Personal Protective Equipment Management and Maintenance.
An Innovative Project Conducted in a Major Italian Manufacturing
1Mechanical, Industrial and Transport Engineer Department (D.I.M.E.),
University of Genoa,
Via all'Opera Pia, 16145, Genova (GE),
2Smart Track S.r.l.,
Via Gian Pietro Sery 11/4, 16154 Genova,
*Corresponding Author
Abstract: - A major player in metal mechanic manufacture in Italy that has opted to implement Industry 4.0
standards. One of the key projects undertaken was the creation of a new vision for safety. The aim was met by a
team created expressly for the company. The Team placed a high value on PPE (Personal Protective
Equipment), which is equipment meant to increase the safety of the Operators while doing their responsibilities.
The problem that the Team has clearly warned about, given the frequency of occurrences, is the periodic
maintenance of PPE, which is required by law for each device and must be carried out according to strict
guidelines to maintain their efficiency and safety certification. As a result, the Team investigated a novel
methodology, the topic of this article, based on hardware and software technologies designed to monitor the
legal revisions and crucial dates of each piece of PPE in use.
Key-Words: - PPE maintenance, PPE management, PPE 4.0, IIOT, Industry 4.0, Smart Safety.
Received: October 26, 2022. Revised: July 11, 2023. Accepted: August 25, 2023. Published: September 28, 2023.
1 Introduction
This paper is the extension of previous research
conducted by the Authors on the worldwide
Operator safety problem, [1]. As evidence of this
issue, data from the International Labor
Organization show that every 15 seconds, an
operator dies and 153 are injured worldwide, with
an annual projection of 1.2 million deaths and 320
million accidents recorded, resulting in a total
economic loss of approximately 225 billion USD.
The immensity of this data, both humanly and
economically, encouraged the team to make
attempts to make a constructive contribution.
Investigating the problem, the Authors
highlighted how a critical point in the Company was
the PPEs, meaning those devices that have the task,
activity by activity, of exercising adequate
protection of the wearing Operator, from injuries
that can be generated by that specific activity. PPE
has: 1. Specific functions 2. The need for periodic
maintenance 3. An end of life after which they lose
their protective capacity. In the Company studied, as
in many others highlighted by research carried out
on the subject by the Team, the necessary attention
was lacking towards this Equipment, both in terms
of their management and terms of periodic
maintenance and even more so at the end of their
life. Such situations provoke the complete loss of
PPE defensive power, leaving the wearing Operator
convinced about his protection while, in reality, he
is completely helpless. Starting from these
considerations, the Team realized the need for the
Company to create a specific PPE management and
surveillance Body, which was entrusted with the
task of following the Equipment process from the
moment of assignment to the Operator to the date of
redelivery, related to the activity requested for each
PPE, thus avoiding that PPEs used improperly,
incorrectly maintained or even expired (as described
in the rest of the paper) would circulate the plant or
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.71
Roberto Mosca, Marco Mosca,
Roberto Revetria, Saverio Pagano, Federico Briatore
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
construction site. This request was promptly
accepted by the Company which assigned the
management of the PPEs to a specific Body, which
implemented the PPEs management control system
proposed by the Authors. As a result, this project
became the beginning point for developing and
implementing viable solutions. The purpose of this
article is to discuss the proper maintenance of PPEs
(Personal Protective Equipment), which are critical
if correctly revised and maintained on time
(indicated by the manufacturer and made mandatory
by law). In this context, the Company and UNIGE
(DIME) agreed to take a technology partner with
specialized expertise and to form a multidisciplinary
project team to handle the challenge and construct a
new 4.0 system.
A classification of the protection devices used in
the company was, in this first phase, made by the
Team according to their use, dividing the PPE into 3
categories, with different priorities, according to the
scale below (1 means high priority):
1. “Life Savers”: PPE with direct impact on life
(reels, belts, electrically ventilated helmets,
harnesses, lanyards);
2. “Health Protectors”: PPE with impact on health
(masks, helmets, glasses, safety shoes, headsets);
3. “Critical Equipment”: NON-PPE, with impact on
safety (steel ropes, eye bolts, stretchers, shackles,
lifting slings).
2 Literature Review
A thorough literature study was carried out, with a
focus on Scopus, WOS, and Google Scholar. Over
32,800 publications were discovered when studying
PPE, initially filtering by "PPE maintenance" and
"smart PPE." The bulk of the papers were from
Scholar, however, the majority of them were out of
scope. In reality, the authors quickly discovered that
"smart PPE" was a deceptive phrase, alluding to
unique uses that were unrelated to the current study.
As a result, a first choice was made by confining to
"PPE maintenance," lowering the number of papers
evaluated to 17.391. The term "PPE maintenance"
was subsequently discovered to be utilized for a
wide range of applications; therefore, the topic was
narrowed to Industry, with a further limit of 299
publications. The articles received were more
relevant, but still too general. Another filter was
then applied to focus the research on the study's
goals, by introducing new keywords such as "risk
assessment, PPE 4.0, health monitoring, IOT,
wearable devices, electronic devices," shortening
the list to 86 papers that were thoroughly analyzed,
further narrowing the selection to 25 papers that
were completely consistent with the goals of this
work. This finding made the authors realize that
there isn't much in the literature regarding industrial
automated monitoring of PPE to enhance
maintenance and management. The PPE literature
categorizes the devices according to their
application (for example, usage, sector, materials,
and how to wear them, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7],
[8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16] [17]),
but only a portion of the same, including that part of
literature published by the bodies responsible for the
operators' safety, emphasizes the critical importance
of PPE management that ensures: a) efficiency over
time, through compliance with the necessary
maintenance; b) decommissioning on the expiry
dates indicated by the manufacturers. Ineffective
PPEs make protection decay and hence become
harmful for people who feel safe by wearing them,
posing dangers to the operators' safety. In this
context, the INAIL (National Institute for Accident
Insurance) in Italy released a document, [14], in
2019, which stated that for every piece of equipment
(including PPEs), the preservation of performance
and safety characteristics is ensured over time
through maintenance. Article 78 of the Italian
legislative order 81/2008 requires workers who use
any PPE to maintain it in full efficiency. The ISO
14119 standard specifies the potential combination
of PPE and RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification)
and imposes some maintenance constraints, [18],
[19]. The benefits of combining PPE with RFID are
also discussed in this last piece, which is covered
again in the article, [12]. Some publications, [13],
[20], underline the need to maintain the PPEs that
protect the operators' respiratory tracts. This is
because, in the case that the protective equipment
fails, they are compelled to tamper with it, risking
their safety. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a
popular technology for this purpose. The selection
reported in the bibliography, mentioned at the
beginning of this chapter, cites the extensive
literature consulted by the authors on the subject,
highlighting what is of particular interest for this
paper, in relation to the importance of correct PPE
supervision of dates established for maintenance and
legal revisions, and the definitive expiry dates of the
same, which concludes their life cycle, [11], [15],
[18], [21], [22], [23]. Other Authors discuss about
the importance of introducing the so called “Smart
PPEs” to improve safety, like enabling IOT
monitoring capability and Artificial Intelligence,
[24], or being able to monitor the conditions to
prevent heat stress, [25]. The literature review
enabled the authors, who were already convinced by
the company's investigation of the need to develop a
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.71
Roberto Mosca, Marco Mosca,
Roberto Revetria, Saverio Pagano, Federico Briatore
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
methodology to monitor scheduled interventions to
keep PPEs in good working order, to focus on: a)
developing an appropriate management model for
such equipment; and b) conducting an accurate
benchmark among the available technologies to
identify the most appropriate one.
As a consequence of the literature review
conducted it is important to note that the
Researchers, so far, although identified PPEs as a
critical factor for Safety, they concentrated on
different aspects from those proposed by the
Authors. In fact, as a comparison between the state
of the art and the current paper, the Authors would
like to highlight the innovative aspects brought by
the methodology proposed, in terms of an integrated
System (hardware and software) to support correct
management and maintenance of such Equipment.
2 Case Study
A Case Study was conducted on Ansaldo Energia, a
Major Player in Italy in the production of
components for Energy (turbines), in collaboration
with the Italian Ministry of Economic Development
and Genoa University. In particular, the Ministry
co-financed the LHP project (Light House Plant) for
the adoption of Industry 4.0 standards. One of the
objectives of LHP was Smart Safety which included
PPE management.
2.1 Team Building
Smart Track S.r.l. was chosen as the most suited
technological partner after rigorous consideration
due to its extensive knowledge of 4.0 tracking
technology. The expanded team was then defined:
The Company (EHS: Coordinator and Project
Leader ICT: Head of Department and System
Engineer DATT: PPE Responsible);
Genoa University - DIME (Prof. Eng. Roberto
Revetria, PhD: Scientific Coordinator, Prof.
Eng. Marco Mosca, PhD: Technological e
Scientific Advisor);
Smart Track S.r.l. (Technological Partner: Eng.
Saverio Pagano, AD, Eng. Simone Peirani,
Coordinator, Eng. Alessandro Cortese, PM);
Futuro S.r.l. (PPE Supplier, Ds. Margherita
Pitto, Owner, Mr. Paolo Priano, Interfaccia
2.2 Current Scenario
Currently, an internal function administers the PPEs
manually, using paper registers to record personal
data, deliveries, and withdrawals of new, stored, or
assigned devices. Despite its efficiency, it is simple
to see the objective difficulties inherent in this sort
of operation, which is reliant on "many to many"
interactions (such as producers, PPE, operators,
usage locations, etc.).
2.3 Future Scenario (New Methodology)
The activity entails installing suitable sensors on a
variety of PPEs linked to auditory and visual
detection systems to monitor the scheduled dates for
both periodic upgrades and expiry dates. The
installation of these sensors will avoid any delays in
control duties, ensuring that PPEs are maintained,
revised, or replaced on time. It will also assist in
making operators aware of the need for proper
management and maintenance of protective devices
for safety. At this stage, the team presented the
created technique to the PPE manager. Once the
objectives of this project were decided upon, the
reference technology was chosen in collaboration
with the technological partner (Smart Track). All of
the PPEs used in the company were thoroughly
evaluated, and the best ones for launching a pilot
project were chosen. As a result, the team initiated a
particular study project; during the first phase of the
investigation, certain important factors surfaced,
such as the fact that PPEs are subject to law
modifications and have a fixed life cycle rather than
an endless existence. It also became evident that
monitoring and maintaining PPEs involves labor,
making it difficult and time-consuming. Another
consideration is that assigning PPEs to operators
traveling to construction sites necessitates an
accurate estimation of the trip duration and the
proactive calculation of modifications/expiration
dates. The absence of this practice would expose the
firm and its operators to safety risks.
2.4 Benchmarking of Technologies
The next phase in the project was to emphasize the
benefits and limitations of each specified technology
(such as bar code, RFID, and NFC-Near Field
Communication) in relation to the specific usage.
The bar code was a standardized and low-cost
technique. On the other hand, they are not suited for
application on many types of surfaces, such as
lanyards or any PPEs exposed to water; also, an
unpleasant reading of the same if put internally, as
well as the ease with which coded labels deteriorate.
As a result, RFID was explored, with various
advantages including system resilience, the
increased quantity of information that can be stored
on 96-bit tags, and the ability to make repeated
scans modern. Furthermore, RFID tags are more
suitable for the geometry of the chosen PPEs than
bar codes. Another advantage is that RFID tags,
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.71
Roberto Mosca, Marco Mosca,
Roberto Revetria, Saverio Pagano, Federico Briatore
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
when purchased in bulk, are quite inexpensive (in
the order of Euro cents). The weakness of this
solution for this specific application is that the gates
to be monitored are numerous; in fact, the operators
can enter and exit the workplace from various
directions (different warehouse doors) and can insist
on multiple work islands both in the factory and on
construction sites. This configuration would indicate
a redundant expense for antennas (ranging in price
from 600 to 1000 each). The most recent
technology explored was NFC, which has several
advantageous characteristics such as the ease of
installation, since this sort of tag may be integrated
into the head of an electrical cable tie (Figure 1).
Another advantage is the ease of reading and the
fact that, unlike RFID antennas, NFC does not need
expensive reading apparatus.
Fig. 1: Selected Technology (NFC TAGS on cable
An App for NFC devices already allows for
services such as tag reading and database access.
The disadvantages of this technique over RFID
include the necessity to scan every single piece of
PPE and the cost of €1,00 per tag. After this
benchmark examination, the team chose NFC as the
technology with the greatest price-performance ratio
while still ensuring effective and efficient
performance for this sort of application.
2.5 Feasibility and Sustainability Study
In this phase of the project, the team was required to
examine what had emerged from the previous phase
in collaboration with ICT (Information &
Communication Technology). It is the internal
function managing both the contracts with technical
suppliers and the systems installed in the factory).
Two more reviews were performed, one with the
DATT (internal function controlling and allocating
PPEs to operators) and one with the external partner
supplying PPEs (Futuro S.r.l.), to present the PPE
selection for the pilot project. The Team, as
previously foreseen, selected the following as
priority (Figure 2, Figure 3): a) harnesses; b)
lanyards; c) electrically ventilated helmets; d)
dielectric gloves; e) reels; and f) belts. The provider
re-evaluated this selection to ensure its
acceptability. The provider also contacted each PPE
manufacturer to obtain written assurance that the
application of the tags was not tampering. In this
regard, the producers contact the various
certification agencies in turn to ensure that the
application does not cause the certifications to lapse.
Fig. 2: PPE was previously defined as “life savers
The investigation revealed that all of the choices
selected were compatible with the integration of the
NFC tags, except the dielectric gloves (Figure 3),
which, if perforated to pass the cable tie containing
the TAG, would lose their capacity to isolate. The
team then expelled such PPE from the selection and
continued with a re-evaluation of the remaining
candidates in the field.
Fig. 3: Discarded and retrieved PPEs.
This type of application, therefore, required a
second phase of analysis which led to the search for
non-invasive systems for applying the tag to the
dielectric gloves (not requiring to hole the surface of
the glove or not to affect, in any way, its integrity).
The Authors then came to the identification of NFC
adhesive tags (on stickers), purchased in coils and
Electrically Ventilated Helmets
Dielectric Gloves NFC Tags on stickers
NFC TAGS on cable tie
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.71
Roberto Mosca, Marco Mosca,
Roberto Revetria, Saverio Pagano, Federico Briatore
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
simple to apply. Also, for this phase, the scrutiny of
the Manufacturer and the Certifying Bodies was
required. A meeting with DATT and Futuro to
evaluate the application of the tags to each
authorized PPE from an operational standpoint. The
authors then proceeded to determine the appropriate
use for each PPE, which meant that it should not
interfere with the operators' task and comfort, cause
aggravation, or be subjected to shocks or slides. The
next stages were: a) designing the operating method;
and b) designing the smartphone application.
2.6 Framework of the Project Steps
Fig. 4: Process of implementation.
Source: Image previously published by Springer, [1].
The structure seen in Figure 4 is applicable
under the following conditions: a) full management
sponsorship, providing the necessary resources
(people and budget) to the project; b) creation of an
internal function dedicated to the management of
PPEs; c) census of PPEs available in the facility
(type, supplier, brand, batch number, serial number,
expiry date, ...); d) selection of the PPEs to be
monitored; e) creation of a register for delivery and
return of PPEs assigned to operators; f) system
adoption (server, software, tags, NFC smartphone);
g) tag integration on PPEs; h) training for concerned
2.7 Design of the Operational Process
The authors then prepared clear images for each tag
affixed, demonstrating the integration with PPEs, to
obtain manufacturer clearance. A new feature,
fundamental to proper PPE management, was the
development of a reporting process to follow the
equipment during the assignment. This method is
separated into four parts, which are appropriately
documented in specialized books: a) a written
request for PPE by the operator; b) approval by the
relevant office; c) delivery to the operator; and d)
return of the PPE to the office. The same method is
used while replacing PPE.
2.8 IIOT (Industrial IoT)
The proposed system complies with Industry 4.0
standards, adopting IIOT (Industrial-IOT) principles
such as the ability to generate a network of physical
objects (not necessarily native for Internet
connection, but appropriately the selected PPEs) by
embedding them with electronics and software,
enabling Cloud connection and data exchange. As a
result, the System allows monitoring and control of
functions via a wide range of heterogeneous
peripherals such as PCs (fixed and mobile), tablets,
and smartphones. This is accomplished through the
developed application or by direct access through
the website (only for authorized devices, in
accordance with cyber security). The IIOT's
influence on industry provides several advantages.
Starting with safety in this example, but with the
potential for a wide range of applications (like
proactive maintenance, predictive maintenance,
energy saving, monitoring-control-automation of the
infrastructure in real-time, integration of
heterogeneous devices and different manufacturers,
environmental monitoring, ...). The ability to
centralize data obtained at the peripheral level also
allows for the creation of a high analytical capacity,
resulting in considerable improvements in process
knowledge. Given the huge number of deadly
incidents that occur every day in industrial plants all
over the world, this technology provides a
substantial asset against both dangers to Operator
safety and economic harm to enterprises.
2.9 Application for Smartphones
Fig. 5: System architecture.
Source: Image previously published by Springer, [1].
Figure 5 depicts the system's architecture,
including the smartphone application, which was
designed to exploit most of the available
technologies, in a market that is increasingly
adopting Industry 4.0. Indeed, many recent
smartphones feature NFC technology, which
permits information to be acquired by the right tags
via the direct scanning technique mentioned above.
The smartphone application connects with a cloud
located on a business server (located in the company
and redounded with a Remote Terminal Unit located
in a separate business unit), which stores the data in
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.71
Roberto Mosca, Marco Mosca,
Roberto Revetria, Saverio Pagano, Federico Briatore
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
a relational database (programmed on the Oracle
platform and queried by SQL) on distinct channels
(separate registries for PPEs, Operators, Functions,
Destination, …, linked together by a unique key,
which is the ID number of each PPE). The analytics
software converts such data into meaningful
information in the form of tables and graphs to
integrate the data and make it understandable to the
User. A “drill down” logic is applied the initial
screen shows aggregated data that may be
progressively exploded by the User in different
directions: 1. per Function (which Operators are
assigned with what PPEs), per Operator (which
PPEs are assigned to the Operator pointed), 3. Per
PPEs (which Operators it was assigned to and from
what Operator it has been booked), 4. per review
(storyboard of maintenance operations and
certifications, next deadlines for maintenance or re-
certification, and expiry date for replacement).
Down to details, the main table is the PPEs register
(displaying information relating to the manufacturer,
the supplier, the date of purchase, the price, the lead
time, the status, the duration of the batteries, the life
cycle, the revisions required by law, the dates for
replacement of consumables, and the deadlines). A
second table records Operator assignments
(registering name, surname, cost center, and serial
number, as well as specific usage information such
as collection date, possible replacement, delivery,
status at the time of collection VS. status upon
delivery, any use in an emergency that might have
compromised integrity and would necessitate
repair/replacement). During each scan, the program
collects and centralizes peripheral data from the
PPE scanned and compares it to information from
the database. As a next step, it sends a simple and
direct message to the Operator (traffic light logic),
with green indicating total usability, yellow
indicating partial usability (need for revision /
imminent expiry / need to replace consumables /
low battery level /..) and red indicating non-usability
(revisions or deadlines not met / damage not
repaired /..). Clear system notifications, linked to the
light code, inform the Operator of any issues. The
Manager can also contribute information to the
database or use it just for reading purposes. The
database is updated automatically upon each event.
2.10 Pilot Project
The pilot project was divided into stages. Initially,
the project was set up by identifying appropriate
PPEs, personnel to be involved, and those
responsible for PPE supply. The whole crew that
was chosen was trained. The information processes
and procedures were specified, as well as the
specifications of the chosen PPE and safety
standards. The project's calendar was planned. The
implementation phase then began with the
attachment of NFC tags to the PPEs; at this point, a
beta application on the server (to be extended, once
tested, to the Cloud) was enabled, and the project
was launched. Numerous measurements of
operation times and mistakes were taken on the
installed system to evaluate efficiency by comparing
them to earlier measurements. Throughout the trial
experiment, operators were assisted. The pilot
project provided an opportunity to gather
experience. A new phase of continuous
improvement including hardware, software,
processes, and procedures was initiated.
3 Results and Benefits
To understand the importance of the new
methodology, it is sufficient to point out the
enthusiastic welcome given to it by: 1. Operators
who, because of this system, now wear complete
protection equipment despite devices becoming
ineffective or expiring due to lack of maintenance
which, in case of need, would have compromised,
often irreversibly, their state of health (lacking their
ability to protect). As an example, helmets
commonly used in factories, over time, become
fragile and lose their protective prerogative, leaving
the head exposed to the consequent impact; or the
dielectric gloves, no longer protective, with
imaginable consequences for the operator who gets
accidentally in contact with an electrically active
conductor 2. Workers Council and safety Managers
who see the Operators’ PPEs finally maintained in
efficiency which, otherwise, would turn too easily
into a trap for the Wearer (in the belief of being
protected) 3. Company Management at all levels, in
the event of serious accidents caused by PPE
deficiencies, was held liable by the Judiciary for all
the criminal consequences of the case. To conclude
this excursus on the importance of the new PPE
management system and methodology, the Authors,
given that it will be marketed by a specialized
company in the sector, are confident in its rapid
diffusion to decrease the appalling number of fatal
accidents certified by the International Labor
Organization (as reported in the Introduction) which
occur daily in Company departments and
construction sites. This monitoring procedure
provides significant benefits to the company,
including: a) increased operator safety; b) time
savings compared to the standard monitoring
approach; c) the absence of maintenance errors,
which is required to maintain efficiency; d) a longer
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.71
Roberto Mosca, Marco Mosca,
Roberto Revetria, Saverio Pagano, Federico Briatore
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
duration of PPEs (e.g. the damage caused by the
spillage of the acid of the batteries, compromising
the efficiency of the device); and e) the timely
replacement of consumable materials (as in the case
of headphone pavilions), preventing operators who
are irritated by malfunctioning from reducing their
usage (proper consumable management also allows
for greater hygiene for workers, as in the case of
mask filters); f) the reporting procedures introduced
allow for greater transparency in maintenance
procedures; g) the provided register records the
assignments, reducing the number of losses; h) the
list of PPEs available is constantly updated,
providing the manager with a real-time image of the
equipment to take the most appropriate measures
(such as urging operators to return PPEs that are no
longer needed; or to provide for the replacement of
PPEs or spare parts); i) increased competitiveness in
tenders for the firm as a result of the advantage it
has over competitors in terms of workplace safety.
4 Project Extensions
As already indicated in Paragraph 1, following a
successful implementation conducted on PPE life-
savers, the project was extended to second and
third-priority categories (Figure 6, Figure 7).
Fig. 6: PPE was previously defined as “health
protectors PPEs”.
Fig. 7: PPE was previously defined as “Critical
equipment for safety (non-PPE)”.
This last category (Figure 7) relates to the handling
and suspension of loads which, since not referring to
wearing by the Operators, cannot be considered as
PPE. However, the applicability of the introduced
system (architecture, technology, and methodology)
was also found to these devices, since, in turn, they
are subject to maintenance, revisions, and deadlines,
neglect of which generates phases of risk for the
5 New Versions for Upgrade
Faithful to the fundamental dictation of Industry 4.0
on Continuous Improvement, the Authors continued
to study the problem of managing PPE. In this way,
after the creation and implementation of the first
series of devices of the type described in the
previous pages, the Authors first conceptualized and
then developed two further versions enriched with
specific functions. In summary, while the PPE_STD
version, described so far in this article, provides
only the possibility of checking the status of the
PPE (maintenance, revisions, deadlines, ...), the
PPE_WEAR version has been equipped with a
WeTag device for each Operator to be able to check
that the PPE were worn by them, rather than
abandoned elsewhere. Finally, the PPE_WMD
version (Wear + Man Down), in addition to having
all the functions of the PPE_STD and PPE_WEAR
versions, has been integrated with a specific PPE
(Man-Down) previously designed and implemented
by the Authors, [16], [17], for the protection of an
Operator on the ground through geo-location of the
same in confined areas. It is reported in the
following a brief description of the relevant
technical features.
It consists of the upgrade of the system by a small
wearable "WeTag" device (Figure 8), which can be
applied with velcro to the jacket or with a clip to the
Operator's belt. This device has the purpose of
monitoring the proximity of the PPE associated with
it, therefore most likely worn by the Operator. The
technology selected by the Team, as necessary for
the communication of the WeTag with the
associated PPEs, is Bluetooth 5.0 which, for the
specific application, stands beside the NFC
technology previously introduced by the Authors,
[1]. For the correct functioning of this upgrade, it is
required, in addition to the Hardware so far
described, an adaptation of the installed Software
and a specific Firmware on the WeTag controller.
Safety shoes
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.71
Roberto Mosca, Marco Mosca,
Roberto Revetria, Saverio Pagano, Federico Briatore
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
Fig. 8: WeTag wearable device by Smart Track.
It consists of the integration, inside the WeTag_MD
device (Figure 9, left), of the two technologies
PPE_WEAR and Man Down previously introduced
by the Authors, [16], [17], which involves the use of
inclination sensors, accelerometers, temperature and
barometric pressure meters and of GPS for the
identification and immediate assistance of the man
on the ground in confined areas. For the correct
functioning of this upgrade, it is therefore necessary,
in addition to the Hardware described here and the
usual Software adaptation, again include the specific
Firmware on the WeTag controller. Then, it is
required the installation in the spaces considered
critical, of anchors (Figure 9, right) designed for the
transmission of the reference signals to the WeTags.
Fig. 9: WeTag_MD wearable device + anchor, [16],
The aim of the Authors for this new research is
to make the Hardware and Software system,
previously conceived and implemented by the same,
[1], even more complete, to allow a progressively
more effective action on Operators being, at the
same time, easier for the control of Safety
Supervisors. The direct consequence is guaranteeing
a superior level of protection for the Operators
wearing PPEs managed by these systems.
6 Cost structure Analysis
Being an objective of this research the maximum
diffusion in the world of work of a procedure
considered essential to ensure the correct
management of PPE, and therefore the safety of the
Operators who wear them, authors in collaboration
with the Smart Track Technicians have developed
an accurate analysis of the investment of the three
versions. The whole system was designed to obtain
the lowest possible cost of each version to facilitate
its maximum spread. Table 1 shows in detail the
cost structure of the hosting system (Hardware,
Software, Commissioning, Testing, Training, and
Reading Device).
Table 1. System Cost.
The implementation of the PPE_STD version
requires the purchase of cable tie Tags, available in
lots of 1,000 units each (Table 2).
Table 2 PPE_STD (system completion cost).
A possible extension to the PPE_WEAR version
requires, for 200 Operators, the adoption of a
package containing 200 WeTags PPE_WEAR and
1.000 Bluetooth Tags (Table 3).
Table 3 Upgrade cost to PPE_WEAR.
Finally, it is possible to upgrade the
PPE_WEAR system to the PPE_WMD system by
means of a further platform upgrade and electronic
integration of the WeTag device (Table 4).
Table 4 Upgrade cost to PPE_WMD.
7 Scientific Contribution
With this manuscript, the Authors feel to have
contributed to the Body of Knowledge because,
starting from the analysis of the current methods to
manage and maintain the PPEs in Companies, they
developed and released a new methodology
comprehensive of Processes (and procedures) and
Technologies (hardware integration, smartphone
application, database management, and analysis).
The system proposed brings innovation and
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.71
Roberto Mosca, Marco Mosca,
Roberto Revetria, Saverio Pagano, Federico Briatore
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
increases the level of safety for the adopting
Companies. The original project, as described in the
original paper, [1], was performed by a Team of a
Major Player in Italy in the Manufacturing and
DIME Department from the University of Genoa,
and co-financed by the Italian Ministry for
Economic Development as an objective, called
Smart Safety 4.0, of the Lighthouse Plant project.
The system proposed allows Operators to trust the
PPEs that they wear, instead of feeling protected
while they are not, due to the inefficiency of these
Equipment due to wrong management, lack of
maintenance, or expiry date.
8 Conclusion
PPE from life-saving equipment can even cause
danger stages if it becomes outdated or is not
properly maintained. This study addressed the topic
of 4.0 management of PPE to maintain them
efficiently throughout their life cycle and to detach
them when they expire. The intervention is
separated into two phases: a) the creation of tracking
tools for delivery/usage/return that are consistent
with requirements; b) the conception and
development of a device for on-the-job management
of crucial revision and expiry dates by security
personnel; c) the extension with new features for
maximizing the benefits produced by the installed
system (Yield Management principle). This device
does not interfere with the operator’s activity and
may be utilized both inside and outside of the firm.
The authors anticipate that other companies will
swiftly follow this example in adopting an
innovative technique to continually control the
efficiency of PPEs to protect operators' safety. The
Technological Partner (Smart Track) is actively
proposing the system to a growing number of Italian
SMEs and Large Companies operating in
Manufacturing, moreover, the system is now under
evaluation by an Italian Certification Body with the
scope to make the achieved contribution objective.
The Team's design architecture has demonstrated,
after extensive testing, to react to the demands for
which it was developed; for this reason, the authors
say that it represents a true benefit for Safety 4.0,
where PPEs are used. The team put special attention
to standardizing and generalizing the new technique
to create a system that can be utilized in any
operating situation. Given the small size of the tags
adopted as well as of the WeTag device and the ease
of integration with most PPEs on the market, the
suggested system may be standardized for
expansion to other industries like as construction,
quarrying, plumbing, and heating. This is also made
possible by the low cost of the proposed solutions,
in fact the unit cost starts from a minimum of 8,85€
per Operator, system costs included, calculated on a
batch of 1.000 Tags, which progressively decreases
as the number of Tags increases (e.g. 3,61€ on a lot
of 3.000 tags).
The Authors believe to have contributed to raising
awareness about the importance for safety of the
proper management and maintenance of PPE and
hope to have stimulated the interest of Researchers
to further extend this branch of study.
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
All authors contributed to the study's conception and
design. Conceptualization, material and image
preparation, data collection, and analysis were
performed by Roberto Mosca and Marco Mosca.
The first draft of the manuscript was written by
Roberto Mosca and Marco Mosca and all Authors
commented on previous versions of the manuscript.
Engineering solutions were designed by Saverio
Pagano. Accurate review and consulting were
provided by Roberto Revetria. The literature review
was conducted by Federico Briatore as well as final
editing. All Authors read and approved the final
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
The Italian Ministry of Economic Development co-
financed the LHP project (described in Section 2).
This research is a consequence of the Project.
Conflict of Interest
The Authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.71
Roberto Mosca, Marco Mosca,
Roberto Revetria, Saverio Pagano, Federico Briatore
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023