WSEAS participates in GoogleScholar
WSEAS participates in GoogleScholar normally
WSEAS participates in GoogleScholar normally
WSEAS journals are indexed in Google Scholar and Semantic Scholar normally. Some times some authors experience serious delay in the indexing of their papers in Google Scholar.
If you are an author and you want your published paper to be immediately indexed in Google Scholar, please do one of the following actions:
WSEAS in GoogleScholar
WSEAS participates in GoogleScholar
Each published article in WSEAS is indexed in GoogleScholar
a) Upload your published paper in your Researchgate.net profile
b) Upload your published paper in your Academia.edu profile
c) Upload your published paper in your personal web page in your University or Institute
d) Upload your published paper in www.arxiv.org service of Cornell University
or contact us by email
What the Editors-in-Chief say about the review process in our Journals: Our Editors-in-Chief declare, confirm, certify and sign the substantial, important, line by line peer review process and our high-rejection rates.
Certifications for Peer Review:
One of the most important Innovations of WSEAS is the establishment of the Certifications
of the peer Review process. Our authors declare, confirm, certify and sign that they have received substantial, important, line by line peer review with several and substantial comments,
important remarks and hints. Authors must fill in and sign the following Certification - Evaluation for the Review Process:
We do not publish any paper without this Certification. After 2019, the Certifications are published together with the articles online.
What the Authors say about the review process in our Journals: The testimonials of our authors are an additional evidence of the excellent work work being done with our network of reviewers
Quality control: Before the commencement of the Peer Review, organized by Editor-in-Chief or some Associate Editor, WSEAS makes a pre-screening quality control / review checking the following ...
The Press wrote for us: Excellent articles are published in the most prestigious magazines for WSEAS from time to time. See here some of them ...