Using Self-organizing Maps to Solve the Travelling Salesman Problem:
A Review
Department of Informatics Engineering, Alexander Technological Educational Institute of
Thessaloniki, Alexander Campus Sindos Thessaloniki,
Department of Information and Electronic Engineering, International Hellenic University, Associate
Professor, Alexander Campus Sindos Thessaloniki,
Department of Digital Systems, University of Thessaly, Adjunct Lecturer, Larissa-Trikala Ring-Road,
Abstract: - This survey paper presents a collection of the most important algorithms for the well-known
Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) using Self-Organizing Maps (SOM). Each one of the presented models is
characterized by its own features and advantages. The modes are compared to each other to find their
differences and similarities. The models are classified in two basic categories, namely the enriched and hybrid
models. For each model we present information regarding its performance, the required number of iterations, as
well as the number of neurons that are capable of solving the TSP problem. Based on the experimental results,
the best model is identified for different occasions. The paper is a good starting point for anyone who is
interested in solving TSP with SOM and desires to grasp a lot about this renowned problem.
Key-Words: - Self-Organizing Maps (SOM), Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP), Neural networks,
Received: April 29, 2022. Revised: January 19, 2023. Accepted: February 16, 2023. Published: March 7, 2023.
1 Introduction
The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is among
the most widely studied combinatorial optimization
problems, and many studies have been conducted in
an attempt to identify a reliable solution, a solution
that is simple to state but very difficult to find. One
of the first solutions was found during the 1950s by
Dantzig, Fulkerson, and Johnson [1]. The objective
of the problem is to find the shortest possible tour
through a set of N vertices, and in such a way that
each vertex is visited exactly once. This problem is
classified as NP-hard problem [2] and there are two
reasons for this. First, there are no quick solutions
and second, the complexity of calculating the most
optimum route increases when more destinations are
inserted to the TSP. There are many exact and
heuristic algorithms that have been devised in the
field of operations research (OR) to solve the TSP.
It is obvious that the number of possible tours
increases explosively as the number of cities
A Self-Organizing Map (SOM) is a type of
Artificial Neural Network (ΑΝΝ) that uses
unsupervised learning, in order to build a 2D map of
the problem space. The key difference between a
self-organizing map and other approaches to
problem-solving, is that a self-organizing map uses
competitive learning rather than error - correction
learning, such as the well-known backpropagation
algorithm with gradient descent. A self-organizing
map can generate a visual representation of data on
a hexagonal or rectangular grid. Applications of
SOM include among others, meteorology,
oceanography, project prioritization, as well as, oil
and gas exploration. A self-organizing map is also
known as a self-organizing feature map (SOFM) or
a Kohonen map [3], [78]. The Self-Organizing Map
(SOM) networks, originally proposed by Kohonen,
solve the TSP via unsupervised learning. The
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.14
Stavros Sarikyriakidis,
Konstantinos Goulianas , Athanasios I. Margaris
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
application of the artificial neural network approach
in solving TSP, was initiated by Bernard Angeniol,
Gaël de La Croix Vaubois, and Jean-Yves Le Texier
in 1988 [27]. The calculations are based on the
lowest value obtained from the energy function and
have been improved until the SOM algorithm is
used to solve this problem.
A two-layer network with a two-dimensional input
unit and m output units is utilized to apply SOM to
the TSP. A ring expanding toward the locations of
the cities can be used to represent how the network
evolves. The coordinates of cities serve as the input
data, and the coordinates of the ring's points serve as
the weights of the nodes. The cities are presented in
a random sequence to the network, and nodes
compete based on Euclidean distance. The node that
is closest to the city that is being presented is the
winner node. Also, the winning node and its
neighbors advance toward the city that is being
presented in each iteration utilizing the
neighborhood function in conjunction with an
updated function. The winner's neighbor nodes'
influence on a city is determined by the
neighborhood function. It should be observed that
updating nearby nodes in response to inputs exerts a
force that preserves nodes close to one another and
establishes a mechanism for condensing the created
Fig.1 shows a schematic view of a SOM-like
network for the TSP. A ring of output neurons,
denoted by 1, 2, to M, is employed to characterize
the feature map. The input neurons, receiving the
data of the input city (say, coordinate values), are
fully connected to every output neuron. Fig.2
illustrates the initialization step, an intermediate
step, as well as the final state of the training process;
the solution is represented in the fourth graph.
Fig. 1: A schematic SOM-like network for the TSP.
M is the number of output neurons and p is the
number of input neurons, say 2, for the 2-
dimensional Euclidean TSP [50].
Fig. 2: The progress of applying the SOM algorithm
can be displayed in two-dimensional planes as
shown above. The dots are the cities of a TSP which
are the coordinates of a location. The circle in the
lefttop picture, shows the ring that usually starts
from a random location. After that, the main
algorithm of SOM starts tracking the next location,
and the convex-hull spreads across the axis x & y
during the algorithm execution. The final iteration
shows the best solution for the TSP map [45].
To solve a TSP, the algorithm needs the feeding of
data in the input layer as a TSPLIB file. TSPLIB is a
library of sample instances for the TSP (and related
problems) emerged from various sources and of
various types. An example of a library is ‘qa194.tsp’
with the filename identifies a country / dataset as
well as the number of the cities / dots of this dataset
(in this example the data are associated with the
country of Qatar and a number of 194 cities). Other
examples of these TSPLIF filenames are ‘pbc1173’
and ‘bier127’.
After this short description regarding the Self-
Organizing Map and the Traveling Salesman
Problem, the paper is organized as follows: In
Section (2), the different categories of models that
solve the problem are presented. On the other hand,
in Section (3) the focus is given to the subcategories
of enriched models. Section (4) presents the Hybrid
models as well as their special types. The objective
of Section (5) is the presentation of the Multiple
Salesman TSP models. Section (6) is a brief review
of a similar problem which is called the Vehicle
Routing Problem (VRP) and is considered as a
generalization of the Travelling Salesman Problem
(TSP), and the TSP with drones (TSP-D) is also
presented. Least, but not last, in Section (7), some
computational results are presented.
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.14
Stavros Sarikyriakidis,
Konstantinos Goulianas , Athanasios I. Margaris
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
2 Categories
In this section, the different models of SOM that
solve the TSP are introduced. The models are
classified according to the complexity of the
underlying algorithm used by each one of them.
Some models are more complicated to be
constructed, and some others require fewer
modifications. The literature search revealed two
main categories of such models. The first one is the
Enriched SOM model which consists of the basic
SOM with some upgrades, while the second
category is identified by the Hybrid SOM model.
A hybrid algorithm is defined as an algorithm that
combines two or more other algorithms that solve
the same problem. This statement does not describe
a combination of multiple algorithms that solve
different problems in fact, many algorithms can be
considered as combinations of simpler pieces but,
instead, a combination of algorithms that solve the
same problem, but they differ in characteristics,
such as the performance. The experience has shown
that these hybrid methods lead to higher
performance, better computational results, and more
flexibility on large-scale data. On the other hand, the
disadvantages of hybrid methods are mostly
associated with the complexity of the algorithms
regarding the construction of the primary model.
The reason for this is that the network is a
combination of two or more methods, and therefore,
it is difficult to build. Also, we must note that some
algorithms are characterized by poor performance
regarding the time spent to finish. Hybrid algorithms
are further divided into greedy, evolutionary,
genetic, memetic, chaos, and fuzzy algorithms.
In a more detailed description, a greedy algorithm is
an algorithmic paradigm that builds up a solution
piece by piece, always choosing the next piece that
offers the most obvious and immediate benefit. This
means that the class of problems in which the
selection of the local optimum, also leads to the
global optimum, are the best fit for greedy
algorithms. The advantage of using this type of
algorithm, is that the solutions associated with
smaller instances of the problem, are generally
straightforward and easy to understand. On the other
hand, the disadvantage of greedy algorithms is that
it is entirely possible that the most optimal short-
term solutions may lead to the worst possible long-
term outcome.
On the other hand, an evolutionary algorithm is
nothing more than an evolutionary-based computer
application that is capable of solving problems by
employing processes that mimic the behaviors of
living things. As such, it uses mechanisms that are
typically associated with biological evolution, such
as reproduction, mutation, and recombination.
However, the drawback of this type of algorithm is
that it requires a lot of computational power. It is
interesting to note, that evolutionary algorithms are
behaved in a Darwinian-like natural selection
process; the weakest solutions are eliminated, while
the stronger, more viable options, are retained and
re-evaluated in the next evolution with the goal to
arrive at optimal actions to achieve the desired
A genetic algorithm is a heuristic search method
used in artificial intelligence and computing. It is
employed to find optimized solutions to search
problems based on the theory of natural selection
and evolutionary biology. Genetic algorithms are an
excellent tool for searching through large and
complex data sets. The most serious disadvantages
of genetic algorithms, is the high cost of their
implementation, as well as the difficulties associated
with the debugging process. Furthermore, on some
occasions, they can be difficult to understand.
The memetic algorithms can be viewed as a
combination of a population-based global technique
with a local search procedure made by each one of
the individuals. These algorithms are special types
of genetic algorithms with a local hill climbing. The
memetic algorithms, like genetic algorithms, are a
population-based approach.
A chaotic self-organizing map can be produced by
replacing the linear neural units of the conventional
self-organizing map with neural units capable of
producing chaos.
Fuzzy logic is an interesting approach that allows
the association of multiple possible truth values with
the same variable. Fuzzy logic attempts to solve
problems using an open, imprecise spectrum of data
and heuristics that makes it possible to obtain
accurate conclusions. Fuzzy logic is designed to
solve problems by considering all available
information and making the best possible decision
given the input.
Simulated annealing (SA) is a probabilistic
technique for approximating the global optimum of
a given function. Specifically, it is a metaheuristic
that allows the approximation of global optimization
in a large search space for an optimization problem.
It is often used when the search space is discrete.
Elastic net linear regression uses the penalties from
both the lasso and ridge techniques to regularize
regression models. The technique combines both
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.14
Stavros Sarikyriakidis,
Konstantinos Goulianas , Athanasios I. Margaris
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
the lasso and ridge regression methods, by learning
from their shortcomings, to improve the
regularization of statistical models.
Finally, the paper is also considered the multiple
salesman problem, that solves the TSP with more
than one salesman as the classic one.
3 Enriched Models
3.1 Convex-hull Property Models
The convex-hull of a set of points in a two-
dimensional Euclidean space, is defined as the
smallest (in terms of area) convex polygon that
includes all the points in the set. This subsection
presents models that are based on this feature.
Guan et al. [5] proposed the so-called Topology
Preserving SOM (TOPSOM). The process of gain-
ing knowledge in TOPSOM includes the appropriate
arrangement of the output layer, the mapping of
neurons to the input nodes that represent cities, as
well as the identification of a minimum path that
passes from all cities and then returns back to the
starting point. The goal of this method is the satis-
faction of two constraints, namely, the preservation
of index topology and the convex hull. The main
steps of TOPSOM are the following:
1. Normalization and Random Initialization.
2. Winner selection.
3. Improved Hebbian Learning process.
4. Final tour construction.
Zhang et al. [6] proposed the so-called overall -
regional competitive SOM (ORC-SOM). In this
model there are two rules that describe a
competition process, namely, the overall
competition, and regional competition. These rules
are introduced into the circular standard SOM
competitive learning algorithm: the purpose of the
overall competition is to outline the tour, while
regional competition is responsible for refining it in
order to obtain the optimal and / or near-to-optimal
solution of the TSP. The ORC-SOM model can be
considered as a simple extension of a standard
SOM, with an overall - regional competitive
learning rule embedded. The ORC-SOM learning
algorithm for solving the 2-D Euclidean TSP of N
cities uses as input the coordinates of N cities in
two-dimensional space, returns as output an optimal
or near-to-optimal tour, and uses as parameter a
circular SOM with two inputs and suitable M output
neurons with M >N.
Xu et al. [7] proposed a Convex-Hull SOM
(CHSOM) model. The proposed SOM is first
initialized with cities on the convex-hull of a
problem. In order to keep the convex-hull property
of the problem, a principle of neuron creation and
deletion is introduced into the proposed SOM. The
algorithm is described as follows:
Initialization method: The SOM initially has k
neurons where k is the number of cities on the
convex hull. In other words, there is an 1-to-1
mapping of the set of neurons to the associated set
of cities. Furthermore, the value associated with
each neuron is the same as the value of the
corresponding city.
Neuron creation: During learning, only those cities
that are not located on the convex-hull are fed into
the input neurons. First, one city is fed into the input
neurons. Then, a winner is selected based on the
competing rule. In this model, there are two cases
where the creation of a neuron is required. The first
one is when an initializing neuron becomes a
winner. In this case, a neuron is created and is
associated with the same value as the initializing
neuron. In the next step, the newly created neuron is
inserted into the ring as the left neighbor or the right
neighbor of the winner. Fig.3 shows that principle.
Fig. 3: The principle that allows the determination
of the position for the insertion of a newly created
neuron. In this figure, V1 is the winner, and V4 is
the input city. Furthermore, V2 is the left neighbor
of V1, while V3 is its right neighbor [7].
Neuron deletion: A node is deleted if it has not been
chosen as the winner by any city during three
complete surveys.
Neighborhood function: This function is described
by a mathematical equation. Once a neighbor is an
initializing neuron, the neighborhood updating
process skips this neuron. In other words, only those
neighbors that are not initializing neurons are
Yang & Yang [8] proposed an Expanding Property
SOM (EPSOM) model. The process used in this
method is described as follows: Within each
iteration, the excited neuron is drawn towards the
input city as well as towards the convex hull. The
former adaptation, together with the cooperative
adaptation of neighbor neurons, will gradually
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.14
Stavros Sarikyriakidis,
Konstantinos Goulianas , Athanasios I. Margaris
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
discover the topological neighborhood relationship
of the input data. Meanwhile, the latter adaptation,
together with the cooperative adaptation, can
approach the convex hull property of the TSP. To do
so, it is reasonable to push the excited neuron away
from the center of the city. The procedure to
implement the idea is described as follows:
1. Take the coordinates of the cities.
2. Randomly set the weight vectors and nullify the
3. Randomly select a city and feed it to the input
4. Find the winning neuron according to the
Euclidean metric.
5. Train the neuron and its neighbors.
6. Update the width parameter and the learning
parameter according to a predefined decreasing
scheme, and if the learning is not terminated,
go to Step 3.
7. Calculate the activity value of each city.
8. Order the cities by their activity values and
then form a tour for the TSP.
Kwong-Sak et al. [9] proposed an Expanding SOM
(ESOM) model. The basic idea of the ESOM is to
include implicitly the convex hull property in its
learning rule, with little additional computation. The
convex hull property is acquired gradually, as the
topological neighborhood among cities is being in-
spected and preserved. Therefore, this ESOM model
tries to satisfy sufficient and necessary conditions
for optimal tours. This is realized in the following
way: In a single update iteration, besides drawing
the excited neuron towards the input city, it is ex-
panded towards the convex hull. It is worth noting
that the approach of the convex hull can be approx-
imated by moving away from the center of the cit-
ies. The motivation of the developed ESOM model
is to approximate an optimal tour by trying to satisfy
a sufficient condition (namely, the neighborhood
preserving property), as well as a necessary condi-
tion (namely, the convex-hull property). The steps
of the algorithm are the following:
1. Map all the city coordinates into a circle.
2. Randomly set the weight vectors.
3. Feed a random city to the input neurons.
4. Train neurons and their neighbors.
5. Update the parameters.
6. Calculate the activity value of each city.
7. Order the cities by their activity values.
3.2 Ring Topology Models
Bai et al. [10] proposed a Modified Growing ring
SOM (MGSOM) model that initializes a random
circular ring of neurons, it stretches the neurons to
the city’s location, and finds the closest node using
Euclidean distance. The advantages of this model
are the easy implementation, the fast computation,
the robust applicability, and the production of good
solutions. The MGSOM approach is briefly
described as follows:
1. Initialization.
2. Randomizing.
3. Parameter adaptation.
4. Competition.
5. Adaptation.
6. Insertion of a node.
7. Step 4 or 8 depending on the result of a
8. Convergence test.
The steps for a better-quality solution are the
1. Run 10 simulations with iterations
by using the MGSOM.
2. Select the best solution emerged from the
simulation runs of Step 1.
3. Run a new simulation with
iterations that uses as initial weight matrix the
weight matrix associated with the best solution
found in Step 2.
The complexity of the improved algorithm (for each
value of t) is evaluated as follows: for each city,
there are 0.3m (average neighbor length) operations
for the calculation of the neighborhood function.
Therefore, the time complexity function for each
iteration, can be defined as ,
while the complexity reduction is guided by the
variance of the neighborhood function. The analysis
of the variance evolution reveals that the algorithm
processing time decreases fast (due to the selective
update). This feature is mainly attractive when
processing large datasets.
Bai et al [11] proposed an Efficient Growing ring
SOM (EGSOM) model that uses a ring topology, as
the previous one, namely, a network in which the
nodes are connected in a closed loop configuration.
The adjacent pairs of nodes are joined via direct
connections, while the remaining pairs of nodes are
indirectly connected, meaning that the data passes
through one or more intermediate nodes. The
structure of the EGSOM can grow according to each
node's winning number and the states of its
neighbors. Each city location corresponds to an
input, and it is randomly applied to the EGSOM.
The advantage of this model is that it is easy to
implement, fast to compute, and produces good
solutions. The number of nodes need only grow to
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.14
Stavros Sarikyriakidis,
Konstantinos Goulianas , Athanasios I. Margaris
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
1.5n and the algorithm processing time is fast. The
MGOM and the EGSOM models have similar
specifications. Both models are based on a ring
topology, and therefore, their computational results
are close to each other.
Zhang et al. [12] proposed a modified heuristic
approach (MSTSP) model. MSTSP has the same
architecture and similar philosophy as the MGSOM
and EGSOM. The main difference is that in the
MSTSP the increase of the number of nodes does
not trigger the insertion of a new node. The
operation of the MSTSP model, is briefly described
as follows:
1. Initialization.
2. Randomizing.
3. Parameter adaptation.
4. Competition.
5. Adaptation.
6. Step 4 or 7 depending on the result of a
7. Convergence test.
The complexity of the MSTSP algorithm for each
iteration (each value of k) may be evaluated as
follows: For each city, there are m operations to find
the closest node to that city, and 0.2m (average
neighbor length) operations for the calculation of
the neighborhood function. Therefore, the time
complexity function for each iteration may be given
by , and the time complexity function
of the MSTSP algorithm for each simulation may be
given by equation (1). . (1)
Furthermore, the complexity reduction is guided by
the neighborhood function variance. The analysis of
the variance evolution reveals that the algorithm
processing time decreases fast (due to the selective
update). This feature is mainly attractive when
processing large data sets.
3.3 Heuristic Enriched Models
Dantas et al. [13] proposed a SOM (Enhanced SOM
Solution) model. This model is an improvement of
the classic SOM in the sense that it employs
hyperparameter tuning to adapt the algorithm and
create two additional features to find solutions with
better results. In the first step the primary
hyperparameters (population size, number of
iterations, learning rate, and discount rates for the
latter two) are identified and then used to evaluate
and their effects on the final scores. To understand
the influence of each one of these factors and find
their best configuration, a single-factor design is
employed to tune the proposed technique, meaning
that each feature is varied individually, one feature
at a time. The search for the hyperparameters that
better suit the dataset finally leads to the baseline
algorithm. The first improvement to the baseline
algorithm is to change the way of choosing the first
node considered. In addition to the randomly chosen
initial city, the algorithm is forced to start from the
city in the centermost position and the furthest
position from the centroid of all cities. As the
second modification, after employing the
hyperparameters tuning and identifying the most
significant feature as the population size, the
algorithm improved based on the variation of this
hyperparameter in each SOM iteration. The solution
is evaluated using the F1 score of the predicted
adjacency matrix compared to the optimal solution.
The F1 score is the harmonic mean of precision and
recall. The best value of this score is the value of 1,
while the worst value is the value of 0. [14]. It is
chosen as the baseline for the following
configuration: 100000 iterations, 0.9997 for the
discount rate of the initial neighborhood, 0.8 for the
learning rate, 0.99997 for the discount rate of the
learning rate, and 6 for the population size
multiplier factor.
Modares et al. [15] proposed a SOM algorithm for
solving a relatively efficient TSP problem. By
simply inspecting the input city data for regularities
and patterns and then adjusting itself to fit the input
data through cooperative adaptation of the synaptic
weights, such a network creates the localized
response to the input data, thus reflecting the
topological ordering of the input cities. In this way,
this neighborhood preserving map, results in an
expected tour of the TSP under consideration. From
each city, the resultant tour tries to visit its nearest
city. The shortest sub-tour can intuitively lead to a
good tour for the TSP. This algorithm is one of the
oldest SOM algorithms that solves the TSP.
Matsuyama [16] proposed another SOM model.
This model uses a competitive learning process that
causes just one neuron, or alternatively, a small
group of neurons to respond to a given input. In this
way, the self-organization of entire neural networks
can be achieved. When this self-organization
process is applied to various kinds of traveling
salesman problems in a Euclidean space, a good
approximation or the true solution is obtained. The
algorithm is used as the training method for a neural
network arranged in a closed loop, a sequential
update that looks at the position vector of each city,
one at a time. In this case, it uses symmetrical
connections between neurons. The required number
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.14
Stavros Sarikyriakidis,
Konstantinos Goulianas , Athanasios I. Margaris
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
of neurons is approximately a linear function of the
number of cities.
Schabauer et al. [17] proposed a Structural Data
Parallel approach (SDP). This approach allows
users, who are inexperienced in high-performance
computing, to increase the performance of neural
network simulation by parallelization. The paper
describes an unsophisticated approach, whose
results are used then in the main sophisticated
approach. The unsophisticated approach is based on
the execution of an application written in Fortran 90
that tries to parallelize it right away. It uses the
sequential program as the base for parallelization. It
just tells the system how the data has to be
distributed. Based on the SDP method for
parallelizing, the computation of the TSP-SOM
program consists of three parts:
1. Get coordinates of cities by random.
2. Get starting weights of the Kohonen network
by constructing a circle.
3. Train the network.
The training phase, which is the main loop of the
program, consists of the following steps:
1. Calculate a vector of distances.
2. Find the winner-neuron.
3. Update the matrix of weights.
In the sophisticated approach, there are identified
the following five issues for specific attention and
1. Local cache misses.
2. Workload balancing.
3. Latency of communication.
4. Communication throughput.
5. Locality of data.
E.M. Cochrane and J.E. Beasley proposed a co-
adaptive neural network (CAN). The CAN [18] is
another approach to solving the TSP using the
SOM. Its main feature is using a so-called
cooperation phase. Cooperation means that during
the learning process, the identification of the
winning neuron is based on the cooperation of
various inputs. The competition and the cooperation
phases differ in how neurons react, when one
neuron is the winner for various inputs. In the
competition phase, if the neuron is a winner for just
one time, only the neighborhood is moved. On the
other hand, if the neuron has been chosen more than
once, none of the neurons is moved. In the
cooperation phase, none of the winning neurons are
allowed to move more than once. The neighbors are
not allowed to move as well. The learning method is
based on both phases, beginning with the
competitive phase, and switching at some point to
the cooperation phase. In this algorithm, the neuron
initialization process is the same as in the basic
SOM (initially, the neurons lie on a ring). The
winner selection is also similar, except one
difference that is supposed to improve the speed: the
winning neuron is searched for in the vicinity (as
measured around the ring) of the neuron that was
the winner in the previous iteration. In every βth
iteration, the set from which the winning neuron is
searched for, is expanded to the whole set of
neurons. In reference [19], which is the original
paper on the CAN algorithm, this model was
compared to many other models. The main
conclusion of this comparison is that the CAN
algorithm is far superior with respect to the works of
Matsuyama, Guilty Net [20] and Elastic Net [21],
with regard to all measures of solution deviation
from optimal and computation time. Also, the CAN
algorithm produces results that are superior to
Somhom with regard to solution deviation from
optimal. Moreover, the results are produced in a
faster time. The CAN is approximately 10 times
faster than Somhom.
Faigl [22] proposed a modified CAN model. This
model is similar to the original CAN, but with some
modifications that give better results. The first one
is an initialization method similar to the one used in
the original model, in the sense that a ring topology
is initialized as a small circle around the centroid of
the cities. The original adaptation rule is also
modified to consider the b-condition, and it is
combined with the Multi-Scale Neighborhood
Functions (MSNF) used by Murakoshi and Sato
[23]. The co-adaptive net requires a higher number
of adaptation steps, while the insertion of MSNF in
the neighborhood function, increases the solution
quality and the number of required steps. This
modification of the adaptation rule to support the b-
condition, can be used without decreasing the
neighborhood size. The terminating condition of the
network adaptation procedure in all algorithm
variants is defined as G < 0.01. The gain-decreasing
rate a = 0.1 provides almost the same solution
quality (about one or two percent worse) as the
original algorithm, being more than four times
faster, compared with the original one associated
with the value a = 0.02. For problems with less than
fifty cities, the modified co-adaptive net algorithm
provides better results. The co-adaptive net uses the
number (id) of the winning neuron. The algorithm
avoids adaptation of the winners and neighboring
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.14
Stavros Sarikyriakidis,
Konstantinos Goulianas , Athanasios I. Margaris
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
nodes, meaning that the nodes are moved with less
Aras et al. [24] proposed a Kohonen network that
incorporates explicit statistics (KNIES). More
specifically, the KNIES method takes full advantage
of statistics. The network consists of a fixed number
of M neurons. The input to the network is the
coordinates of each city node, which belongs to the
set of cities. The city nodes are mapped to the
neurons of the ring structure, and the order of the
neurons in the ring represents the order of the city
node’s traversal. Since KNIES makes full use of the
advantages of SOM, it can maintain the
neighborhood structure between city nodes. The
primary difference between the SOM and the
KNIES, is the fact that every iteration in the training
phase includes two distinct modules the
attracting module and the dispersing module. In the
attracting module, a subset of the neurons migrates
toward the data point that has been presented to the
NN. This phase is essentially identical to the
learning phase of the SOM. However, in what
follows, the rest of the neurons which have not been
involved in the attracting module, participate in a
dispersing (repellent) migration. Indeed, these
neurons now move away from their current
positions in a manner that ensures that the global
statistical properties of the data points are resident in
the neurons. Thus, although in the SOM the neurons
individually find their places both statistically and
topologically in an asymptotic way, in the KNIES
they collectively maintain their mean in such a way
that it represents the mean of the involved data
points. The KNIES was compared to ESOM and
Aras et al. [25] proposed a Kohonen-like
Decomposition model (KNIES DECOMPOSE).
KNIES DECOMPOSE is based on the foundational
principles of Kohonen's SOM, and on its variant
named KNIES described above. The final tour is
obtained by combining Hamiltonian paths that
KNIES HPP (KNIES Solution to the Hamiltonian
Path Problem) constructs for the clusters determined
according to Kohonen's clustering method. The
Euclidean traveling salesman problem (TSP) is a
close cousin of the Euclidean Hamiltonian path
problem (HPP). The decomposition into
subproblems, is a widely used strategy in solving
large mathematical programs. It is easier to solve
the subproblems, because the size of each
subproblem is much smaller, and their solutions can
usually be combined to approximate the solution of
the original problem. The strategy to reduce the
complexity of a large-scale traveling salesman
problem instance, is the decomposition or
partitioning into smaller HPP subproblems, which
are easier to solve. In essence, it solves a large TSP
by spawning smaller HPPs. Once these smaller HPP
instances are individually solved, the solution to the
original TSP is obtained by patching the solutions to
the HPP subproblems. The partitioning into smaller
HPP subproblems is achieved by clustering the
cities of the original problem, in a way that the
structural properties of the problem instance are
preserved. The steps of the KNIES DECOMPOSE
1. Partition the cities into clusters for a given
number of clusters.
2. Determine an order for visiting the clusters.
3. Identify an entering and a leaving city for each
cluster, obeying the ordering obtained in Step 2
and forming the bridges between clusters.
4. Find a Hamiltonian path in every cluster
between the entrance and exit cities.
5. Connect the Hamiltonian paths by using the
bridges obtained in step 3.
Faigl [26] proposed a Growing Self-Organizing
Array (GSOA), a novel unsupervised learning
procedure for routing problems. Its main principles
follow the existing work on SOM for the TSP, but it
is mostly motivated by data collection planning,
where a robotic vehicle is requested to collect data
from a given set of sensing sites. In this type of
problem, it may not be necessary to visit the sites
precisely, and the robotic vehicle may use remote
sensing or wireless communication to collect the
required data. The procedure consists of three steps:
1. Winner node determination.
2. Adaptation of the winner.
3. Extraction of the solution after.
Angeniol [27] proposed another SOM model, with
the following features: Firstly, the total number of
nodes and connections in a connectionist parallel
implementation, is proportional only to the number
of cities in the problem, thus scaling very well with
problem size, Secondly, the model requires the
tuning of only one parameter, which directly
controls the total number of iterations, and thirdly,
the typical values of this parameter ensure a good,
near-optimum solution in a reasonable time for the
performed simulations. More specifically, only the
gain decrease parameter a must be adjusted, with the
obtained results to be almost insensitive to it. A low
value of the parameter a gives a better average.
However a higher value has the advantage that the
optimum is sometimes reached, while, at the same
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.14
Stavros Sarikyriakidis,
Konstantinos Goulianas , Athanasios I. Margaris
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
time, leads to a good solution after several tries, in
less time than the case in which only one try is
performed with a low value of a. In either case, a
good average solution (less than 3% greater than
optimum) may be obtained in 2 seconds using
classical hardware. Simulations were performed on
small sets of cities taken from Tank and Hopfield
and from Durbin and Willshaw.
Kitaori et al. [28] proposed methods that enforce the
ability of Kohonen's self-organizing features map
(SOFM) to solve optimization problems, with the
focus on the solution of the traveling salesman
problem (TSP). As is well known, the conventional
SOFM can solve the TSP. However, the solution
found, is not the optimum solution, because the path
intersects itself. On the other hand, the proposed
methods of Kitaori et al, keep the path from always
intersecting itself. The use of these methods to the
weight adaptation rule, improves the length of the
identified path, in the sense that the iteration
execution time is decreased, while, at the same time,
the convergence rate is increased. One is called
constraint condition, which prevents the tour from
crossing itself all the time. The other method is
called active area and refresh, and its usage is for
creating and deleting cells that will put the proper
number of cells in the right place. A disadvantage of
this approach is that as the number of cities
increases, the convergence rate of the model gets
worse, leading to inaccurate results regarding the
path length.
Budinich [29] applied unsupervised learning to an
unstructured neural network to get approximate
solutions to the traveling salesman problem. For a
training set of 50 cities, this algorithm performs like
the elastic net of Durbin and Willshaw (1987),
while, if the number of cities increases, the
algorithm leads to better results than the ones
associated with simulated annealing for problems
with more than 500 cities. Furthermore, in all the
tests, this algorithm requires only a fraction of the
execution time taken by simulated annealing.
Kim et al. [30] proposed another efficient SOFM
algorithm, for solving large-scale TSP. In this
algorithm, a winning neuron for each city is not
duplicated but instead, it is excluded in the next
competition. This approach to TSPs using SOFM is
very promising due to the following features. First,
the total number of neurons and connections is small
and linearly proportional to the number of cities of
the TSPs, thus giving good scalability for the
problem size, and makes the algorithm suitable for
parallel hardware implementation. Second, the
proposed algorithm requires only N output neurons
and 2N connections, where N is the number of
cities, while it does not require a dedicated
procedure for the creation and deletion of neurons,
giving thus 30% faster convergence than the
conventional algorithm for 30-city TSPs. Finally,
the actual potential of the proposed algorithm leads
to near-optimal solutions in 92% of the total trials
within a reasonable time. Simulation for the 1000-
city TSPs also gives good and promising results for
the proposed algorithm.
Mohamed [31] proposed a cost minimization
approach. In this approach, a route-first cluster-
second heuristic uses a SOM network with varying
parameters, as well as a greedy algorithm to
minimize the cost or distance of the TSP-D (TSP
with drones) solution and measure the impact that
the one parameter (cost or distance) has on the
other. The study was conducted using benchmark
TSP data sets of varying sizes that were adapted to
fit the TSP-D model. The study shows that while a
cost-minimization approach can yield distance
savings of up to 21%, a distance-minimization
approach can actually result in higher costs by up to
54%. Additionally, the SOM algorithm employed in
this study, was shown to generate significant cost
savings of up to 10.4% for networks consisting of
194 customers or more.
Markovic et al. [32] proposed a Waste Disposal
SOM for solving the waste disposal problem with a
size of 20 (WDS). This is a real life problem, solved
for the city of Nis. On the other hand, Lobo [33]
proposed a SOM on Marine patrol. This method is
based on a Self-Organizing Map (SOM) solution for
the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP), even
though there are significant changes. The locations
of reported Search and Rescue (SAR) requests,
together with the locations of reported occurrences
of illegal fishing activities, are used as guidelines
for designing the path to be followed. However,
instead of forcing the patrol routes to pass exactly in
those locations, as would happen in a TSP, the
proposed method uses the locations as density
estimators, in an attempt to identify the places
where the patrol effort should be focused. In the
next step the algorithm obtains a patrol route that
passes through the areas with greater density. This
algorithm uses some data from the Portuguese
Faigl et al. [34] proposed an application on
Obstacles + SOM, namely, a SOM algorithm that
solves the TSP with obstacles in the map. The
difficulty of SOM application to the non-Euclidean
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.14
Stavros Sarikyriakidis,
Konstantinos Goulianas , Athanasios I. Margaris
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
TSP has been noted by several authors of SOM
algorithms for the TSP. The presented experimental
results show that even a simple approximation of the
shortest path among obstacles can be used, with the
SOM algorithm to be able to find a solution with
competitive quality to a solution of the Euclidean
TSP of similar problem size. The approximation of
the shortest path used here, is more computationally
intensive than the computation associated with the
Euclidean distance. The algorithms used in this
work include a visibility graph algorithm, a convex
polygon partitioning algorithm, a point location
algorithm and a straight walk procedure in a convex
Faigl & Preucil [35] proposed a Multi-Goal Path,
namely, a SOM approach for the multi-goal path
planning problem with polygonal goals. The
objective of the problem is to find the shortest
closed collision-free path for a mobile robot
operating in a planar environment represented by a
polygonal map W. The requested path must visit a
given set of areas, where the robot takes
measurements to find an object of interest. Neurons’
weights are considered as points in W and the
solution is found as the approximate shortest paths
connecting the points (weights). The proposed SOM
has fewer parameters than a previous approach
based on the self-organizing map for the traveling
salesman problem. Moreover, the proposed
algorithm provides better solutions within less
computational time for problems with a high
number of polygonal goals. The planning problem
for point goals can be formulated as the well-known
traveling salesman problem (TSP).
Faigl et al. [36] proposed an approach on
Orienteering Problem with Neighborhoods + SOM.
This work addresses the Orienteering problem (OP)
by the unsupervised learning of a self-organizing
map (SOM). This approach is based on the solution
of OP with a new algorithm based on SOM for the
Traveling salesman problem (TSP). Both problems
are similar in finding a tour visiting the given
locations; however, the OP is focused on the
determination of the most valuable tour that
maximizes the rewards collected by visiting a subset
of the locations, while keeping the tour length under
the specified travel budget. The proposed stochastic
search algorithm is based on unsupervised learning
of SOM and it constructs a feasible solution during
each learning epoch. The reported results support
the feasibility of the proposed idea and show that
the performance is competitive with existing
heuristics. Moreover, the key advantage of the
proposed SOM-based approach is the ability to
address the generalized OP with Neighborhoods,
where rewards can be collected by traveling
anywhere within the neighborhood of the locations.
This generalization of the problem fits better the
data collection missions with wireless data
transmission and it allows to save unnecessary
travel costs to visit the given locations.
Faigl [37] also proposed another approach on
Orienteering Problem + SOM. In this case, the
proposed approach is able to directly utilize a non-
zero communication radius, and thus it is capable of
finding solutions with higher rewards than the
demanding metaheuristics for the Orienteering
Problem (OP), as well as and Team Orienteering
Problem (TOP), and more importantly, without
considering the neighborhoods. Therefore, the
proposed SOM-based approach can be considered as
a construction heuristic and combined with
evolutionary techniques and existing metaheuristics
to improve solutions not only in the OP and TOP,
but mainly in orienteering problems with
neighborhoods which are suitable formulations for
robotic information gathering scenarios with single
or fleet of robotic vehicles. The main difference
between the ordinary OP and its generalization,
namely, the Orienteering Problem with
Neighborhoods (OPN), is that, in addition to the
determined subset of the sensors providing the most
valuable measurements, it is also required to
determine the most suitable waypoints from which
the measurements (rewards) from the sensors can be
collected. Both formulations (the OP and OPN)
share the main challenge of orienteering problems,
which is the determination of the subsets of the
locations according to the tour visiting them with
respect to the given travel budget.
Faigl & Vana [38] proposed an approach on Dubins
traveling salesman problem (DTSP + SOM). The
main difficulty of Dubins TSP arises from the fact,
that it is necessary to determine the sequence of
visits to the locations, together with headings of the
vehicle at these locations. The proposed paper is the
first SOM-based solution of the Dubins TSP, that
includes challenges of the underlying combinatorial
TSP with the continuous optimization of the
headings at the locations. Even though the results do
not reveal significantly better solutions of SOM,
than a more computationally demanding memetic
algorithm, however, the results support the
feasibility of the proposed idea and lead to better
scalability for larger and denser problems.
Wang et al. [39] proposed a massively parallel
cellular SOM to address large-scale Euclidean
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.14
Stavros Sarikyriakidis,
Konstantinos Goulianas , Athanasios I. Margaris
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
TSPs. The implementation of the model is done on a
GPU CUDA platform, with evaluations performed
on 52 large-size TSP instances with up to 85900
cities. The proposed model deals with a very simple
procedure close to the original standard SOM. The
key point is the massive parallelism that should
allow a substantial reduction in execution time in
the future, as thousands of multi-cores are available
in a single chip.
4 Hybrid Models
After the short presentation of the enriched models
let us now present the hybrid models found in the
literature. These models are the following:
4.1 Greedy Models
Nuriyev et al. [40] proposed a Self-Organizing
Iterative approach. The proposed algorithm is in
fact, a combination of a Nearest Neighbour
Algorithm from Both End Points (NND) [41] as
well as a Greedy Algorithm [42]. In the first
algorithm, the priority values of the edges are
determined, and an initial solution is found. Then
the NND algorithm is used from selected vertices,
and the priority values of the edges are updated by
considering how many times an edge is used in a
solution. In the second part of the algorithm, an
iteration algorithm is used to improve the existing
solution. This process includes the update of the
priority values of the edges and their subsequent
sorting in descending order. After that, the greedy
algorithm is run. The steps of the NND algorithm
are as follows:
1. Choose an arbitrary vertex in the graph.
2. Visit the unvisited vertex that is nearest to this
3. Visit the unvisited vertex that is nearest to these
two vertices and update the end vertices.
4. Is there any unvisited vertex left? If yes, go to
Step 3.
5. Go to the end vertex from the other end vertex.
The steps of the Greedy algorithm are as follows:
1. Sort all edges in descending order.
2. Select the shortest edge and add it to the tour if
it does not violate any of the above constraints.
3. Do we have any edges in the tour? If not, go to
Step 2.
Mueller & Kiehne [43] proposed a different hybrid
approach. Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is a
population-based metaheuristic that can be used to
find approximate solutions to difficult optimization
problems. In ACO, a set of software agents
called artificial ants, search for good solutions to a
given optimization problem. To apply ACO, the
optimization problem is transformed into the
problem of finding the best path on a weighted
graph. The artificial ants (hereafter ants)
incrementally build solutions by moving on the
graph. The solution construction process is
stochastic and is biased by a pheromone model,
namely, a set of parameters associated with graph
components (either nodes or edges), whose values
are modified at runtime by the ants. The general
idea of combining ACO and ANN, is to let the ants
construct a tour which is then improved by applying
a Self-Organizing Map. As the ACO algorithm is
faster in converging towards a good (but not a very
good) solution, the idea is to use the ANN as a kind
of local search. The procedure is as follows:
1. Initialize ACO and SOM with the given
2. Solve the given TSP with the initialized ACO.
3. Extract the best-found tour in ACO and insert it
into the SOM.
4. Solve the SOM.
5. Return the solution when SOM training is
4.2 Evolutionary Models
Majdoubi et al. [44] proposed a Corona Virus Opti-
mization Algorithm and Self-organizing Maps
(CVOA+SOM). This work consists of applying a
new hybrid method that uses both CVOA and SOM,
to solve the Euclidean TSP. The conceived approach
is based on considering subsequently a random path
of n cities as an input pattern. For each one of the
generated tours, the adaptation parameters are calcu-
lated to select the winner node with criterion the
minimum distance from the located point of the
tour. The adaptation procedure is then applied to
detect the neighbors, to create a new candidate solu-
tion. The implementation of the proposed method
leads to an evolutionary algorithm based on proba-
bilistic procedures that requires a definition of the
replicate function, which is used to insert new indi-
viduals to participate in CVOA evolution. The repli-
cate function is therefore responsible for the genera-
tion of a candidate solution to use with the SOM
algorithm. The main properties of CVOA are as fol-
lows: The defined probabilities and parameters are
updated by the scientific community; the explora-
tion of search space is possible, as long as the in-
fected population is not null; the high expansion
rate, guarantees the better use of search space, lead-
ing to the intensification of the resolution. The con-
cept of parallel strains is reformulated by applying
the processing algorithms in different processors, to
generate diversification of the resolutions. The ob-
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.14
Stavros Sarikyriakidis,
Konstantinos Goulianas , Athanasios I. Margaris
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
tained average deviation for data sets Pr76 and
Rat99 is 0.3 and 0.5 respectively, solved by the pre-
sent combined algorithm and where the learning
parameters are adapted (The learning rate and the
neighborhood function).
Tinarut & Komgrit [45] proposed a hybrid SOM. It
uses local search which is a solution to a specific
problem. The map is definitely fixed, and the
solution is an estimated solution, which cannot be
guaranteed to be the optimal solution or the same
solution every time. A typical local search, after
finding an initial feasible solution result, generates
a mechanism to change the answer, and then stops
the answer when an acceptable value is received.
The mechanism of changing the results for this TSP
problem can be achieved by changing the position
of the path that connects the two present cities to the
brand-new route that connects the city to the new
point. If these changes lead to a shorter distance
with respect to the old solution, the old solution is
replaced with the new one. This procedure is
performed repeatedly, until the required number of
rounds is reached, or until acceptable conditions are
met. In this study, the following three routes are
used: 2Opt exchange operator, Relocate operator,
and Exchange operator. 2Opt Exchange Operator
for TSP aims to reduce the distance without crossing
routes. Relocate Operator will change two routes
connected to each other at a given point, without
passing through it again. Then it will create a new
route to that point, by changing the one or the other
route into two routes connected to that point. The
Exchange Operator will change two routes
connected to each other at a given point into two
routes connected to a new point. The two old routes
connected to the new point will be transformed into
two routes connected to the old one. The proposed
algorithm can be outlined as follows:
Result improvement by local search.
2Opt exchange operator.
Relocate operator.
Exchange operator.
Solution examination.
Processing cycle increases.
Brocki [46] proposed a 2opt+SOM approach that
combines the Kohonen network with the 2opt
algorithm to lead to an improved model. More
specifically, a neuron and a city are assigned to each
other. All neurons are organized in a vector that
represents a sequence of cities that must be visited.
Unfortunately, the Kohonen SOM model without
some modifications is unable to solve TSP. The
reason for this, is that if the neural weights are used
as the coordinates of the cities, they may not equal
to the coordinates of cities that are given. To solve
the problem, an algorithm that would modify
Kohonen’s solution to one that is valid, has been
created. In this algorithm the positions of cities and
the positions of neurons may not be equal. However,
adequate neural weights and cities coordinates are
very close to each other. An algorithm that modifies
neural weights so they are equal to cities
coordinates can be applied. The 2opt algorithm
selects a part of the tour, reverses it, and inserts it
back into the cycle. If the new tour is shorter than
the original cycle, then it is replaced. The algorithm
stops when no improvement can be done. This
algorithm was improved by Ahmad & Kim [79], via
a modification to the neighborhood method, using a
Gaussian method.
Vieira et al. [47] proposed a SOM Efficiently
applied to the TSP (SETSP). The proposed
modifications to the SOM, lead to a reduction in the
algorithm complexity from execution on steps to
execution on, at least, n steps, where n is the input
data set size (number of cities), as the algorithm
evolves in time. Thus, even for a large data set, the
algorithm executes faster as the number of iterations
evolves. Furthermore, the complexity reduction is
guided by the neighborhood function variance
which decreases. This feature is attractive,
especially in the case of processing large data sets.
The applied modifications include a change to the
network structure (a ring network is proposed) and
initialization, a definition of a neighborhood
function threshold, as well as a definition of new
parameter adaptation laws. The main important
aspects of the SETSP are algorithm complexity
reduction, according to the number of iterations and
its faster convergence.
4.3 Genetic Models
Nourmohammadzadeh & Voss [48] proposed a clus-
tered SOM model that uses the SOM as well as the
Genetic Algorithm (GA) and consists of three steps.
In the first step, a SOM of a given size is applied to
a data set of node coordinates. During the training
process, the SOM neurons are moved on the plane
and the shape of the network changes. According to
the final shape of the map, the cities are clustered
based on the SOM neuron that is nearest to each one
of them. Therefore, the cities of each cluster are
known and the sub-TSPs are constituted. In the next
step, the GA is applied to each sub-problem to min-
imize the length of the sub-tours. Furthermore, an-
other GA is used that tries to find a good order for
connecting the sub-tours. The GA codes the order of
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.14
Stavros Sarikyriakidis,
Konstantinos Goulianas , Athanasios I. Margaris
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
visiting the cities and clusters as strings of unique
numbers as it is shown in Fig.4, where the square
shapes are the unique numbers and the rest is the
order of the cities. After this step, a solution for the
entire original TSP can be found. The number of
clusters is equal to 1 for every 20 cities. It is ob-
served that the proposed SOM with the complemen-
tary GA is superior in terms of the objective value
as well as and the computation time with their com-
petitors. Before each GA application, its parameters
are tuned by the Taguchi design of experiments [49]
and trial and error method. In Taguchi, three levels
(meaning three variables: nPoP which is the a popu-
lation of random initial solutions, Cross_rate for
doing crossovers on the solutions and nMutat which
is a proportion of the population is chosen randomly
from the population for mutation) are considered as
the potential values of each parameter and a number
of experiments are conducted with some designed
combinations of the levels. For each level the value
of a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) ratio is calculated.
The smaller SNR values are better in this minimiza-
tion problem. However, in the trial-and-error ap-
proach used to determine the maximum number of
iterations, the experiments are conducted using in-
creasing values for the maximum number of itera-
tions, starting from 50 iterations. Fig.4 depicts a
solution built according to this method for a small
TSP, by connecting the cities of each cluster, and
then, the clusters themselves.
Fig. 4: An example solution [48].
Jin et al. [50] proposed an Integrated Self-
Organizing Map (ISOM), whose name is due to the
fact that its learning rule integrates the three
learning mechanisms found in the SOM literature.
More specifically, within a single learning step, the
excited neuron is first dragged towards the input
city, then pushed to the convex hull of the TSP, and
finally drawn towards the middle point of its two
neighboring neurons. The evolved ISOM (eISOM)
uses a genetic algorithm to handle inherently hard or
time-consuming problems. In this algorithm, every
individual represents a learning scheme. For each
learning scheme, the parameters include the type of
formula to calculate the expanding coefficient and
the parameters (i =1,2,3,4). They also include
other parameters in the ISOM, such as the radius R,
the total learning loop L, the initial values, and the
decreasing schemes of the effective learning width
σ(t), as well as the learning parameters (t) and
(t). To evaluate the solution quality, the relative
difference between the generated tour length and the
optimal tour length as used. The eISOM is one of
the most accurate SOMs for the TSP with quadratic
computation complexity.
Vishwanathan & Wunsch [51] proposed an
Adaptive Resonance Theory + SOM (ART/SOFM)
approach. The adaptive resonance theory in its basic
form uses an unsupervised learning technique. The
terms “adaptive” and “resonance”, mean that they
are receptive to new learning (adaptive) without
discarding the previous or the old information
(resonance). The ART networks are widely known
to solve the stability-plasticity difficult choice with
the stability to describe their nature of memorizing
the learning and the plasticity to describe the fact
that they are versatile to achieve new information.
Due to the nature of ART, they are always able to
learn new input patterns without forgetting the past.
The model uses a combination of Adaptive
Resonance Theory (ART) [52] and Self Organizing
Feature Maps (SOFM) to solve large-scale TSPs.
The use of this combination, allows the number of
neurons to be a steady one. This approach is divided
into the following modules:
Finding Hamiltonian paths for each cluster.
Finding a Hamiltonian loop for the inter-
cluster tour.
Linking the clusters, and applying heuristics
to improve the solution.
Note that clustering techniques have been frequently
used to divide the TSP into smaller subproblems and
combine the sub-solutions separately.
4.4 Memetic Models
Creput & Koukam [53], proposed a MEMETIC
SOM model. This memetic SOM uses an
evolutionary loop embedding the SOM. The main
operator is the SOM algorithm applied to a graph
network. The memetic loop applies a set of
operators sequentially to a population of Pop
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.14
Stavros Sarikyriakidis,
Konstantinos Goulianas , Athanasios I. Margaris
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
individuals, at each memetic iteration, called a
generation. A loop executes a constant number of
generations. The number of individuals is also
constant. At each generation, a predefined number
of SOM basic iterations are performed allowing the
long decreasing run to be interrupted and combined
with the application of other operators that can be
other SOM operators with their own parameters,
mapping, fitness evaluation, and selection operators.
A construction loop, as well as an improvement
loop, are instantiated based on the memetic loop
structure presented in the code of Fig.5.
Fig. 5: The generic memetic loop embedding SOM
The details of the operators are as follows:
1. Self-organizing map operator: It is the standard
SOM applied to the ring network.
2. Mapping operator: This operator, denoted
MAPPING, generates an admissible TSP solution
and modifies the shape of the ring accordingly, at
each generation. The operator maps cities to their
nearest neuron, not already assigned to a city. This
generates a valid tour. Then, the operator moves
neurons to the location of their single assigned city
(if it exists) and dispatches regularly (by
translation) other neurons along edges formed by
two consecutive cities in the tour.
3. Fitness operator: For each individual, this
operator, denoted FITNESSTSP, evaluates a scalar
fitness value that has to be maximized and used by
the selection operator. It returns the fitness value
fitness = L, where L is the length of the tour
defined by the ordering of cities mapped along the
4. Selection operators: Based on fitness
maximization, the operator denoted SELECT,
replaces the worst individuals associated with the
lowest fitness values in the population, with the
same number of the best individuals, associated
with the highest fitness values in the population.
An elitist version SELECT_ELIT, replaces the
worst individuals with the single best individual
encountered during the run.
Avsar & Aliabadi [54], proposed a Parallelized
Memetic Self-Organizing Map (PMSOM). In this
approach the cities are organized into
municipalities, the most appropriate solution from
each municipality is used to find the best overall
solution and finally the neighboring municipalities
are joined by a blending operator to identify the
final solution. The proposed system is a more
generalized form of the previous memetic SOM. It
uses different techniques in the following order:
1. Divine map into municipalities by K-Means
clustering algorithm.
2. It uses an algorithm that shows the learning
mechanism of each municipality. If the municipality
has not yet converged, it will start to randomly
choose a subset of assigned cities and apply KNIES
learning rule over each member of the population.
3. Merge the neighborhood municipalities.
4. Remove kinks (kinks make tours more
complicated and long) of mixed clusters with an
algorithm similar to the famous 2opt algorithm.
5. Update Adjacency Matrix.
6. Termination.
4.5 Chaotic Models
Matsushita & Nishio [55] proposed an interesting
Chaotic SOM (CHAOSOM) model, associated with
the Hodgkin-Huxley equation [56], a mathematical
model used to simulate action potentials in giant
squid axons. The basic algorithm of CHAOSOM is
the same as SOM; however, the important feature of
CHAOSOM is the ability to refresh the learning rate
as well as the neighboring coefficient at the timing
of the spikes generated chaotically by the Hodgkin-
Huxley equation. The neighboring coefficient is a
set of neighboring neurons of the winner neuron
which includes a parameter of the number of spikes
and an increasing value depending on a chaotic
signal spike.
Ryter et al. [57] proposed an application of different
Chaotic Maps on the SOM in order to solve the
TSP. As it is well known from mathematics, a
chaotic map is a map (and more specifically, an
evolution function) that exhibits some sort of
chaotic behavior. These maps may be parameterized
using a discrete-time or a continuous-time
parameter. Discrete maps usually take the form of
iterated functions. Chaotic maps often occur in the
study of dynamical systems and are able to generate
fractal structures. Although a fractal may be
constructed by an iterative procedure, some fractals
are studied on their own, rather than in terms of the
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.14
Stavros Sarikyriakidis,
Konstantinos Goulianas , Athanasios I. Margaris
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
map that generates them. This is a usual approach,
because there are several different iterative
procedures that generate the same fractal. The maps
that are used and the associated results are given in
Table 1 [57]. The results differ from each other,
depending on the scale of the problem (big or small
scale) and the iterations. Whether a chaotic map
performed just better denoted with (+) or worse
denoted with (-) and both are statistically
insignificantly better/worse. If a map is denoted
with (++) or (- -) have better/worse significance
within a 95% confidence interval. The Henon map
corresponds to a time-discrete dynamical system
[58]. The Burgers Map is a discretization of a pair
of coupled differential equations that were used by
Burgers to illustrate the relevance of the concept of
bifurcation to the study of hydrodynamics flows
[59], [60]. The results shown in Table 1 [57], are
scaled from 1000 to 1000000 iterations (1K to 1M)
and they are divided into small and big-scale
Table 1. Computational Experiments of Chaotic
Small Problem
Big Problem
Arnold Cat
Burgers Map
- -
- -
- -
Henon Map
- -
Ikeda Map
Lozi Map
- -
Sinai Map
- -
- -
The experiments showed that significantly better
results are obtained for large-size problems with a
small or medium number of iterations when the
pseudorandom number generator is replaced by
Burgers Map, Delayed Logistics Map [61], or
Tinkerbell Map [62]. For smaller problems, the
Henon Map showed significantly better results for a
medium number of iterations.
4.6 Fuzzy Model
Chaudhuri et al. [63] proposed a Fuzzy SOM
approach. The Fuzzy Self Organizing Map [64]
introduces the concept of membership function in
the theory of Fuzzy Sets to the learning process.
Some network parameters related to the
neighborhood in the Self Organizing Map, are
replaced by the membership function. Also, the
learning rate parameter is omitted. The Fuzzy Self
Organizing Map is more effective at reducing
oscillations and avoiding dead units, because they
take into account all input data at each iteration step.
The Fuzzy Self Organizing Map used here, is a
combination of the Self Organizing Feature Map
and the Fuzzy C Means clustering algorithm. The
more complex the problem is, the more output
neurons are required. The number of output neurons
is manually selected. The weight components are
initialized randomly and adjusted gradually using a
Self-Organizing learning algorithm, and ultimately a
mapping is done from input to output. The learning
algorithm consists of the following steps:
1. Randomize the weights for all the neurons.
2. Input all the patterns.
3. Take one random input pattern and calculate
the Euclidean distances.
4. Compute the memberships of each pattern to all
5. Find the winning neuron and the neighbors of
the winner.
6. Adjust the synaptic weights of each neuron
according to the computed memberships.
7. Reduce the values of the parameters.
8. Determine the stability condition of the
4.7 Simulated Annealing Model
Takano et al. [65] proposed modified self-
organizing map and Simulated Annealing (SOM +
SA) approach. Regarding the SOM network, the fact
that a map is formed, with data having similar fea-
tures to be arranged nearby, while other data are
arranged at a distant place, the route will be identi-
fied according to the order of cities which is deter-
mined at random. Therefore, the obtained route,
quickly suggests a route pattern, close to the global
optimal. However, because the accuracy deteriorates
locally, SA (Simulated Annealing), which is excel-
lent for local searching, is then applied to compen-
sate for this area. With this procedure, SA is per-
formed using the solution obtained by SOM, as the
initial solution of SA to obtain a higher accuracy
route. The algorithm of the SOM+SA procedure is
the following:
1. Execute the algorithm of SOM.
2. Perform crossing judgment and
crossing removal, for the solution in the
previous step.
3. Execute the algorithm of SA
using the solution obtained in Step 2 as its
initial solution.
4. Perform crossing judgment and
crossing removal in order for the solution
obtained in Step 3, to be used as the final
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.14
Stavros Sarikyriakidis,
Konstantinos Goulianas , Athanasios I. Margaris
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
In the proposed SA+SOM solver, the determination
of an initial temperature for simulated annealing,
influences the search performance. To obtain higher
solution accuracy, the appropriate parameters of the
SA process have to be selected. The estimated
computational complexity as well as the accuracy of
the solution for large-scale TSP were estimated,
revealing the possibility that an approximate
solution for a problem of tens of thousands of cities,
is obtainable using an ordinary PC.
4.8 Elastic Net
Chen et al. [66] proposed an Elastic Net with SOM
(EN+SOM) model. This paper presents an Elastic
Net (EN) algorithm, by integrating the ideas
associated with SOM. The proposed solution is
based on a SOM structure, initialized with as many
artificial neurons as the number of targets to be
reached. In the competitive relaxation process, the
information regarding the trajectory connecting the
neurons, is combined with the distance of neurons
from the target. The gradient ascent algorithm
attempts to fill up the valley, by modifying
parameters in a gradient ascent direction of the
energy function. The EN is based essentially on how
the constraints are represented in its energy
function, and thus can be used in the solution of
non-geometrical problems. In each iteration of the
EN algorithm, the coordinates of all nodes are
calculated even if there is no change in the
coordinates. However, in SOM, one or a few
weights are updated. In this paper, SOM is used to
construct the network, and quantify the criteria. EN
is used to derive the TSP route under a set of
weights and display the results.
5 Multiple Salesman Models
Multiple salesman problem is an extension of the
well-known Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP),
where a number of m salesmen are used to serve a
set of n locations / cities, restricted to the original
constraint that each location must be visited only
once. The agents / salesmen share a single-depot
case known as Single-Depot Multiple-TSP or use
multiple depots, a variant known as Multiple-Depot
Lupoaie et al. [67] proposed MinMax Multiple-TSP.
In this model the evolutionary algorithm as well as
the ACO approach are used. Furthermore, the
algorithms are tested individually but also, they
combined with each other. In the case of SOM for
Multiple-TSP, the topology of the output layer must
be modified such that instead of a single route that
has the standard SOM, a number of m routes must
be generated. Fig.6 illustrates the initialization step,
an intermediate step, as well as the final state of the
training process; the solution is represented in the
fourth graph. The evolutionary algorithm for solving
Multiple-TSP was the two-part chromosome
representation. Because of the requirement to
perform more complex mutations within an
individual, a requirement imposed by the necessity
of balancing the tours, the multi-chromosome
technique [68] is used. This technique reduces the
size of the search space, by eliminating redundant
solutions and it can be improved using the 2opt
local search heuristic approach. The ACO approach
uses g-MinMaxACS which is a variation of the Ant
Colony System. More specifically, instead of using
a single ant to construct one tour as in TSP, a set of
m ants is used instead, to generate a complete
solution to the Multiple-TSP problem. Initially, all
ants start their tours from the depot, and the
salesman to visit the next city is selected at random.
Α more elaborate description can be found in [69].
In the hybridization stage, the emerged models are
created via the combination of SOM and g-
EA), and SOM, EA, and 2opt (SOM-EA-2opt). In
the MinMax Multiple-TSP, the number of salesmen
that were used is 2, 3, 5, and 7. Ant Colony System
achieves better results than both SOM and EA.
When comparing the performance of the hybrid
version SOM-ACO with the standalone ACO is
slightly the same in some cases. In the case of the
evolutionary algorithm, it is evident that the
hybridization between EA and SOM improves
greatly over the simple EA in all cases. Regarding
the comparative performance of SOM-ACO versus
SOM-EA, the latter achieves statistically significant
better results in most cases. Generally, hybridization
not only improves results but also reduces the
variance. When enhancing SOM-EA with the 2opt
local search heuristic, the results also improve
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.14
Stavros Sarikyriakidis,
Konstantinos Goulianas , Athanasios I. Margaris
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
Fig. 6: SOM for Multiple-TSP for the data set eil76
with 5 salesmen: initialization, intermediate
iteration, final iteration, and final solution. The
points correspond to cities, while the curves
correspond to the trajectory given by traversing the
neurons using the ring topology [67].
Zhu & Yang [70] proposed a Multiple Traveling
Salesman Problem (MTSP). In this model there are
k rings (where k is the number of salesmen) and M
nodes that represent the cities. This model has 2
nodes in the input layers and kM nodes in the output
layer (or equivalently k rings with each ring contain-
ing M nodes). The rule for identifying the winning
neuron is modified with a new term that increases
the possibility of a node to be a winner when it is far
away from the home city. The algorithm can be
easily implemented for parallel computation. It is
compared to conventional SOM from Modares et al.
[15]. The comparison of MTSP with the conven-
tional TSP, was performed using 2, 3, and 4 sales-
men for each one of them. The quality of the results
associated with the improved SOM approach, is bet-
ter than the quality associated with the conventional
SOM approach. In addition, the improved SOM ap-
proach converges faster than the conventional SOM
approach. The differences between the two ap-
proached are: the use of M nodes in the output layer
instead of 2M nodes, to reduce the calculation work-
load, the modification of the neighborhood function
by adding an equation to speed up the convergence,
and lastly, the modification of the update rules, by
adding an equation to increase the convergence.
A summary of all models presented in the previous
sections, can be found in Table 2 (enriched models)
and Table 3 (hybrid models). In both tables, the first
column presents the type of the model. The second
and the third columns include the name and the
release date of the model, while the other columns
present for each model, the number of the cities that
were tested, the number of iterations performed, and
many other useful information and comments. Most
of the models are capable of giving better results for
large-scale problems and others for small datasets.
Last but not least, the tables show the number of
neurons that are used in the first phase of the
algorithm which is usually the initialization phase.
Usually, the number of neurons that are used is
equal to the number of the cities of the TSP, but
sometimes it is either 1.5 or 2 times more. Selecting
the number of nodes that is equal to the number of
cities makes the process of node separation more
delicate and results in the sensitivity of the
algorithm to the initial configuration. All of the
models have a common 2 layers in the input. On the
input layer, they take as entry the Cartesian
coordinates of the 2D point (city). On the other
Tables 4 and 5 present the models that we discussed
before and the models or algorithms that competed
against during their experiments. With the X sign,
we can perceive their competitors while Table 6
presents a summary of the Multiple TSP models.
Table 7 shows the competition of the Multiple TSP
models as they were mentioned in the previous
tables. Table 8 is an assemblage of all the models.
6 Vehicles & Drones
The vehicle routing problem (VRP) is a well-known
combinatorial optimization problem concerned with
the identification of the optimal routing of goods
between a central depot and a set of customers. The
Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) [71]
introduces a restriction on a vehicle’s capacities. To
extend the SOM application from the TSP to the
CVRP, there are two factors that must be
considered, and more specifically, the number of
vehicles in the problem as well as the vehicle
capacity constraint. Applying the SOM to the
CVRP, there are K rings of neurons (one ring for
each of the K vehicles / routes), where each ring
consists of M neurons. The output neurons must
now be indexed using the ring (route) as well as the
position within the route. To account for the
capacity constraint of the CVRP, there are two
approaches that have been followed, according to
the literature, both of which incorporate a
mechanism to penalize routes that are over capacity
when choosing the winning node for an input city
. One of the earliest applications of the SOM to
the CVRP uses a probabilistic approach for
choosing the winning node J [72]. In this algorithm,
each time an input city, , is presented to the
network, the closest node (measured by Euclidean
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.14
Stavros Sarikyriakidis,
Konstantinos Goulianas , Athanasios I. Margaris
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
distance) on each route is identified. From these K
nodes, the winning node is chosen in such a way
that the probability of the winning node being
chosen from an overloaded route, tends towards
zero as the network evolves in time. The second
approach incorporates a bias term to penalize
overloaded routes during the competition phase of
the algorithm. The earliest variation of this approach
multiplies the Euclidean distance by a ‘handicap’
factor as the nodes compete [73]. In this method, a
larger ‘handicap’ indicates that the current route is
near or over the capacity constraint. In subsequent
SOM approaches to the VRP, a bias term is added to
the Euclidean distance as the nodes compete. In this
approach, a winning node has the smallest
combination of Euclidean distance and bias term.
The published results of the application of the SOM
to the CVRP that utilize benchmark problem sets,
surpass the results from previous SOM approaches
Tairi et al. [76] proposed a traveling salesman
problem with drones solution with SOM (TSP-D).
The goal of the traveling salesman problem with
drones (TSP-D) is to efficiently route a vehicle
equipped with a drone from a source depot to
deliver packages to a set of customers and return to
the source depot with minimal distance traveled.
The TSP-D has been widely studied since first being
introduced in 2015 and it has been shown to
significantly reduce travel time in comparison to a
pure TSP. The model proposed in this study uses a
self-organizing map to determine an initial solution
to the underlying TSP. In the next step, a greedy
algorithm is used to determine ideal customer nodes
to be serviced by the drone, to reduce the total
distance traveled by the vehicle. The data used for
this study were retrieved from a National TSP
library. After determining a feasible route for the
vehicle by setting the SOM network, the next phase
in the solution is associated with the determination
of the ideal candidates for drone insertion. Drone
insertion refers to the process of dropping one of the
nodes from the truck route and instead, adding it to
the drone route. The objective of this algorithm is
the determination of nodes (if such nodes selected)
for drone delivery that reduce as much as possible
the total distance traveled by the truck. This process
of inserting drone nodes is iterated, until there are
no more potential candidates for drone delivery to
minimize the distance traveled by truck. The
network size used for this study was eight times the
population size and the number of iterations was
initialized to 100,000, even though the algorithm
stopped after 24,487 iterations. The algorithm tested
on 194 customer nodes and the results showed that
the initial solution generated using the SOM was 7%
higher than the optimal solution, while the solution
to the TSP-D was 39% less than the optimal TSP
solution and was computed in 28.8 seconds. The
final solution to the large TSP-D, suggests that
pairing a drone with a delivery truck, can help
significantly reduce the transportation distance as
well as time, if the procedure is planned efficiently.
7 A Comparison of the Presented
In this section, comparisons between the models are
performed. The presented results are associated with
the similarities as well as the difference between the
presented models. These models are also compared
and some experimental results are given.
Compared with traditional SOM-based TSP
methods, TOPSOM relaxes the stronger ‘closed
constraint at initialization stage, and is able to
satisfy the convex-hull constraint by using an elastic
competitive Hebbian learning mechanism during
optimization. TOPSOM has an average PDM (i.e.
the percent deviation of the mean solution value to
best Known Solution) of 4.16% and 8.02% in small-
scale ch130 and medium-scale uy734, while the
second best one (i.e. eISOM) only gets an average
PDM of 6.37% and 9.87%, respectively. As a result,
TOPSOM outperforms eISOM by up to 2.21% and
1.85%. For the large-scale instances like ro2950 and
fi10639, TOPSOM has an average PDM of 14.53%
and 21.94%, respectively, while the second-best
eISOM gets an average PDM of 15.67% and
23.45%, respectively. Thus, TOPSOM outperforms
eISOM by up to 1.14% and 1.51%. The superiority
of TOPSOM becomes prominent from the
perspective of the speed for problem-solving, by
14.08% faster than traditional SOM on average.
The Memetic SOM is superior to the co-adaptive net
as well as the ORC-SOM in generating the best
tours on average, indicating that Memetic SOM is
not only fast but also superior in getting more
precise solutions. However, this is true only for
small-scale instances. On the other hand, for large-
scale instances, ORC-SOM has 6.178% on average,
which is the smallest compared with those from the
co-adaptive net and memetic SOM, making 1.76%
and 1.34% improvement respectively. This indicates
that ORC-SOM is suitable for more precise
solutions with higher computation complexity for
large-scale problems, compared with the memetic
SOM and co-adaptive net.
The CHSOM obtained better results than Leung’s
algorithm for problems with 70, 107, 124, 195, and
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.14
Stavros Sarikyriakidis,
Konstantinos Goulianas , Athanasios I. Margaris
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
442 cities. Although CHSOM did not find better
solutions for KROA200 and ATT532, the solution
quality is very near to that of Leung’s algorithm.
The Expanding Property SOM competed against
Leung's ESOM and the performances of both shows
that it is very close to the theoretical bounds. The
main reason for which the error of the Expanding
Property SOM is slightly larger than Leung's
ESOM, is that the proposed learning rule is
comparatively more conservative than Leung's one.
Thus, the proposed learning rule limits the range of
convex-hull expansion of the excited neuron. More
specifically, it has a faster average execution time,
but the solution quality is close.
The solution qualities of the ESOM range from
4.05% to 11.35%. Therefore, its performance, even
though it is a bit worse as the number of cities
increases, is still stable. The ESOM takes slightly
longer in execution time than Budinich’s SOM.
The fact that MGSOM and EGSOM have similar
specifications, was the reason for which some of the
TSPs that were tested, had the same outcome.
However, the MGOM is characterized by a better
average deviation from the optimal tour length, with
a total average of 2.3215%, compared with EGOM
with 2.4925%, and MSTSP with 2.4372%.
In the case of the Enhanced SOM Solution, a set of
additional modifications performed after choosing
the baseline hyperparameter configuration, led to
slightly better results with a 0.07891 F1 score.
The CAN competed against MEMETIC SOM,
ORC-SOM, eISOM, ESOM, and SETSP and gave
the worst average results among all the others. The
Modified CAN competed against the original one
and the results have shown that the processing time
was reduced in half and in the PDM (the percentage
deviation to the optimum tour length of the mean
solution value) has better results only where the
number of cities is between 200 and 300. The
original one (CAN) has better results for less than
200 cities but when it is more than 300 both of them
have similar results.
The experimental results showed that on small-scale
TSP, only the ESOM algorithm is more prominent,
and the deviation rates of KNIES and ORC-SOM
are not much different. But once the scale of the
experimental data is relatively large, the ORC-SOM
algorithm has the lowest deviation from the optimal
rate. This shows that for medium and large-scale
TSP problems, the use of ORC-SOM algorithm
makes the identification of the globally optimal path
easier. When the TSP data size is greater than or
equal to 500, compared with the other two
algorithms, ORC-SOM has the smallest optimal
deviation rate. When the TSP data size is less than
or equal to 1000, the running times of various
algorithms are very close. Finally, when the TSP
data size is greater than 1000, the ORC-SOM
algorithm has the smallest running time, showing its
own advantages. After the above comparison, it is
not difficult to see that for small-scale TSP data,
ORC-SOM has no outstanding features compared to
other algorithms, while for larger-scale data, ORC-
SOM can not only find a good path, but also has a
relatively small running time.
Furthermore, KNIES is more complicated than
ESOM. Consequently, the performance of ESOM is
better than KNIES. A comparison of these
algorithms reveals that KNIES-TSP executes at least
on n × n steps, while SETSP executes at least on n
steps so SETSP has shown superior performance
compared to KNIES. The success of KNIES
DECOMPOSE increases as the problem size
increases. If att532, pcb442, kroA200, and rat195
data sets are considered, the average relative
deviations from the optimal tour lengths, become
7.03, 8.94, and 8.93 for KNIES DECOMPOSE,
respectively. Besides accuracy, KNIES
DECOMPOSE cuts the running time necessary for
KNIES_TSP_Global to solve att532, from
49,888.68 seconds down to 3.02 seconds, with no
deterioration in the solution quality.
Bernard’s Angeniol approach was compared with
the elastic net method presented by Durbin and
Willshaw. The results for five sets of 50 cities show
similar characteristics. On average, both approaches
are equivalent. The results compared to Tank and
Hopfield demonstrates that a low value of the
parameter 'a' gives a better average, but a high value
has the advantage that the optimum is sometimes
reached. It also gives a good solution in several tries
in less time than one try with a low value of a. It
seems the 2opt + SOM hybrid is not a very powerful
algorithm for the TSP. It has been outperformed by
EA as well as Lin-Kerninghan algorithms.
The approach of Mueller & Kiehne outperforms
ACO and SOM on a level of 5%. In the hybrid
algorithm, this method competed against Zhou and
it was faster about 84% considering the same TSPs,
and 11% faster than Peker's algorithm. In
comparison to the approach which uses the K-means
and the Firefly algorithm, it is observed that
Clustered SOM with the complementary GA is
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.14
Stavros Sarikyriakidis,
Konstantinos Goulianas , Athanasios I. Margaris
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
superior in terms of both the objective value and the
computation time.
The ART/SOFM model has a 10% excess over the
optimal tour length on TK2392 and the eISOM on
the same TSP has a 6.44% excess. Also, in the same
amount of cities, on PR2392 TSP Memetic SOM
has a 7.34%, The ESOM has 8.49%, the eISOM has
6.44%, and the ORC-SOM is 7.16%. The Eli51 is
one of the common TSPs which is used many times.
The SETSP has a computational result of 435, close
to the optimum length.
Furthermore, Fuzzy has the same computational
result as SETSP, and on the MGSOM it has 431 so
as EGSOM. The Hybrid has 440. The Iterative has
470. On the excess %, the results of the Eli51 on the
eISOM is 2.56%, on SETSP is 2.22%, on the
MEMETIC it is 2.52%, on the EGSOM it is 1.39%
as the MGSOM too and the ORC-SOM 3.00%. The
results above are associated with small-scale TSP
Now, let us present results associated with a large
scale of problems, meaning more cities. The TSP
called fi10639 has 10639 total cities. TOPSOM as it
was presented previously, has a percentage
Deviation of the Mean solution equal to 21.94%,
compared with eISOM which has 23.45% and the
traditional SOM with 27.02%. The MEMETIC has
6.93%. The TSP berlin52 has 52 cities so it is a
small-scale problem. The optimal tour length of the
traditional SOM is 7544. The result of the Self-
Organizing Iterative’s length on that TSP is 7959.
The eISOM has a mean length of 8148 and the
TOPSOM has a value of 7995. Also, in the hybrid
model, the average value is 8208. Furthermore, in
the Mueller & Kiehne approach, the mean value is
One common characteristic of most of the models,
is the Euclidean distance, that is used to find the
nearest neighbor. Only the approach of Mueller &
Kiehne took the TSP from the Welch Two Sample t-
test. Other than that all of them used TSPLIB
instances. Furthermore, TOPSOM used National
TSP’s instances too.
CHAOSOM compared with SOM, and the
percentage error of the optimal distance on the
CHAOSOM has shown better results.
Fuzzy compared to the Evolutionary Algorithm and
the Lin Kernighan Algorithm. This algorithm
provides significantly better results for TSP as the
number of cities increases.
The average improvement rate of the solution
accuracy (average error for optimal) in the
SOM+SA process is estimated at about 2%, but it is
scattered depending on the size of the problems. The
average CPU time on SOM+SA is for the
number of cities equal to n.
The PMSOM was compared with the MEMETIC
SOM and the results show that the computational
speed is faster, because it uses clusters, while the
number of cities increases and the PDM% is 4.53
compared to 5.87 of the MEMETIC SOM.
To sum up, the objective of this work was the study
of a set of papers, presenting an interesting SOM
and the evaluation and comparison regarding their
use to the TSP. The mathematical equations of the
algorithms can be found in the papers describing
them. ORC-SOM had the best average results from
the optimal tour length, considering all the other
enriched SOM models for small-scale problems.
Regarding the large datasets, TOPSOM produces
the fastest results with a good performance. On the
Hybrid models, for small datasets, the eISOM
model produces the best results, while Fuzzy seems
to produce the fastest time but not as decent results
as eISOM. On the large scale of problems such as a
10000 of a TSP on average, the PMSOM has the
best score and fast execution time. The MinMax
Multiple-TSP produces the best results in the
category of multiple salesmen.
8 Conclusion
In this survey paper, we gathered and studied
models of the well-known Travelling Salesman
Problem (TSP) using Self-Organizing maps (SOM).
More specifically, a set of models that implement
the SOM on TSP instances, are presented. These
models were classified according to the algorithms
they use. The comparison shows that some models
tend to perform better on large-scale problems while
some others on small-scale. The performance is
good, not only regarding the time spent to finish, but
also with respect to the optimality of the tour length.
These models maximize their efficiency to provide
us with general knowledge of different kinds of
algorithms, so we can choose which is better for our
problem. In future works, we will keep track of new
methods that solve the TSP using SOM in order to
create a newer version of this paper with models
that have different approaches and superior
computational results if possible.
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.14
Stavros Sarikyriakidis,
Konstantinos Goulianas , Athanasios I. Margaris
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Stavros Sarikyriakidis,
Konstantinos Goulianas , Athanasios I. Margaris
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
Contribution of Individual Authors to the
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The authors equally contributed in the present
research, at all stages from the formulation of the
problem to the final findings and solution.
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No funding was received for conducting this study.
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Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
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This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
Dataset & Iterations
The number of
neurons depends on
the cities
Useful Comments
52 to 16862 cities
TSPLIB instances
National TSP’s
30000 iterations
Big Data
Neurons = 8 × Cities
In comparison with traditional SOM,
TOPSOM gets better routes with up to a
7.67% decrease in terms of PDM, and a
3.19% reduction in average in terms of
51 to 2392 cities
TSPLIB instances
200 iterations
Big Data
Neurons = 2 or 3 ×
ORC-SOM is superior in average
percentage to its counterparts in solution
70 to 532 cities
TSPLIB instances
200 iterations
Not referred
Neurons = Cities
Obtained better solution quality (%from
optimum) than Leung’s algorithm on some
TSPs, but not on all.
2400 cities
No library found
100 * n iterations
Big Data
Neurons = Cities
The width is decreased linearly to 1 in the
first 65% of the iterations.
50 to 2400 cities
TSPLIB instances
100 * n iterations
Small Data
Neurons = Cities
4.18% solution quality on average on 20
TSPs Compared to KNIES-global, KNIES-
local, SA, and Budinich.
6 to 442 cities
TSPLIB instances
20 iterations
Big Data
Neurons = 2 × Cities
2.3215 average deviations from the optimal
tour length compared to KL, KG, and
51 to 106 cities
TSPLIB instances
No iterations found
Big Data
Neurons = 1.5 × Cities
2.4925 percent difference from the optimal
tour and 233.8 average processing time
51 to 442 cities
TSPLIB instances
20 iterations
Big Data
Neurons = 2 × Cities
The average deviation of 2.4372% from
the optimal tour length.
50 to 200 cities
No library found
100000 iterations
Not referred
Neurons = Cities
0.07891 of F1 score achieved.
100000 cities
TSPLIB instances
50 to 500 iterations
Big Data
Neurons = 5 × Cities
The results show a very nice speedup
behavior and make the solution of very
large TSPs viable, up to hundreds of
thousands of cities.
51 to 85900 cities
TSPLIB instances
Cities / 2 iterations
Big Data
Neurons = 2.5 ×Cities
CAN and ORCSOM seem to be more
6 to 574 cities
TSPLIB instances
Cities / 2 iterations
Small Data
Neurons = 2.5 × Cities
The error in the CAN algorithm is
negligible for small problems.
51 to 2392 cities
TSPLIB instances
150 iterations
Big Data
Neurons = 2.5 × Cities
Faster computation time and better results
than ORC-SOM.
51 to 532 cities
TSPLIB instances
No iterations found
Small Data
Neurons = Cities
2.73% relative deviation from the optimal
tour length. Better than PKN, GN, AVL,
51 to 2392 cities
TSPLIB instances
No iterations found
Big Data
Neurons = Clusters
It is not the number of clusters, but the
quality of the clustering which is crucial;
this results in both a higher speed and
accuracy at the same time.
Modares et
51 to 1400 cities
TSPLIB instances
No iterations found
Big Data
Neurons = 2 × Cities
The deviation from the best-known
solutions are 2.17% in the worst case and
1.22% on average.
1000 cities
No library found
No iterations found
Big Data
Neurons = Cities
Compared with the elastic net method
presented by Durbin and Willshaw.
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.14
Stavros Sarikyriakidis,
Konstantinos Goulianas , Athanasios I. Margaris
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
Method name
Dataset & Iterations
The number of
neurons used depends
on the cities
Useful Comments
51 to 200 cities
TSPLIB instances
No iterations referred
Small Data
Neurons = Cities
5-10% solution quality (%from
Mueller &
52 to 561 cities
Welch Two Sample t-
iterations > 2000
Not referred
Neurons = Cities
The hybrid approach outperforms
ACO and SOM at a level of 5%.
14 to 99 cities
TSPLIB instances
2500 or 3000 iterations
Big Data
Neurons = Cities
Competed against classic SOM.
51 to 442 cities
TSPLIB95 instances
500000 iterations
Big Data
Neurons = 2 × Cities
Less processing time but not a better
quality solution on most of them.
2opt + SOM
51 to 10000 cities
TSPLIB instances
25000 iterations
Big Data
Neurons = Cities
Its speed might be impressive, but it
still is slow.
70 to 442 cities
TSPLIB instances
iterations > 30
Big Data
Neurons > Cities
3.69 Average deviation from the
optimal tour length compared to KL,
100 to 10000 cities
TSPLIB instances
iterations > 50
Big Data
Neurons = Cities
Compared with SOM-Firefly [77],
K-means-GA, and K-means-Firefly.
30 to 2393 cities
TSPLIB instances
160 * n iterations
Big Data
Neurons = Cities
3.24% solution quality on the
optimum length.
1000 to 14000 cities
TSPLIB instances
No iterations referred
Big Data
Neurons = Cities
Percentage excess over the Lin
Kernighan tour.
29 to 85900 cities
TSPLIB instances
No iterations referred
Small Data
Neurons = 2 × Cities
Better %PDM and %PDB on most of
its competitors especially on small
29 to 10639 cities
TSPLIB instances
60 to 480 iterations
Big Data
Neurons = 5 × Cities
This methodology is more than 4
times faster than those of non-
parallel systems on average.
48 cities
TSPLIB instances
100 iterations
Not referred
Neurons = 2 × Cities
2.02% error from the optimal
Chaotic maps
50 to 10000 cities
OpenOpal framework
1000 to 1000000
Depending on
the model
Neurons = Cities
Burgers, Delayed Logistics, or
Tinkerbell Map are for big problems
and Henon Map is for small sets.
51 to 1200 cities
TSPLIB instances
25000 iterations
Big Data
Neurons = Cities
It has better average percentage
results than Lin Kernighan.
10 to 2000 cities
TSPLIB instances
Iterations = cities * 5
Big Data
Neurons = Cities
Its computational complexity is
approximately .
Elastic Net
1000 to 2000 cities
No library found
Not referred
Neurons = 2.5 × Cities
The integration of SOM and EN has
proven to be a very efficient way to
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.14
Stavros Sarikyriakidis,
Konstantinos Goulianas , Athanasios I. Margaris
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
10 million iterations
optimal route planning.
Method name
Expanding Property
Bernard Angeniol
Modified CAN
Modares et al.
TABLE 4. HYBRID COMPETITION (Hybrid models against the algorithms/models/authors of a model
taken from their papers)
Method name
Yongquan Zhou
Self-Organizing Iterative
Mueller & Kiehne
The continuation of the TABLE 5.
Method name
Clustered SOM
2opt + SOM
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.14
Stavros Sarikyriakidis,
Konstantinos Goulianas , Athanasios I. Margaris
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
Method name
Dataset &
The number of
neurons depends on
the cities
Useful Comments
MinMax Multiple-
51 to 99 cities
5000 iterations
Not specific
Neurons = 3 × Cities
The optimum solution is obtained on some
problem instances.
29 to 561 cities
100 iterations
Not referred
Neurons = Cities
Better length of the average solution and
running time than conventional SOM.
Method name
Modares et al.
MinMax Multiple-TSP
et al.
2opt +
Mueller &
Elastic Net
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.14
Stavros Sarikyriakidis,
Konstantinos Goulianas , Athanasios I. Margaris
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023