phenomenon called road traffic accidents requires
the collection of a large number of reliable data, as
well as advanced analysis methods. This paper
collected data related to road traffic accidents that
took place on the provincial and national road
network of Northern Greece from 2014 to 2018.
This data, after being organized, cleaned, and
anonymized, formed a database of factors that can
lead to road traffic accidents and involve the
characteristics of the driver, the vehicle, and the
road environment. To solve the binary class
problem, the study ended up proposing a four-step
i. encoding of each variable,
ii. training an autoencoder,
iii. extracting hidden space vectors, and
iv. training and using a classifier.
The process of identifying the black spots of a
road network is a difficult, complex, and demanding
task, in terms of improving methodologies and
continuous research. Nonetheless, the study
overcomes difficulties related to the identification of
black spots, such as the impossibility of evaluating
the individual factors that contribute to causing road
traffic accidents and the limited and at the same
time poor quality data on road traffic accidents.
In conclusion, the study offers a database
accessible to the public for further research, as well
as a reliable method for the identification of black
spots, but with room for improvement through the
application of data enrichment techniques with
virtual samples.
We would like to thank the Hellenic Statistical
Authority for providing the anonymized data related
to road accidents that took place from 2014 to 2018
on the road network of Northern Greece.
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DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.56
Ioannis Karamanlis, Alexandros Kokkalis,
Vassilios Profillidis, George Botzoris,
Athanasios Galanis