WSEAS Transactions on Advances in Engineering Education
Print ISSN: 1790-1979, E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 21, 2024
Teaching Schoolchildren to Solve Problems on the Topic "Number Systems"
Abstract: The author has been teaching programming to Gomel schoolchildren for more than four decades. For the last twenty-five years, training has been focused primarily on preparing for programming competitions from school to international competitions (IOI). Since 1997, 15 students of the author have won a total of 26 medals at IOI 1997 - 2023. The article contains a description of the teaching methods and tools used by the author to teach the topic “Number Systems”. An essential technical basis for training is the instrumental distance learning system DL.GSU.BY, was created and developed under the leadership of the author from 1999 to the present time. In this article, the following questions are sequentially considered (with the solution of the corresponding original problems from the American and Russian Internet Olympiads): binary number system, binary counting, converting numbers from decimal to binary, and vice versa. Hexadecimal and octal number systems. Conversion of numbers from one number system to another.
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Keywords: computer science olympiads, instrumental system of distance learning, programming, DL.GSU.BY, secondary school, high school, number systems, problem solving
Pages: 174-182
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2024.21.20