Print ISSN: 2944-9162, E-ISSN: 2732-9941 An Open Access International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering
Volume 4, 2024
On Optimal Capturing Velocity of 2D Rigid Cylinder in General Asymmetric V- Shaped Groove Bracket and Asymmetric Wall Friction
Abstract: The current paper calculates analytically the minimum required torque for cylinder movement together with the optimal (maximum) capturing velocity allowed to operate over a 2D rigid cylinder mass body that is placed inside a rigid general asymmetric shaped v-groove rigid bracket with asymmetric wall. The parametric analytic solution has been derived using generalized equations of motion – body-force derivations and kinematics alongside angular momentum equation for five cases scenarios: pure slip state, slip state that turn into rotational state, pure rotational state during the cylinder motion and the minimum required torque to initiate rotational movement and initial slip movement conditions, respectively. The motivation is to understand carrying devices better designing through cylindrical loading-bracket relationships.
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Keywords: cylinder, 2D rigid body, asymmetric v-groove, two-dimensional, capturing velocity, minimum torque, bracket, wall friction
Pages: 123-130
DOI: 10.37394/232020.2024.4.12