We  found two scholars in Asia that claimed that they organize WSEAS Conferences. Note that only conferences that have links in www.wseas.com are WSEAS Conferences. Before we explain you what they predatory conferences are, get a list of upcoming WSEAS conferences in 2023 right here: www.wseas.com 

See also: Has WSEAS been ever engaged in
Predatory Publishing Practices? https://www.wseas.org/multimedia/Predatory-Publishing-Practice.pdf

See also: 

Predatory Journals. Why the WSEAS Journals are not Predatory Journals! Why the WSEAS is not a predatory Publisher!


All You Need To Know About Predatory Conferences & Predatory Journals How To Avoid Them

With few exceptions, the behaviour of most organizations that are engaged in the organizing of international academic conferences (both physical and online educational conferences) and academic events, in general, will be consistent. Therefore, the descriptions below of the typical characteristics of both authentic, non-predatory conferences and predatory conferences are written primarily at the organizational level. The five areas on which the organizations behind conferences are judged include – 


Identifying Predatory Conferences

The questions listed below all have the potential to uncover some of the characteristics that distinguish predatory conferences from legitimate conferences. However, they vary widely in terms of usefulness in this effort and availability of answers. Some of them, nevertheless, are easier to answer and more helpful in distinguishing. This section rephrases the questions to provide a guide for researchers in deciding whether or not to submit to a conference. The list starts off with the most potentially impactful indicators; those at the end are less easily usable.

1. Does the conference cover a wide range of topics?

2. Are other conferences planned at the same place and on the same dates?

Broad inclusion is a feature of the vast majority of organizations, and it goes against a basic principle about the purposes of (legitimate) conferences. However, global conferences are often disguised as different events on different topics, scheduled simultaneously, and then bundled into one event. If the answer to the first question is “no”, the second question should be investigated by finding the parent organization’s website and researching other events. Very broad disciplinary coverage, overt or de facto, should be cause for concern for potential participants.

Questions three to six deal with characteristics that are strong indicators but are not always visible. Their absence does not constitute proof of a legitimate event.

3. Are accept/reject decisions promised promptly and/or within a specified time subsequent to submission?

4. Does the schedule seem substantial?

Legitimate and predatory conferences often provide a rough schedule showing session start and end times, which helps to get an idea of ??how much meaningful scientific interaction is planned. However, schedules can be supplemented or modified.

Questions 7-10 relate to the probable value of the conference experience and are, as a result, arguably the most legitimate factors on which to base a decision. Nevertheless, they are subjective and require a certain degree of experience, so less experienced researchers, in particular, may find it difficult to answer them.

5. Are the organizations and individuals associated with the conference known and respected?

If a conference doesn’t have a reputation for fostering interaction, or if the attendees aren’t known in their field, the return on investment for attendance is questionable. Predatory conferences more often than not have generic names that promote a sense of obscure familiarity. It is crucial to probe beyond them and examine what, if any, is known about this event or the people and organizations connected with it.


6. Have past conferences been of high quality?

Programs, abstract books, or past conference proceedings can provide a basis for judging the award for the next iteration. If past events contained few articles or little self-interest, there is no reason to look forward positively to the next event.

7. Are the fees reasonable in comparison to the anticipated value of the participation?

8. Is the conference presented as a junket?

Because of the fact that many legitimate conferences have high fees and most conferences promote some aspect of their location, these questions require subjective judgment as to whether the cost is excessively high relative to the anticipated value and whether the tourism opportunities seem to eclipse the substance.

Questions 11 to 16 relate to deception and are therefore exceptional indicators. However, it is not easy to reveal misleading or deceptive practices, and it is unrealistic to think that researchers contemplating possible conferences would want or be able to carry out an investigation. However, if a conference raises concerns about any of these issues, it should be taken with utmost seriousness.

9. Is there a proper peer review process in place?

10. Are all or almost all submissions accepted?

11. Keynoters, committee members, etc., are they really associated with the conference?

12. Are the claims of institutional approval real?

Almost all conferences claim that peer reviews take place and therefore imply that not all contributions are accepted, although this is not the truth. Most call for, at a minimum, partnerships or endorsements. Assertions of this kind cannot possibly be taken at face value. 

13. Are the coordinates given and are they real?

Unlike most questions in this section, this can be tested relatively easily. A legitimate business provides customers with contact information and a legal address. A company that fails to do so, or offers an unverifiable or questionable address, may be found to be lacking credibility.

14. Does it seem like there’s no connection between the words and the message intended?

Answering this question demands a dive into discourse analysis but can potentially reveal a misdirection strategy. For instance, a statement that articles published in proceedings will be published with a DOI by CrossRef is relatively meaningless, so it is worth asking why it is made. Legit and respectable search results usually have DOIs, and CrossRef is one of the agencies authorized to issue them. Of course, having a DOI does not confer or guarantee respectability, but the assertion may be intended to lead potential participants into this kind of misleading thinking. Predatory conference organizations seem to have moved out of the Wild West and into a phase of false respectability. A careful assessment of a conference’s claims can reveal the discrepancy between what is claimed and the misleading impression it is meant to create.s