Print ISSN: 2944-9162, E-ISSN: 2732-9941 An Open Access International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering
Volume 5, 2025
Advancing Early Detection: Dcnn for Automated Blood Cancer Diagnosis and Anomaly Detection
Authors: ,
Abstract: In today's modern healthcare system, accurate evaluation and diagnosis of blood cancer-related
diseases continue to be of utmost importance, but they are also difficult to achieve due to the time-consuming
manual analysis methods. Recent developments in computational methods, in particular those pertaining to
machine learning and deep learning, have shown that they have the potential to significantly simplify this
process. However, the lack of accurate and reliable automated tools for studying changes in blood cells is still a
problem that slows down diagnostic procedures and makes early detection less accurate. The goal of this study
is to show an advanced hybrid ensemble deep learning model that can automatically find and classify abnormal
blood cells with a focus on finding leukaemia early. The model uses architectures like InceptionV3 and
DenseNet201 and has stages for preprocessing, segmenting, augmenting, and classifying data. We achieve this
by using a systematic framework. We meticulously classified 3,242 blood cell images into benign and
malignant subtypes using the dataset. We also enhanced the dataset to increase its robustness. The model
surpasses conventional methods by achieving an exceptional classification accuracy of over 99%. Using
advanced visualisation tools, like Grad-CAM, also gives us a better understanding of how the model makes
decisions. The methodology that has been proposed shows a tremendous deal of promise in terms of improving
early detection and preventive diagnostics, which will ultimately contribute to timely medical interventions for
diseases related to blood cancer.
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Keywords: Hybrid Ensemble DCNN Learning technique, Deeper with Convolutions Neural Network
(DCNN) Learning Model, human blood cells, Blood cancer
Pages: 1-9
DOI: 10.37394/232020.2025.5.1