and chromatic number. It can be seen that, even for
such large instances, GAMS can get an accurate
solution in a time of a few seconds at most on a
laptop with Intel(R) Core (TM) 389 i5-10210U CPU
@ 1.60 GHz 2.11 GHz processor, 8 GB operational
memory and 64-bit 390 operating system.
Only for an extremely large instance of
fpsol2.i.3.col, GAMS stopped the calculation at
1000.22 sec by exceeding the time limit without
finding a solution. As for the time complexity of the
computation, it cannot be formally expressed
exactly in Big O notation because the
implementation of the GAMS computational kernel
is not freely available.
7 Conclusion
This paper studies the graph colouring problem by
an integer programming approach, which, after
some modifications, can be transferred to the
GAMS environment.
It has also shown that the optimal solution can
be determined in the available time of a few minutes
for instances with more than a hundred vertices and
hundreds of edges. Previously, these boundaries
were inaccessible with integer programming solvers,
but with the new version of GAMS, they have been
significantly extended. This of course means that,
first, an appropriate model must be used and then
search individually for the appropriate bounds.
In future research, we expect to focus on
another NP-hard problem, namely, finding the
maximum clique in a graph.
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DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.53