Fig. 14: Simulated uncertainties in source and load
response of the proposed system with DISMC:(a)
Capacitor Voltage, Vc2; (b) Inductor Current, IL1
8 Conclusion
This work presents the design aspects of the DISM
controller for a two-input dc-dc converter with CVL
and CPL. DISM controller eliminates limit cycle
behaviour caused by the constant power loads in dc
µgrid applications specifically in electric shipboard,
electric vehicles etc., The simulation results prove
that the use of a double integral sliding mode
controller offers robustness, fast response, reduced
steady-state error, and disturbance rejection, and
handles the negative increment impedance (NII)
effect sensibly well. It is an effective control
solution for applications where precise regulation of
output voltage is required despite source and load
uncertainties. Results gave a close treaty between
theoretical study and simulation. Future research
will examine the potentiality of DISM controllers
for fault tolerant converters introduced in dc
microgrid to achieve extreme reliable operation and
quick steady state response.
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DOI: 10.37394/23202.2024.23.22
Ch. Nayak Bhukya, B. Amarendra Reddy,
Allam Venkatesh, T. R. Jyothsna