Perturbation of multiagent linear systems
Universitat Polit`
ecnica de Catalunya
Departament de Matem`
atica Aplicada
Mineria 1, 08038 Barcelona
Abstract: The main objective of this note is to explore if, making a small perturbation of an uncontrollable multi-
agent linear system with a previously interrelationship topology established, a controllable multi-agent system
with the same topology can be obtained. Arnold geometric techniques will be used for the objective, and versal
deformations will be constructed in the set of equivalent systems.
Key–Words: Multiagent linear systems, deformation, controllability.
Received: May 13, 2022. Revised: January 23, 2023. Accepted: February 20, 2023. Published: March 7, 2023.
1 Introduction
Recently, the study of multiagent systems has at-
tracted the attention of many researchers because this
class of systems appears in various areas of knowl-
edge, such as the cooperative control of unmanned
aerial vehicles, the consensus problem of communi-
cation networks, the training control of mobile robots,
neural networks modeling the brain structure, Etc.,
[5], [9], [10].
An interesting technique for analyzing pertur-
bations and investigating complicated objects such
as singularities and bifurcations in multiparamet-
ric dynamical multi-systems is the construction of
versal deformations since they provide a particular
parametrization of families of multi-systems.
Versal deformation permits speaking of generic
families relative to a generic property of interest as,
for example, controllability. In this case, generic fam-
ilies with controllable members have the property that
such members remain even when the family is per-
turbed. The generic property permits us that a small
perturbation may eliminate all the non-controllable
cases. In order to construct versal deformation, one
defines an equivalence relation in the space of multi-
agent systems preserving controllability character.
The knowledge of a versal deformation provides a
particular parametrization of the space of multi-agent
systems in a neighborhood of a fixed point, which can
be effectively applied to the perturbation analysis of
this point.
(For more information about versal deformations,
see [1], [2], [3]).
2 Preliminaries
Let us consider a group of kagents. The following lin-
ear dynamical systems give the dynamic of each agent
˙x1(t) = A1x1(t) + B1u1(t) + C1v1(t)
˙xk(t) = Akxk(t) + Bkuk(t) + C1vk(t)
xi(t)ICn,ui(t) = fi(x1(t), . . . , xk(t)ICm,
Sometimes, the considered internal controls ui
are given by means a communication topology de-
fined by an undirected graph with
i) Vertex set: V={1, . . . , k}
ii) Edge set: E={i, j)|i, j ∈⊂ V×V
iii) Neighbor of i:Ni={j∈| (i, j)E}. (In the
case where j=ithe edge is called self-loop).
defining the communication topology among agents:
ui(t) = X
for some KiMm×n(IC),1ik
Writing X= (xi, . . . , xk)t,U= (ui, . . . , uk)t
and V= (vi, . . . , vk)t, and considering the Laplacian
matrix associated with the graph that is defined in the
following manner
L= (lij ) =
|Ni|if i=j
1if j Ni
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.17
M. I. Garcia-Planas
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
To simplify notations, we will write the systems
in matrix language:
A=diag (A1, . . . , Ak)
Mn(IC) ×k
. . . ×Mn(IC) = M1
B=diag (B1, . . . , Bk)
Mn×m(IC) ×k
. . . ×Mn×m(IC) = M2
C=diag (C1, . . . , Ck)
Mn×p(IC) ×k
. . . ×Mn×p(IC) = M3
and X= (xi, . . . , xk)t,U= (L In)X=
(ui, . . . , uk)tand V= (vi, . . . , vk)t, and in the case
where the communication topology for internal con-
trol is considered, the control is written as U= (L
Finally. we will call by Mthe set M=M1×
M2×M3. This set is clearly, a differentiable mani-
3 Equivalence relation for differen-
tiable families of multi-systems
In the set Mwe consider the following equivalence
Definition 1 Two systems (A1,B1,C1)and
(A2,B2,C2)in Mare said equivalent if and
only if, there exist P=diag(P1, . . . , Pk)
Gl(n; IC) ×k
. . . ×Gl(n; IC),Q=diag(Q1, . . . , Qk)
Gl(m; IC) ×k
. . . ×Gl(m; IC),R=diag(R1, . . . , Rk)
Gl(p; IC) ×k
. . . ×Gl(p; IC),K=diag(K1, . . . , Kk)
Mm×n(IC) ×k
. . . ×Mm×n(IC) and F=
diag(F1, . . . , Fk)Mp×n(IC) ×k
. . . ×Mp×n(IC), such
(A2,B2,C2) =
This equivalence relation can be seen as the action
by a Lie group in the following manner:
Let G={(P,Q,R,K,F)Gl(n, IC) ×
Gl(m; IC) ×Gl(p; IC) ×Mm×n(IC) ×Mp×n(IC). It is a
Lie group to the usual product of matrices in the form:
P10 0
P20 0
P1P20 0
P10 0
10 0
Gacts over Min the following manner
Calling G= (P, Q, R, K, F )and M=
φ:G × M M
(G, M) φ(G, M ) = ¯
Where ¯
M= (P1AP +P1BK +
φis differentiable and surjective.
Fixing M0= (A0,B0,C0)Mwe have the
differentiable map
φM0:G M
G φ(G, M 0)(4)
The image of this map Im φM0is the set of equiv-
alent systems to M0and it is called orbit of M0and
it is denoted by O(X0). On the other hand, the sub-
set of Gleaving invariant the system M0,{G G |
φM0(G) = M0}is called the stabilizer of M0.
The differentiability of the action allows a local
study of the orbit and the stabilizer computing the dif-
ferential of φM0.
Lemma 2 The differential M0,I:TIG Mat
the identity point I G, on any element GTIG, is
given by
M0,I(G)) =
([A,P] + BK +CF,BQ PB,CR PC)
Remark 3 TIG={(P,Q,R,K,F)Mn(IC) ×
Mm(IC) ×Mp(IC) ×Mm×n(IC) ×Mp×n(IC). and
It suffices to compute the linear approximation of
the map on the identity.
φM0(I+εG) =
M0+ε(([A,P] + BK +CF,BQ PB,CR PC))
+ε2. . .
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.17
M. I. Garcia-Planas
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
4 Versal deformations
There is quite a lot of literature in which it can find
the definition of deformation and versal deformation;
in this case, we take the one found in [6]
Definition 4 A deformation of an element M0M
is a family of elements of Mindexed by λΛφ:
Λ Mwhere ΛICmis a neighborhood of 0, and
where φ(0) = M0and φdepends smoothly on the
Definition 5 A deformation φ(λ) = φ(λ1, . . . , λm)
of M0is versal if and only if for any deformation
φ(µ1, . . . , φk)Mof M0,φ(µ)is induced by
φ(λ), that is to say, there exists a neighborhood V
of 0 in ICk, a map ψ:V ICmwith ψ(0) = 0, and
a map g:V G with g(0) = Isuch that µV,
φ(µ) = g(µ)φ(ψ(µ))g1(µ)with ψand gholomor-
phic (smooth).
It is obvious that if we have a versal deforma-
tion of an element, automatically we have a versal
deformation of any element that is equivalent to it,
since if M=φ(G, M0)is an equivalent element
of M0and φ(λ)is a versal deformation of M0then
φ(G1, φ(λ)) is a versal deformation of M.
A versal deformation having a minimal number
of parameters is called miniversal.
4.1 Transversality
The versatility condition admits a useful geometric
characterization in terms of transversality. We begin,
then, by recalling the notion of transversality.
Definition 6 Let SWbe a differentiable subman-
ifold of a manifold W. Consider a differentiable map
ψΛ W, of another manifold Son W. Let λΛ
such that ψ(λ)S
It is said that the map ψis transversal to Sin λ,
if the tangent space to W, in ψ(λ)decomposes in the
Tψ(λ)W=Im λ+Tψ(λ)S.
It is called mini transversal if said sum is direct.
Transversality allows obtaining local trivializa-
tions along the orbits:
Proposition 7 Let ψ: Λ Mbe a deformation
of M0minitransversal to the orbit O(M0)in 0, and
G1Ga submanifold minitransversal to the stabi-
lizer of M0in I. then the application
β: Λ ×G1 M
defined by β(λ, G) = φ(G, M0(λ)is a local diffeo-
morphism at (0,I).
Proof: It suffices to apply the inverse function theo-
rem and to prove that is exhaustive at (0,I).
The following result was proved by Arnold [1],
in the case where Gl(n;C)acts on Mn(C), remark-
ing that what was important was the action of the Lie
group on the variety, thus generalizing the result and
providing the relationship between a versal deforma-
tion of M0and the local structure of the orbit.
Theorem 8 ([1]) 1. A deformation φ(λ)of (M0)is
versal if and only if it is transversal to the orbit
O(M0)at (M0).
2. The minimal number of parameters of a versal
deformation is equal to the codimension of the
orbit of M0in M,= codim O(M0).
Corollary 9 Then φ(λ) = M0+ (TM0O(M0))for
some scalar product is a miniversal deformation.
Let {v1, . . . , v}be a basis of any arbitrary com-
plementary subspace (TM0O(M0)cto TM0O(M0).
Corollary 10 The deformation
φ: Λ C M, φ(λ) = M0+
is a miniversal deformation.
The versatility condition admits a useful geomet-
ric characterization in terms of transversality. We be-
gin, defining scalar products in Mand TIG, we can
consider the adjoint application of M0.
The Euclidean scalar product considered in this
paper is defined as follows:
For all Mi= (Ai,Bi,Ci)M
M1, M21=
2) + trace(B1B
2) + trace(C1C
where Adenotes the conjugate transpose of a matrix
Theorem 11 The normal complementary subspace to
tangent space to the orbit of the system M0is defined
by the set of elements (X,Y,Z)Mverifying
[X,A]BYCZ= 0
XB= 0
XC= 0
YB= 0
ZC= 0
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.17
M. I. Garcia-Planas
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
It suffices to observe that:
(([A,P]+BK+CF,BQPB,CRPC),(X,Y,Z)= 0
for any (P,Q,R,K,F)TIG, if and only if
0 0 ZC
= 0
After this theorem, it is easy to compute these
5 Controllability
The importance of the qualitative property of dynamic
systems in the control theory, known as controllabil-
ity, is well known.
The controllability concept involves taking the
system from any initial state to any final state in finite
time, regardless of the path or input. Let us consider
the multi-agent system 1
It is important to emphasize that various defini-
tions of controllability are derived, depending to a
large extent on the class of dynamic systems and the
form of allowable controls, [7].
In our particular setup, the controllability charac-
ter can be described as
rank AλIn×kB C =nk
Proposition 12 The controllability character is in-
variant under the equivalence relation considered.
rank AλIn×kB C =
rank P1AλIn×kB C
For a fixed B-feedback Kand the fixed topology
comunication, the system 1 can be written as
X(t) = (A+BK(L In))X(t) + CV(t).(6)
(See [8] for Kronecker product properties).
The controllability of the system can be analyzed
by computing the rank of the controllability matrix:
(C(A+BK)(L In))C)
. . . (A+BK)(L In))nk1C)
The rank of this matrix is invariant under feed-
back, that is to say
Proposition 13 The matrix controllability of the sys-
tem 1 is invariant under external feedback
rank (C(A+BK)(L In) + CF)C). . .
(A+BK)(L In) + CF)nk1C)
=rank (C(A+BK)(L In))C). . .
(A+BK)(L In))nk1C)
IFB . . .
IFB . . .
We are going to carry out the study for a particular
case in which all the systems have the same dynamics,
that is, Ai=A,Bi=B,Ci=Cand Ki=Kfor
all 1ik; and the graph defining the topology
relating to the systems is undirected and connected.
For being un undirected graph the matrix Lis sym-
metric, then there exist an orthogonal matrix Psuch
that PLPt=D, and the connection ensures that 0 is
a simple eigenvalue of L.
Proposition 14 Under these conditions, the system
can be described as
X(t) =
((IkA)+(IkBK)(L In))X(t)+(InC)V(t)
In our particular setup, we have that there ex-
ists an orthogonal matrix PGl(k, R)such that
PLPt=D=diag (λ1, . . . , λk), (λ1. . .
λk1> λk= 0).
Corollary 15 The system can be described in terms of
the matrices A,B,Cthe feedback Kand the eigen-
values of L.
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.17
M. I. Garcia-Planas
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
Following the properties of Kronecker product,
we have that.
(PIn)(IkBK)(PtIn) =
(PIn)(IkC)(PtIk) = (IkC)
(PIn)(L In)(PtIn)=(D In)
and calling b
X= (PIn)X, and b
V= (PIk)Vwe
X=((IkA) + (IkBK)(D In))b
X+ (IkC)b
Using this description, the analysis of controlla-
bility is easier.
Proposition 16 The system (7) is controllable if and
only if the systems (A+λiBK, C)are controllable
for each 1ik.
5.1 Perturbation
The controllability character is generic in multi-agent
systems’ space M.
Proposition 17 The subset CMof the control-
lable multi-agent systems is an open and dense set in
the space Mof multi-agent systems.
Taking into account that if a nk-order minor is
non-zero, it is in the neighborhood, we conclude that
all small perturbations of this minor are non-zero, and
in particular for all perturbed minors corresponding to
a perturbed system, so the set Cis open in M, and for
density it suffices to take into account the fact that the
function rank : ICm×n IR is lower semicontinuous
in the space of rectangular matrices of size r×sfor
all pair of non-zero positive numbers rand s.
Then, the set of controllable systems is the
union of orbits of controllable systems. Each non-
controllable system is located on the frontier of one
of these orbits.
Proposition 18 For each non-controllable system,
there exists a neighborhood of this system containing
controllable systems. These controllable systems can
be described using the miniversal deformation of the
given system.
For the case of the non-controllable systems 6,
and in order to preserve the fixed feedback K, the
equivalence relation is reduced to external feedback
in the following sense
Definition 19 Two systems ˙
X(t) = (A+BK(L
In))X(t) + CV(t)and ˙
X(t) = (A1+BK(L
In))X(t) + C1V(t)are equivalent if and only if
for some FQkMp×n(IC) and RQkGl(p, IC)
This relation can be given in a matritial expres-
G1 G
G1has the structure group with the same opera-
tion as G.
Proposition 20 For a non-controllable system of type
6, If in a neighborhood of it, there exists a controllable
one it can be found in (A+X,0,C+Z)with (X,0,Z)
in a neighborhood of 0Mverifying that XC= 0
and ZC= 0.
Proof: It suffices to consider the miniversal deforma-
tion restricted to this case.
6 Conclusion
In this work, we have explored whether, with a small
perturbation of a non-controllable multi-agent linear
system with a previously established interrelationship
topology, we can obtain a controllable multi-agent
system with the same topology. For this, we have used
geometric techniques defining transversal families to
the set of equivalent systems under a previously de-
fined equivalence relation that preserves controllabil-
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DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.17
M. I. Garcia-Planas
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
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The author contributed in the present research, at all
stages from the formulation of the problem to the
final findings and solution.
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No funding was received for conducting this study.
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The author has no conflict of interest to declare that
is relevant to the content of this article.
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