- Method implementation consists of either the
application of an algorithm or the development of a
knowledge-based estimation system.
- Algorithm or knowledge-based systems are
designed so that the field in which they can be used
for cost estimation is either a class of processes or a
class of geometrical shapes of product, but never a
workstation (or group of workstations). It comes
often in the situation to use several different models
for calculating cost activity which a workstation
makes on a semi-manufactured. Also frequently we
can have a case when none of the models take into
consideration the specific behaviour of that
workstation. On the other hand, this field is
extended to the level of processing operations of one
part or of any stage of that operation, but never the
entire batch processing. Therefore, the total
manufacturing cost is estimated by adding the
machining cost, material cost, set-up, and
changeover costs, calculated for one part.
- The databases on which to build models or
knowledge-based systems are collected from
machining handbooks, from experts, or records
about previously manufactured products. This last
source contains only global data because currently
there’s no concern to record specific data.
- Finally, after being built, models or knowledge-
based systems are not updated, not even
periodically. Therefore, the evolution of workstation
behaviour is not considered and recent experience is
not used.
a) Model variables
The criterion that we consider to be the most
important in analysing the MTO company ability to
make a profit, that is, to be competitive in a market
is the earning power, EP criterion. EP modelling is a
solid strategy when selecting those orders that bring
profit to companies. Thus, the company manager
provides a model that can interact with the
economic environment to make an offer and a price
quotation so that the company is competitive.
We analyse this criterion for processing operation,
job, and finally, order.
In the processing operation, EP control can be
obtained by changing the cutting regime parameters,
i.e. cutting depth, feed rate, and cutting speed. The
size of the feed rate is used to control roughness.
Cutting depth of size cannot be changed only if it
makes multiple passes through the judicious
addition of processing division. We’ll consider that
the processing addition must be removed in a single
pass. In this situation, one cannot change the
cutting depth, because its size is dictated by the size
of the process addition, which was established
according to the method of obtaining the workpiece.
Following this reason, the only parameter that can
control the workstation is the cutting speed v.
Therefore, operation modelling has as input: price,
process parameters, part features, tooling, job
features, and workstation features, and as output, all
service features: operation earning power (EP),
operation cost (c), and operation processing time (t).
The price for processing operation P is the model
Determining the function between features and
operation parameters, job or order is the operating
model for job or order.
Modelling technique used to evaluate earning power
is the analytical technique.
We consider that we have to manufacture the part
from Figure 2 and the manager must decide whether
to accept this order. The technological process
needed to process the part consists of the following
operations: turning, drilling, and welding.
Fig. 2: Manufacturing part 1- rod, 2- plate
Taking the case of a cutting process for an order i
with j jobs and k operations we can define EPijk as:
where: Pijk is the minimum market price for
operation k and job j in order i [Euro];
The price for operation Pijk can be calculated with
the following relation:
where: α – is the share of profit which we seek to
obtain and regulated during negotiations. α is it
constant for a certain order, for all operations and
jobs which form the order; cijk(pjkn) expenses
necessary to achieve job j depending on parameters
n for operation i [Euro]; Aijk – is the operation asset
k from job j in order i [Euro]; tijk(pjkn) – time for
workstation’s process when making the operation k
from job j [min].
The operation of turning will be analytically
modelled based on the fourth relation, [1]:
ijkijkijkpijkamijk NScCCc
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.22
Daschievici Luiza, Ghelase Daniela