ReLU function
[0.00000, 0.00234, 0.00229, 0.00255, 0.00177,
0.00230, 0.00118, 0.00086, 0.00085, 0.00133,
0.00109, 0.00000]
The minimum values from each output are in
bold, while the maximum values are underlined for
better visualisation. Since the outputs from
normalization techniques can be zero, the weights
must be manipulated to avoid the weights being
zero. In addition, the output values are small, and
the outputs or weights from each technique have to
be adjusted to give the best accuracy. The best SD
vector profiles for each technique with different
weight adjustments are presented as follows.
SD vector profile (Best results)
at 10-w as weight adjustment
Euclidean norm
[10.00000, 9.58244, 9.59147, 9.54519, 9.68422,
9.59043, 9.78946, 9.84606, 9.84866, 9.76339,
9.80630, 10.00000]
Mean normalization
[10.54096, 9.62286, 9.64272, 9.54096, 9.84664,
9.64042, 10.07803, 10.20249, 10.20821, 10.02071,
10.11506, 10.54096]
Min-max normalization
[10.00000, 9.08190, 9.10176, 9.00000, 9.30568,
9.09946, 9.53707, 9.66153, 9.66725, 9.47975,
9.57410, 10.00000]
Softmax function
[9.91678, 9.91659, 9.91659, 9.91657, 9.91663,
9.91659, 9.91668, 9.91671, 9.91671, 9.91667,
9.91669, 9.91678]
at 100-w as weight adjustment
Z-score normalization
[101.55996, 98.91243, 98.96971, 98.67626,
99.55776, 98.96309, 100.22502, 100.58391,
100.60041, 100.05971, 100.33179, 101.55996]
at 1-10w as weight adjustment
ReLU function
[1.00000, 0.97658, 0.97708, 0.97449, 0.98229,
0.97702, 0.98819, 0.99136, 0.99151, 0.98673,
0.98913, 1.00000]
The minimum values from each SD vector
profile are in bold, while the maximum values are
underlined. From all SD vector profiles, the
minimum value from the normalization techniques
gave maximum weight for all SD vector profiles.
The different values among weights should be low.
The Euclidean norm, Mean, and Min-max
normalizations gave high accuracy at 10-w as
weights. It means that the weight values should be
around 10. The Euclidean norm showed the least
standard variation at 0.158 compared to the Mean
and Min-max normalizations at 0.347. Therefore,
the standard deviation affects the performance of the
technique. From the results, standard deviations of
Mean and Min-max normalizations are the same,
and the accuracy is identical at 10-w weight
adjustment. The results also showed that the
SoftMax function is unsuitable for the keystroke
vector dissimilarity technique because the weights
are almost identical. It means that the importance of
each value is similar and cannot finally solve the
Euclidean distance problem. The z-score
normalization gave the highest standard deviation
(1.0) at 100-w as weights, but the accuracy was less
than that of the Mean and Min-max normalizations.
The ReLU function is not a good technique since
the values of the SD vector are all positive, and the
output from the ReLU function is the same as the
SD vector.
5 Conclusion
This study examines normalization techniques,
activation functions, and weight adjustments for the
keystroke vector dissimilarity technique proposed in
[1]. The study aims to enhance the accuracy of the
technique to improve the authentication process.
The normalization techniques and activation
functions include Euclidean norm, Mean
normalization, Min-max normalization, Z-score
normalization, SoftMax function, and ReLU
function. Weight adjustments were varied during the
experiments. The results indicate that Mean
normalization and Min-max normalization with 10-
w as a weight gave the same highest result,
achieving 96.97% accuracy and 3.03% error,
outperforming the previous work in [1], which
achieved 96.67% accuracy and 3.33% error.
The analysis steps can be applied to other
keystroke dynamic datasets for future research to
enhance accuracy. In addition, the verification
process for keystroke vector dissimilarity can be
modified to employ machine learning techniques
rather than the Six Sigma technique.
[1] N. Bussabong and T. Anusas-amornkul,
Enhanced Keystroke Dynamics
Authentication Using Keystroke Vector
Dissimilarity, in 2023 15th International
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2024.23.23
Tanapat Anusas-Amornkul, Naphat Bussabong