WSEAS Transactions on Electronics
Print ISSN: 1109-9518, E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 10, 2019
The Design of Low-power Conversion and Self-starting for Wireless Charging System
Authors: ,
Abstract: The low-power conversion of voltage and the self-starting of the system based on wireless charging technology are studied. The system uses the XKT412 wireless charging module for wireless charging and uses super capacitors to store power. The system uses the MSP430F5529 single-chip microcomputer as the microprocessor to perform AD sampling on the charging circuit to realize the self-starting function of the circuit. The MSP430F5529 single-chip device performs the AD sampling of the voltage across the capacitor and sends the data to the OLED screen through the IIC communication mode for real-time display. The system outputs a voltage through a DC-DC converter circuit designed by the TPS63020 chip, and the ripple of the output voltage is less than 76mV. By designing a wireless charging car for experimental testing, the wireless charging efficiency of the system is higher than 85%. By using the MSP430F5529 single chip microcomputer and the TPS63020 chip, the power consumption of the system is effectively reduced and the function of automatically starting after charging is realized.
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Keywords: wireless charging, low power consumption, MSP430F5529, TPS63020, self-starting, super capacitor, I2C communication mode
Pages: 42-49
WSEAS Transactions on Electronics, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1109-9518 / 2224-2902, Volume 10, 2019, Art. #6