4 Versal deformations
There is quite a lot of literature in which it can find
the definition of deformation and versal deformation;
in this case, we take the one found in [6]
Definition 4 A deformation of an element M0∈M
is a family of elements of Mindexed by λ∈Λφ:
Λ−→ Mwhere Λ⊂ICmis a neighborhood of 0, and
where φ(0) = M0and φdepends smoothly on the
Definition 5 A deformation φ(λ) = φ(λ1, . . . , λm)
of M0is versal if and only if for any deformation
φ′(µ1, . . . , φk)∈Mof M0,φ′(µ)is induced by
φ(λ), that is to say, there exists a neighborhood V
of 0 in ICk, a map ψ:V−→ ICmwith ψ(0) = 0, and
a map g:V−→ G with g(0) = Isuch that ∀µ∈V,
φ′(µ) = g(µ)φ(ψ(µ))g−1(µ)with ψand gholomor-
phic (smooth).
It is obvious that if we have a versal deforma-
tion of an element, automatically we have a versal
deformation of any element that is equivalent to it,
since if M=φ(G, M0)is an equivalent element
of M0and φ(λ)is a versal deformation of M0then
φ(G−1, φ(λ)) is a versal deformation of M′.
A versal deformation having a minimal number
of parameters is called miniversal.
4.1 Transversality
The versatility condition admits a useful geometric
characterization in terms of transversality. We begin,
then, by recalling the notion of transversality.
Definition 6 Let S⊂Wbe a differentiable subman-
ifold of a manifold W. Consider a differentiable map
ψΛ−→ W, of another manifold Son W. Let λ∈Λ
such that ψ(λ)∈S
It is said that the map ψis transversal to Sin λ,
if the tangent space to W, in ψ(λ)decomposes in the
Tψ(λ)W=Im dψλ+Tψ(λ)S.
It is called mini transversal if said sum is direct.
Transversality allows obtaining local trivializa-
tions along the orbits:
Proposition 7 Let ψ: Λ −→ Mbe a deformation
of M0minitransversal to the orbit O(M0)in 0, and
G1⊂Ga submanifold minitransversal to the stabi-
lizer of M0in I. then the application
β: Λ ×G1−→ M
defined by β(λ, G) = φ(G, M0(λ)is a local diffeo-
morphism at (0,I).
Proof: It suffices to apply the inverse function theo-
rem and to prove that dβ is exhaustive at (0,I).⊓⊔
The following result was proved by Arnold [1],
in the case where Gl(n;C)acts on Mn(C), remark-
ing that what was important was the action of the Lie
group on the variety, thus generalizing the result and
providing the relationship between a versal deforma-
tion of M0and the local structure of the orbit.
Theorem 8 ([1]) 1. A deformation φ(λ)of (M0)is
versal if and only if it is transversal to the orbit
O(M0)at (M0).
2. The minimal number of parameters of a versal
deformation is equal to the codimension of the
orbit of M0in M,ℓ= codim O(M0).
Corollary 9 Then φ(λ) = M0+ (TM0O(M0))⊥for
some scalar product is a miniversal deformation.
Let {v1, . . . , vℓ}be a basis of any arbitrary com-
plementary subspace (TM0O(M0)cto TM0O(M0).
Corollary 10 The deformation
φ: Λ ⊂Cℓ−→ M, φ(λ) = M0+
is a miniversal deformation.
The versatility condition admits a useful geomet-
ric characterization in terms of transversality. We be-
gin, defining scalar products in Mand TIG, we can
consider the adjoint application of dφM0.
The Euclidean scalar product considered in this
paper is defined as follows:
For all Mi= (Ai,Bi,Ci)∈M
⟨M1, M2⟩1=
2) + trace(B1B∗
2) + trace(C1C∗
where A∗denotes the conjugate transpose of a matrix
Theorem 11 The normal complementary subspace to
tangent space to the orbit of the system M0is defined
by the set of elements (X,Y,Z)∈Mverifying
[X∗,A]−BY∗−CZ∗= 0
X∗B= 0
X∗C= 0
Y∗B= 0
Z∗C= 0
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.17