data, the user can pass it to the construction by
transferring it to the DTT Construction –
Change phase. In this phase, most of the data in
the DTT cannot be modified. If neither the DTT
attached to the required train is in the DTT
Creation or DTT Change phase, the required
train is transferred to the Ready for Construction
or Ready for Construction – Change phase and
then to the Construction and Constructed phase
as described in Steps 9 and 10.
20. Once the actual train reaches the Constructed
phase, KANGO-Tras automatically imports the
data that can be edited in KANGO-GVD from
the actual train to the corresponding required
train and attached DTTs. It transfers the
required train to the Constructed phase and the
DTTs from the DTT Construction – Change
phase to the Final DTT – Constructed phase.
Most of the data in the DTT cannot be modified
in this phase. If the KANGO-GVD user later
transfers the actual train back to the
Construction phase, KANGO-Tras
automatically transfers the required train back to
the Construction phase and the DTT back to the
DTT Construction – Change phase.
21. The KANGO-Tras user can transfer the DTT
from the DTT Construction – Change or Final
DTT – Constructed phase back to the DTT
Change phase to modify it. The related required
train is transferred from the Construction or
Constructed phase to the Requirement Change
phase or remains in the Requirement Change
phase. Step 19 follows to transfer the DTT back
to construction.
22. The infrastructure manager provides the railway
undertaking with the Final DTT by transferring
the DTT from the Final DTT – Constructed
phase to the Final DTT – Published phase. The
transfer of the DTT to this phase can only be
done by a KANGO-Tras user with the
Important Phases right. The railway
undertaking is sent a Path Details message
(Final Offer information type). In this phase,
most of the data in the DTT cannot be edited
and awaits the railway undertaking's response.
The KANGO-GVD user can also transfer the
related train to the Construction phase in this
phase, but the DTT phase is not changed. When
the related train is transferred back to the
Constructed phase, the DTT is updated without
changing the phase and the Path Details
message (Final Offer information type) is sent
again to the railway undertaking. The possibility
to provide a new final DTT without the railway
undertaking's response is not in accordance with
the TSI but was requested by the users.
23. The railway undertaking may send one of the
following messages in response to the final
Path Confirmed (Final Offer – Accepted
information type) – the railway undertaking
accepts the final DTT, the message does not
include a text of comments.
Path Details Refused (information type not
specified in the message) – the railway
undertaking does not accept the final DTT,
the message contains the text of the
24. If the Path Confirmed message is processed,
KANGO-Tras sets the information in the DTT
about the approval of the final DTT and
transfers the DTT to the DTT Pre-booked phase.
25. If the Path Details Refused message is
processed, KANGO-Tras sets the information
about the rejection of the final DTT in the DTT
with the comment text and performs the DTT
deletion operation (see below).
26. In exceptional cases, the KANGO-Tras user can
transfer the DTT from the Final DTT –
Published phase to the next phase (DTT Pre-
booked) by him/herself without any response
from the railway undertaking. This operation
can only be performed by a user with the
Important Phases right. If later a Path
Confirmed or Path Details Refused message is
received, the DTT sets the final DTT acceptance
or rejection information with any comment text,
but the DTT phase is not changed.
27. Once the DTT reaches the DTT Pre-booked
phase, the railway undertaking is sent a Path
Details message (Final Offer – Accepted
information type). In this phase, most of the
data in the DTT cannot be modified. The
KANGO-GVD user can also transfer the related
Path to the Construction phase in this phase, but
the DTT phase does not change. Once the
related train is back in the Constructed phase,
the DTT is updated without changing the phase,
and the Path Details message (Final Offer –
Accepted information type) is sent again to the
railway undertaking.
28. In exceptional cases, the KANGO-Tras user can
transfer the DTT from the DTT Pre-booked
phase back to the Final DTT – Published phase
to allow the railway undertaking to modify or
cancel the request. The Path Details message
(Final Offer information type) is sent again to
the railway undertaking and the information
about the acceptance or refusal of the final DTT
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.41