WSEAS Transactions on Communications
Print ISSN: 1109-2742, E-ISSN: 2224-2864
Volume 19, 2020
IOT Supported Security Considerations for Network
Abstract: The current IP and other networks such as Power Smart Grids are fast evolving, thus resulting in diverseconnectivity methodologies. This has led to the emergence of "the Internet of Things” (IoT) methodologywhose goal is to transform the current IP and related networks to Device-to-Device (D-2-D) basis. It will seamlesslyinterconnect the globe via intelligent devices and sensors of varying types, this resulting in voluminousgeneration and exchange of data in excess of 20 billion Internet-connected objects and sensors (things) by 2022.The resultant structure will benefit mankind by helping us make tough decisions as well as be provisioned ofbeneficial services. In this paper, we overview both IoT enabled network architecture as well as security forassociated objects and devices. We commence with a description of a generalized IoT enabled network’s securityarchitecture as well as how the various elements constituting them interact. We then describe an approachthat allows the protection of both constrained and unconstrained IoT devices through robust encryption as wellas authentication so that both can equally leverage from the same security framework, but still maintaining lowcomputational loads, by avoiding excessive computational operations.
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Keywords: Internet Protocol, Encryption, Federated Clouds, Information Security, IoT, Smart Grid, SmartObjects.
Pages: 113-123
DOI: 10.37394/23204.2020.19.14