International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
E-ISSN: 2769-2507
Volume 6, 2024
GPS L1 Band Civilian Simulator
Authors: ,
Abstract: This paper presents the design and development of the GPS L1 Band Civilian Simulator, developed at Space Applications Centre (ISRO) for the realization of GPS Receivers and for the proliferation of GPS based applications. This paper describes the need of a GPS Simulator along with its major capabilities and supported features. The simulator generates the actual RF signals in the L1 Band for any receiver location and time. This paper also presents the signal structure of GPS L1 Band Civilian Signal. The GNSS Navigation Simulators in general and GPS Simulator in particular with RF signal generation capability is a highly expensive product, which may not be economically viable for small industries and academic institutions. The development of this GPS Simulator is a classic exhibition of how simulation and modelling can help realize systems, which can solve real world problems and create scenarios, which ultimately leads to the success of critical missions in which a GPS receiver is used. Different models have been extensively used in the realization of this simulator, starting from the modelling of the satellite motion, satellite clock degradation, and effects of Ionosphere and troposphere on transmitted signals along with high dynamic receiver motion under different scenarios. The development of this GPS Simulator will help various Indian Academic Institutions and Industries to start their independent GPS Receiver development activity, aid in numerous GPS based application development, testing and also assist researchers to work in the Satellite based Navigation Technology.
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Pages: 258-270
DOI: 10.37394/232027.2024.6.31