data for this region is discussed, in the range of a volume fraction up to 0.2, and to increase the accuracy of such information to 0.02-0.05 (narrowed range), where the concentration dependences of the susceptibility of dispersed samples obey an independent linear trend.
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Keywords: Faraday magnetometer, magnetic susceptibility, gradient extremum zone, dispersed sample, volume fraction of ferroparticles
Pages: 374-385
WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1991-8763 / 2224-2856, Volume 16, 2017, Art. #40