Earning Power Modelling for Manufacturing Operation
Faculty of Engineering and Agronomy, Braila,
“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati,
Abstract: - One of the most important criteria to consider while analysing the MTO company’s ability to make
a profit in a competitive market is earning power. Specifically, this is defined by the Earning Power criterion.
This means that the Earning Power modelling is a solid strategy for selecting and assessing which orders will
bring profit to companies. As a result, a company manager must provide a model that can interact with the
economic environment to make an offer and a price quotation to ensure the competitiveness of the company. In
this article, we analyse this criterion for the processing operation.
Key-Words: - Control of manufacturing system, Order level of manufacturing system, Earning power
Received: May 26, 2022. Revised: February 3, 2023. Accepted: February 26, 2023. Published: March 9, 2023.
1 Introduction
The criterion considered the most important when
analysing the profit capacity of an MTO company,
i.e., to be competitive in one segment of the market,
this criterion it is called earning power, EP.
EP modelling is a solid strategy when selecting
orders that bring profit to companies. Based on an
EP determined for each order, one order can be
accepted or rejected, [1].
Thus, there are going to be accepted just those
orders that can bring significant profit to the
company and increase market shares.
A selection takes place for each job, i.e. only the
jobs that can have a favorable economical EP are
kept, and the other ones are outsourced to some
other processing companies, [2].
Regarding operations, optimal parameters for the
processing system are determined depending on the
maximum EP value. In this way, it can be achieved
an integrated control of the manufacturing process.
By “Method for control of the make-to-order
manufacturing system on the base of earning power
assessment” the manager has the opportunity to
organize all received orders in order to increase
company competitiveness.
Managers can interact with the economic
environment to make an offer and a price quotation
so that the company is competitive, [3], [4].
The EP evaluation is made at the level of processing
operations, job, and ultimately the order level.
2 Scheme of the Job Shop
In order to make feasible decisions on the arriving
orders, all affected parties of the supply chain,
which their decisions and performances have
significant effects on prices and delivery times of
the new arriving orders are considered in the
structure. These parties consist of customers, the
MTO company, suppliers, and subcontractors.
- Order breakdown (jobs, operations)
The order is a group of products structured by the
customer for a product it solicits to manufacture, for
example, 15 hydraulic cylinders. During order entry,
all product components are analyzed. If some
product components are related from a technological
and commercial point of view forming a family,
they will be manufactured simultaneously to several
workstations, M. As a result, the number of copies
that are released into production will increase and
workstation adjustment suffers only minor changes
when moving from one product to another in the
same family. Each family is launched as a job in
manufacturing. The operation is an operation cycle
of a workstation when having a job.
For the 15 hydraulic cylinders, by the job we
understand the execution of cylinder rod, piston,
body, bearing, etc. to implement one of these jobs
needed more operations such as cutting, drilling,
boring, etc.
- Manufacturing system configuration
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.22
Daschievici Luiza, Ghelase Daniela
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
Fig. 1: Scheme of the job shop manufacturing
Each order has a manufacturing system specific,
including all the workstations covered by the order.
Figure 1 presents the MTO manufacturing system
configuration. Out of order entry pool, the i order is
launched. This order is formed from manufacturing
jobs, deposited in the manufacturing jobs pool, and
non-manufacturing jobs, deposited in the non-
manufacturing jobs pool. Manufacturing jobs are
released into production from the manufacturing
jobs pool to different workstations M (job ij, job i(j-
1)). Supposed that ij job includes ij1, ij2, and ij3
operations. For an ij1 operation, the ij job will wait
for its workstation M. After processing this M
workstation goes ij2 operation to another M
workstation. ij3 operation is a ij, i(j-1) parts
assembling operation and i(j+1) non-
manufacturing part on A workstation. The i(j-1) job
is made from the i(j-1)1 operation performed on the
M workstation. After processing, part i(j-1) will
result. We supposed that a non-manufacturing jobs
pool is a supply pool of parts unsuitable to be
processed, as an example, the i(j+1) part.
- Operation, job, and order characterization
(features and parameters).
The operation, job, and order have six specific
features: earning power, cost, time, price, asset, and
the number of samples.
At the operation level by EP, we understand the
relation between the difference of price operation
and cost of operation and product from product asset
and operation time (relation 1). By operation asset,
it is understood the capital invested in workstations
necessary to process orders (machine tools, tools,
devices, workers, buildings, land, etc).
At job level EP we understand the relation between
price difference and cost for job processing and the
number of products from job asset and operation
time to accomplish the job. The costs necessary to
accomplish the job are the sum of costs for the
transactions that make the job. Thus, the cost for the
ij job from Figure 1 is the sum of costs for ij1, ij2,
and ij3 operations.
At the order level, EP is the ratio between price
difference and order cost and product from order
asset and order time. Necessary costs to achieve the
order are the sum of costs for carrying out jobs that
form orders. Thus, the cost for order i from Figure 1
is the sum of costs ij jobs, j=1…J.
Operation, job, and order are characterized by the
following parameters: part parameters (part length,
part width, etc), process parameters (cutting speed v,
advance s, cutting depth t), tooling parameters (tool
material, devices, etc), and workstation parameters.
- Manufacturing system integrated control
In practice, decisions on the acceptance of orders
and production planning are often considered
separately. Sales Department is responsible for
accepting orders, while the production department is
occupied with production planning for the
implementation of orders accepted. The sales
department will tend to accept all orders in whatever
capacity is available for the department because this
department’s target is turnover. The production
department will try to maximize the use of
workstations and minimize the number of late
deliveries. Order acceptance decisions are often
made without involving the production department
or incomplete information based on available
production capacity.
The method for integrated control of the job shop
type manufacturing system proposed in this paper
aims to facilitate the connection between the two
departments and to achieve integrated control of the
job shop type manufacturing system based on
earning power evaluation.
3 Operation Modelling
From the analysis of the appropriate literature we
can provide the following observations:
- Generally, cost-estimating approaches can be
broadly classified as qualitative estimation methods
(intuitive or analogical methods) and quantitative
estimation methods (parametric or analytical
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.22
Daschievici Luiza, Ghelase Daniela
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
- Method implementation consists of either the
application of an algorithm or the development of a
knowledge-based estimation system.
- Algorithm or knowledge-based systems are
designed so that the field in which they can be used
for cost estimation is either a class of processes or a
class of geometrical shapes of product, but never a
workstation (or group of workstations). It comes
often in the situation to use several different models
for calculating cost activity which a workstation
makes on a semi-manufactured. Also frequently we
can have a case when none of the models take into
consideration the specific behaviour of that
workstation. On the other hand, this field is
extended to the level of processing operations of one
part or of any stage of that operation, but never the
entire batch processing. Therefore, the total
manufacturing cost is estimated by adding the
machining cost, material cost, set-up, and
changeover costs, calculated for one part.
- The databases on which to build models or
knowledge-based systems are collected from
machining handbooks, from experts, or records
about previously manufactured products. This last
source contains only global data because currently
there’s no concern to record specific data.
- Finally, after being built, models or knowledge-
based systems are not updated, not even
periodically. Therefore, the evolution of workstation
behaviour is not considered and recent experience is
not used.
a) Model variables
The criterion that we consider to be the most
important in analysing the MTO company ability to
make a profit, that is, to be competitive in a market
is the earning power, EP criterion. EP modelling is a
solid strategy when selecting those orders that bring
profit to companies. Thus, the company manager
provides a model that can interact with the
economic environment to make an offer and a price
quotation so that the company is competitive.
We analyse this criterion for processing operation,
job, and finally, order.
In the processing operation, EP control can be
obtained by changing the cutting regime parameters,
i.e. cutting depth, feed rate, and cutting speed. The
size of the feed rate is used to control roughness.
Cutting depth of size cannot be changed only if it
makes multiple passes through the judicious
addition of processing division. We’ll consider that
the processing addition must be removed in a single
pass. In this situation, one cannot change the
cutting depth, because its size is dictated by the size
of the process addition, which was established
according to the method of obtaining the workpiece.
Following this reason, the only parameter that can
control the workstation is the cutting speed v.
Therefore, operation modelling has as input: price,
process parameters, part features, tooling, job
features, and workstation features, and as output, all
service features: operation earning power (EP),
operation cost (c), and operation processing time (t).
The price for processing operation P is the model
Determining the function between features and
operation parameters, job or order is the operating
model for job or order.
Modelling technique used to evaluate earning power
is the analytical technique.
We consider that we have to manufacture the part
from Figure 2 and the manager must decide whether
to accept this order. The technological process
needed to process the part consists of the following
operations: turning, drilling, and welding.
Fig. 2: Manufacturing part 1- rod, 2- plate
Taking the case of a cutting process for an order i
with j jobs and k operations we can define EPijk as:
where: Pijk is the minimum market price for
operation k and job j in order i [Euro];
The price for operation Pijk can be calculated with
the following relation:
ijkijk c1P
where: α is the share of profit which we seek to
obtain and regulated during negotiations. α is it
constant for a certain order, for all operations and
jobs which form the order; cijk(pjkn) expenses
necessary to achieve job j depending on parameters
n for operation i [Euro]; Aijk is the operation asset
k from job j in order i [Euro]; tijk(pjkn) time for
workstation’s process when making the operation k
from job j [min].
The operation of turning will be analytically
modelled based on the fourth relation, [1]:
ijkijkijkpijkamijk NScCCc
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.22
Daschievici Luiza, Ghelase Daniela
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
is cost for auxiliary labour for
carrying out the operation k from job j [Euro]:
- cost for labour of operation k from job j.
For the turning operation that is part of job 1,
= 2.75 Euro.
- number of pieces to be processed;
- cost to prepare the operation k from job j
For turning operation,
= 2.7 Euro.
[Euro/cm2], (5)
where: cτ is the cost for one minute to use the job
place; 0.45 Euro/min
τsr time to change and sharpen the tool [min]; 10
cs tool cost between two consecutive re-sharpening
processes; 20 Euro
cmat cost to remove one cm3 of additional material;
ce cost for one KWh of electric power; 0.23
Ke energy coefficient [Wh/min]; 15 Wh/min
KM machine tool coefficient; 5.4∙106
CM the cost of machine tool [Euro]; 100000 Euro
v cutting speed [m/min];
s feed rate [mm/rev]; 0.15 mm/rev
t cutting depth[mm]; 3mm
α= β= γ=0.5;
T tool durability
[min]; (6)
Sijk processed surface [cm2]; 281.34 cm2.
For the cutting process, loading time modelling for a
workstation to perform operation k of job j of order i
ijkijkijkijkaijkpijk NSNttt
where: tpijk time to prepare the operation; 60 min
taikj operation auxiliary time; 4.4 min
[min] (8)
tuijk - unitary time to perform the operation; 22 min
- the specific time necessary to remove one cm2 of
[min/cm2] (9)
Figure 3 presents the variation of the Earning Power
depending on cutting speed. It can be noted that
depending on the number of pieces of processed
product N, choosing the optimal cutting speed can
be obtained a maximum EP, i.e. can realize optimal
control of the turning operation.
Fig. 3: The variation of the Earning Power
depending on cutting speed
4 Conclusion
When graphically representing the EP of turning
operation according to cutting speed (see Table 1),
we showcase that there is a maximum value for EP
for a specific optimal value of cutting speed (Figure
2). For example, for a number of pieces N=2, a
maximum value of EP is -0.0002898 %/hour when
v=40 m/min; N = 5, a maximum value of
EP=0.0496663 %/hour for a cutting speed v=50
m/min; for N=10, a maximum value of EP =
0.079419 %/hour for v=50 m/min and when N=50,
a maximum value of EP=0.112742971 %/hour for
v= 50m/min.
In conclusion, based on our study, it is worth
noticing that depending on the number of pieces of
processed product N, choosing the optimal cutting
speed can be obtained a maximum EP. This means
that maximum EP may perform an important role to
realize the optimal control of the turning operation.
Cutting speed v [m/min]
Earning Power [%/hour]
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.22
Daschievici Luiza, Ghelase Daniela
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
The authors have equal contributions to the
realization of this paper.
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.22
Daschievici Luiza, Ghelase Daniela
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
No funding was received for conducting this study.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare
that are relevant to the content of this article.
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