Basic Infrastructure and Economic Growth in Sumatra Province,
Economic Development, Faculty of Economics and Business,
University of Lampung,
Jln. H. Komarudin, Rajabasa Raya, Rajabasa, Bandar Lampung,
Economic Development, Faculty of Economics and Business,
University of Lampung,
Landani House, Rajabasa, Rajabasa, Bandar Lampung,
Economic Development, Faculty of Economics and Business,
University of Lampung,
Puri Sejahtera Blok F No. 3, Hajimena, Natar, Lampung Selatan,
Economic Development, Faculty of Economics and Business,
University of Lampung,
Wisma Cantik Manis, Rajabasa, Rajabasa, Bandar Lampung,
Abstract: - This study aims to examine the impact of basic infrastructures, such as roads, electricity use,
irrigation, and educational facilities, on economic growth in the Sumatra region. The Badan Pusat Statistik
(BPS) of the Republic of Indonesia, PLN, the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry of Public Works
and Public Housing of the Republic of Indonesia, and Bank Indonesia provided data for this research. The FEM
(fixed effect model) technique was used to analyse panel data from 2015 to 2019 in 10 provinces in Sumatra.
Economic growth is a temporary variable; the independent variables are roads, electricity, irrigation, and
educational infrastructure. According to the findings, the variable length of provincial highways in excellent
and moderate condition, electricity consumption, irrigation, and educational infrastructure in the form of school
buildings had a positive and significant influence on economic growth in Sumatra provinces from 2015 to
2019. As a result, the government must provide facilities and infrastructure to boost economic growth.
Key-Words: - Economic Growth, Roads, Electricity, Irrigation, Educational, Infrastructure, Sumatra
Received: April 17, 2022. Revised: January 11, 2023. Accepted: February 7, 2023. Published: March 7, 2023.
1 Introduction
The role of government is relatively significant in a
socialist economic sy0.e government provides what is
called public goods. One of the government's roles in
increasing economic growth is to provide facilities and
infrastructure. The authors in [1], define infrastructure
as physical facilities developed or required by public
agents for government functions to facilitate social and
economic goals.
Infrastructure has a significant role in
accelerating economic development in general.
According to Todaro and Smith, [2] the available
infrastructure in a nation is a substantial and
decisive element in the speed and scope of
economic growth.
Infrastructure is required to boost
competitiveness, promote more investment,
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.9
Heru Wahyudi, Adinda Putri Mulyya,
Fakhri Rizal Husain, Widia Anggi Palupi
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
manufacturing, and trade activities, and increase
economic growth and equitable development to
reduce poverty and unemployment rates. In
addition, the existence of infrastructure is also
essential so that the process of developing human
resources in an area can run well. The development
process accompanied by rapid technological
developments necessitates a truly appropriate
approach to infrastructure development programs.
Several provinces in Indonesia have experienced
immediate structure improvements, while some
have yet to be realized.
World Bank, [3], divides infrastructure into
three categories: economic infrastructure
(electricity, telecommunications, water, sanitation,
gas), public works (roads, dams, bridges, canals,
irrigation, and drainage), and transportation
(railways, bus terminals, ports, airports), social
infrastructure (education, health, housing, and
recreation), and administrative infrastructure (law
Sumatra Island, with an area of about
443,065.8 km2, is one of Indonesia's biggest islands
and the island with the second highest economic
development after Java Island. Because Java Island
has a complete infrastructure, it is faster than
Sumatra Island, and its economic growth is higher
on average.
Factors, including infrastructure development,
shape economic growth on the island of Sumatra.
The country's overall Gross Domestic Product
(GDP) determines its economic growth. "GDP is
the total final output of goods and services
produced by a country's economy in that territory,
both by citizens and non-citizens", [2]. Because of
rising demands and the need for a global supplier
of products and services to meet those demands,
the importance of developing transportation
infrastructure has rarely been more excellent today,
[4]. In his book, the author in [5],
systematically states that long-term economic
growth consists of two main aspects: an increase in
GDP and population growth. The following table
provides thorough information on the economic
growth rates of Sumatra's provinces.
Table 1. Average Economic Growth Rate of Provinces in Sumatra 2015-2019 (percent)
Province 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Average
Aceh -0,73 3,29 4,18 4,61 4,15 3,1
Sumatera Utara
Sumatra Barat
Riau 0,22 2,18 2,68 2,34 2,84 2,05
Jambi 4,21 4,37 4,64 5,26 5,33 4,76
Selatan 4,42 5,04 5,51 6,04 5,71 5,34
Bengkulu 5,13 5,28 4,98 4,99 4,95 5,07
Lampung 5,13 5,14 5,16 5,25 5,62 5,26
4,08 4,1 4,47 4,45 3,32 4,08
Source: BPS (Data Processed)
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.9
Heru Wahyudi, Adinda Putri Mulyya,
Fakhri Rizal Husain, Widia Anggi Palupi
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
Three provinces have an average economic
growth below the average growth rate in Sumatra:
Aceh, Riau, and Bangka Belitung. Meanwhile, the
other seven provinces' average economic growth
rate exceeds Sumatra's average economic growth
rate. South Sumatra had the most incredible and
significant economic growth at 5.34%, while Riau
Province had the lowest at 2.05%.
Economic growth in Sumatra before the
development of basic infrastructure, for example,
roads. Provincial roads play an essential role in the
transportation sector, particularly important for the
distribution of products and services and the
movement of people across areas. Road
construction by adding or repairing roads is needed
to support the pace of economic growth. If many
roads have damaged conditions, it will be difficult
for the community to get raw materials or goods
and services from other areas. The number of
damaged roads in Sumatra and access have
hampered the growth of the region, which will
hinder the existing economic growth.
Likewise, with electric electrification, the lack
of access to isolated areas away from crowds
makes it difficult for electricity to enter. The main
obstacles are roads, access roads that are damaged,
and even still in ground-level conditions in several
provinces in Sumatra, making it difficult for PLN
to increase the electricity electrification ratio. In
2018, data on the electrification ratio of electricity
in Indonesia reached 98.3 percent, meaning that
there are still 1.7 percent left, almost 5 million
people in Indonesia who have not received
electricity or lighting services. Electricity is
mandatory for households and production
companies. Suppose there is a need for the
electrification of electricity. In that case, it will
hamper daily life and processing production at
factories, reducing the production of goods and
services and causing economic growth in an area to
weaken. Based on the results of the Growth
Diagnostic study conducted by Bank Indonesia in
2015 in 24 of the 34 provinces, the availability of
electricity became the most binding constraint in
almost all the provinces that were an object of the
study. These results indicate that the need for
electrical energy is very urgent. The other main
obstacle of which is the problem of road quality.
According to the Sumatra Island Infrastructure
Development Master Plan, the main inhibiting
factors for economic growth in Sumatra are
electricity and road quality.
According to [6], road infrastructure positively
and significantly influences per capita income,
indicating that road infrastructure may affect per
capita [7]; the road infrastructure variable
positively and substantially influences economic
growth in Jambi Province. On the other hand, the
author in [8], on the other hand, concluded that
road infrastructure had no considerable effect on
Electricity is one of the essential things that
must exist for life today. According to research
performed by [9], a lack of electrical capacity is a
crucial impediment to the development of
businesses in Nigeria. Vital energy in developing
modern human existence is electrical infrastructure,
the use of electricity in urban and rural regions for
various purposes. The energy demand is expanding
in tandem with the social progress of civilization.
According to authors [8], electrical infrastructure
has a significant influence. However, according to
[10], electricity infrastructure has a negative impact
econ economic growth in Sibolga's development
The view is that infrastructure development in
agriculture impacts economic growth significantly.
The government has made different attempts to
offer high-quality agricultural infrastructure,
including repairing or expanding the capacity of
damaged infrastructure and new construction.
Infrastructure in agriculture is a physical building
to support agricultural development. The
supporting facilities include providing irrigation
water (dams and pump wells), irrigation and
drainage channels, and agricultural roads.
Infrastructure development in agriculture is a
crucial driver of regional economic prosperity.
Infrastructure development in agriculture has a
significant impact on economic growth. Irrigation
is one of the agriculture sector's supporting
infrastructures. According to the authors in [11],
the irrigation variable has a positive and
considerable influence on the expansion of
Sumatra's agricultural industry. According to
authors in [12], roads, irrigation, and network
expenditures significantly affect the economic
growth of cities in North Sulawesi. On the other
hand, the author in [13] claimed that irrigation
network expenditures have no significant influence
on economic growth. It can be seen in Figure 1. A
good and wide irrigation area will lead to increased
rice production. In South Sumatra Province, an
irrigated area of 239,577 ha can increase rice
production by 2,603,396.24 tons. However, in
contrast to Riau Province in 2019, Riau's irrigation
area in 2019 was 437,779 ha, more significant than
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.9
Heru Wahyudi, Adinda Putri Mulyya,
Fakhri Rizal Husain, Widia Anggi Palupi
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
South Sumatra. Still, Riau Province was only able
to produce a rice production of 230,873 tons. The
lowest irrigated area is in the Riau Archipelago
Province, with the most rice. An irrigated area of
196 ha only produced 1,150.8 tons of rice in 2019.
The area of irrigation will affect the rice production
of each region. Rice production will affect each
part's income in the agricultural sector. This will
affect the economic growth rate in each area.
Fig. 1: Comparison of the area of irrigation and rice production in the provinces of Sumatra in 2019
Source: Badan Pusat Statistik
In the regulation of the Minister of Public
Works and Public Housing of the Republic of
Indonesia, Number 14/PRT/M/2015, concerning
criteria and determination of the status of irrigation
areas, the authors in [14] explains that irrigation is
an effort to provide, regulate, and discharge
irrigation water for supporting agriculture, with
types including surface irrigation, swamp
irrigation, and underground water irrigation. It is
often said that an Irrigation Area (DI) is a unit of
land that receives water from an irrigation network.
Irrigation networks are made up of canals,
buildings, and other facilities essential for
supplying, distributing, managing, using, and
disposing of irrigation water.
According to research by Schultz in [15], the
development of human-centered education directly
contributes to the economic growth of a country by
boosting the workforce's skills and production
capacity. Human capital theory shows that formal
education is the main factor in creating a
productive society. Education requires investment.
Thus, the government must be able to provide
adequate educational buildings and systems. The
average educational infrastructure in the form of
school buildings consists of high school buildings,
vocational high schools, and madrasas, equivalent
from public and private from the year to most
prominent is located in North Sumatra Province
with as many as 1,617 units.
This improvement in school infrastructure
demonstrates the government's attempts to promote
education through developing educational
infrastructure such as school building amenities.
Educational infrastructure is essential in developing
productive personnel with appropriate competence,
knowledge, and abilities. Employees with proper
education and quality are the decisive variables for
boosting production capacity and stimulating
economic growth, [16]. According to authors in
[17], education infrastructure had a positive and
significant impact on economic growth in Central
Java. The authors in [18] analyzed the effect of
infrastructure development on economic growth in
Bengkulu Province. The results show that the
number of schools has a positive and significant
impact on economic growth in the Province.
However, according to the research in [19],
education at the tertiary level has a negative and
significant influence on economic growth in
Sidoarjo Regency. Thus, the education
infrastructure must be continuously improved so
that competent human resources will increase.
The novelty of this research is to use
infrastructure in electricity and irrigation. Both of
these infrastructures have a vital role in economic
activity. Electricity plays an essential role in the
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.9
Heru Wahyudi, Adinda Putri Mulyya,
Fakhri Rizal Husain, Widia Anggi Palupi
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
industrial world, especially now that the industrial
world uses many electric-powered machines in
production activities. Irrigation channels also play a
crucial role in the economy because Indonesia is an
agricultural country where the farm sector
contributes to national income. The existence of
irrigation channels can supply plants' water needs,
ensure water availability in the dry season, reduce
soil temperature, and reduce soil damage which
succeeds in agricultural activities.
2 Methodology and Variables
2.1 Methodology
This study is both descriptive and quantitative.
Secondary data is utilised, mainly gathered and
released by entities such as the Republic of
Indonesia's Central Statistics Agency (BPS), PLN,
the Ministry of Education and Culture, the
Republic of Indonesia's Ministry of Public Works
and Housing, and Bank Indonesia. Economic
development is the study's dependent variable,
whereas the independent variables include road
length, electrical energy sold, clean water supplied,
and the education index. The scope of this study
covers ten provinces on the island of Sumatra for
five observation periods, namely from 2015-2019.
Panel Data Regression Analysis was employed as
the analytical approach in this study. This approach
is used because panel data is a combination of two
forms of data: time series and cross-section, and it
may supply more data, resulting in a higher degree
of freedom, and by utilising panel data, one can
solve the difficulty of removing missing variables,
[20]. The analysis tool in this study uses EViews 10.
The regression model in this study is as follows:
Where the is Economic growth (percent),
Is the length of provincial roads according
to conditions in the Provinces of Sumatra (Km),
is the ratio of electrification and energy
consumed per capita (kWh/capita), Is
Irrigated area (Ha), Is high school and
equivalent vocational school units in the Provinces
of Sumatra (units), is 1, 2, . . .n, indicates the
number of individual crosses (cross-sections), t is
1, 2, . . .t, shows the time series dimension (time
series), β0 is the intercept, β1, β2, β345 is
regression coefficient, and is the error term.
2.2 Variables
2.2.1 Economic Growth
Growth is measured by using rate data rate growth
in every Province in percentage the year. Research
this using consistent data from 2010 in form
percent in provinces in Sumatra in 2015-2019.
2.2.2 Provincial Road According to Condition
A provincial road is a collector in a system network
connecting the primary road capital province with
the capital district/city or between capital
districts/cities and roads strategic province. Study
this use condition road fine and on the way to the
area. Data used sums long road provinces in
condition good with long road provinces in
medium circumstances.
2.2.3 Consumed Electrical Electrification
This research uses installed kWh data sold per capita
from 2014-2019. Sold energy to the customer is energy
(kWh) sold to TT customers (voltage high), TM (voltage
medium), and TR (voltage low) is appropriate with the
number of kWh generated accounts (TUL III-09).
Electricity consumption per capita (Kwh/Capita) is the
ratio of the total sale of power electricity to the total
number of residents.
2.2.4 Coverage Area Irrigation
According to the Ministry of PUPR, Irrigation
Areas (DI) are land units that receive water from an
irrigation network. Irrigation networks consist of
canals, buildings, and complementary buildings,
constituting a single unit required to supply,
distribute, administer, use, and dispose of irrigation
water. Research this using local data irrigation with
Ha unit.
2.2.5 Infrastructure Education Total Building
According to Minister of Education and Culture
No. 6 of 2019 concerning Guidelines Organization
and Work Procedure, Elementary and Secondary
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.9
Heru Wahyudi, Adinda Putri Mulyya,
Fakhri Rizal Husain, Widia Anggi Palupi
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
Education Unit State Education units at the
secondary education level and Education Units at
an education special are below authority and
responsibility to the service area hosting province
affairs education.
3 Result and Discussion
3.1 Result
3.1.1 Selection of a Regression Model
There are three methods of model estimation in
panel data regression, namely the common effects
model (CEM), the fixed effects model (FEM), and
the random effects model (REM). To find out the
method used in panel data regression was
determined through several tests, including the
Chow test, the Lagrange multiplier (LM) test, and
the Hausman test. Chow test
Chow's test was performed to choose the method
best between Common Effect Model (CEM) and
the Fixed Effect Model (FEM), using Redundant
Fixed Effect-Likelihood Ratio. The Conclusion
from results testing done with look mark
probability (P-value). If the P-value < than level
real (α), then the Fixed Effect model is more
appropriate; otherwise, if the P-value > level real
(α), then more models Common Effect Models
Table 2. Chow test results
Effect Test
Cross-section F
Chi-square cross-sections
Table 3. LM Test Results
Test Hypothesis
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.9
Heru Wahyudi, Adinda Putri Mulyya,
Fakhri Rizal Husain, Widia Anggi Palupi
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
Table 4. Hausman Test Results
Test Summary
Chi-Sq. Statistics
Chi-Sq. df
Random cross-sections
As can be seen in Table 2, obtained mark
probability (p-value) of 0.0000. Less chow of 5%
rate trust ), and the calculated χ value is
67.382901 enormous from χ table 12.59. So the
results testing the more fixed effect model (FEM)
method are reasonable compared to the standard
effect model (CEM) method for analysing data in a
study. Lagrange Multiplier Test (LM)
Lagrange Multiplier (LM) test was performed to
choose the method best between Common Effect
Model (CEM) and Random Effect Model (REM),
and the Conclusion from the results testing was
done with look mark probability (P-value).Based
on Table 3, the Breusch-Pagan value of 18.43922 is
more significant than the χ table of 7.81, so the
more random effect model (REM) method is
suitable compared to the standard effect model
(CEM) method for analysing the research data. Hausman test
The Hausman test was used to determine which
method was better between the Random Effect
Model (REM) and the Fixed Effect Model (FEM);
if the p-value < alpha (0.05), then the Fixed Effect
Model method is selected, whereas if the p-value >
alpha (0,05) then the Random Effect Model method
is determined.
Based on Table 4, the value of the Chi-Square
Statistic - count) is 14.693455 larger than the
Chi-Squares table - table) of 2.58. Weight is also
obtained with a probability of 0.0054 < 0.05, so
results testing this is a more Fixed Effect Model
(FEM) method suitable for analysing and studying
this. Based on the table above, it can be concluded
that the best model for estimating the research data
is the Fixed Effect Model (FEM).
3.1.2 Classic Assumption Test
Classical assumptions must be met for the available
OLS estimator to be the best. Because it is essential
in regression analysis, the conditions that need to
be completed are: unbiased, linear, and having
variance (BLUE = Best Linear Unbiased
Estimator). According to authors [20], normality,
multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, and
autocorrelation tests are used to determine whether
or not the estimated model deviates from classical
assumptions. Normality test
The normality test works to test whether, in a
regression model, the confounders have a normal
distribution. From the data from the initial test
results that are not normally distributed, a
probability value of 0.00000 is obtained, which is
smaller than 0.05. For the data to be normally
distributed, the data is transformed into a
logarithmic form or by using winsorizing. So, from
this logarithmic transformation, the residuals are
normally distributed with a probability of
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.9
Heru Wahyudi, Adinda Putri Mulyya,
Fakhri Rizal Husain, Widia Anggi Palupi
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
-0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Series: Standardized Residuals
Sample 2015 2019
Observations 28
Mean 1.55e-17
Median 0.009625
Maximum 0.372635
Minimum -0.398565
Std. Dev. 0.199826
Skewness -0.017333
Kurtosis 2.454877
Jarque-Bera 0.348088
Probability 0.840260
Fig. 2: Normality Test Results
Table 5. Multicollinearity Test Results
Table 6. Heteroscedasticity Test Results
Std. Error
0.5685 Deteksi Multikolinieritas
A multicollinearity test was performed to examine
whether or not the independent variables in the
equation model had a strong link. A decent
regression model has no connection between the
independent variables. The results of
multicollinearity testing with a correlation
coefficient matrix are shown below.:
Based on Table 5, the results of the
multicollinearity test are obtained where the
correlation coefficient between the four
independent variables in this study shows a
coefficient number that is less than 0.90, so it can
be concluded that there is no big multicollinearity
problem from the data. Heteroscedasticity Test
The heteroscedasticity test is a test to see whether
or not there is the same variance from one residual
to another residual. Heteroscedasticity testing in
this study used the Glejser test. If the probability
value of each independent variable is > 0.05, the
model is free of heteroscedasticity.
From the regression above, it can be concluded
that the selected FEM model has a probability >
0.05, meaning there is no heteroscedasticity
problem. Autocorrelation Test
Autocorrelation is the correlation between one
observation and members of another word at
various periods. This study performs the
autocorrelation test using the Durbin-Watson test
method. The results show that Durbin-Watson
(FEM) is Durbin-Watson Stat 1.740166 with dL and
dU values in the Durbin-Watson table, where n = 50
and k = 4, so the importance of dL = 1.3779 and dU
= 1.7214. As a result, it is possible to conclude that
there is no autocorrelation.
3.1.3 Regression Estimation Results
According to the testing result, the LM and
Hausman test results belong to the Fixed Effect
Model (FEM), so the Fixed Effect Model is the best
model to interpret the data in this study (FEM). The
following are the regression findings.
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.9
Heru Wahyudi, Adinda Putri Mulyya,
Fakhri Rizal Husain, Widia Anggi Palupi
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
Table 7. Regression Model Selection Test Results
Std. Error
Effects Specification
Cross-section fixed (dummy variables)
Mean dependent var
Adjusted R-squared
S.D. dependent var
S.E. of regression
Akaike info criterion
Sum squared resid
Schwarz criterion
Hannan-Quinn criteria.
Durbin-Watson stat
Table 8. Individual Parameter Significance Test Results (t-Test)
Tolak H0
Tolak H0
Tolak H0
Tolak H0
Based on the table above, the following regression equation was obtained:
3.1.4 Statistical Test Individual Parameter Significance Test
The t-test is used to determine if there is a
significant relationship between the independent
variable and the dependent variable.According to
the table above, road length, electricity, irrigation,
and educational infrastructure partially positively
and significantly influenced economic growth in 10
Sumatran provinces from 2015 to 2019. Simultaneous Significance Test (F Test)
A simultaneous significance test (F test) was
conducted to determine whether all independent
variables had a concurrent or joint effect on the
dependent variable.
Table 9. Simultaneous Significance Test Results
(Test F)
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.9
Heru Wahyudi, Adinda Putri Mulyya,
Fakhri Rizal Husain, Widia Anggi Palupi
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
According to Table 9, the results of the F-
statistics simultaneous test are 8.592064 and an F-
table of 2.58. As a result, all independent variables
consisting of basic infrastructure, such as the length
of roads in excellent and medium condition,
electricity, irrigation, and the number of high
school and vocational high school buildings,
together have a significant impact on economic
growth in 10 provinces on the island of Sumatra in
2015-2019. Coefficient of Determination (R2)
Based on the results of the analysis, the coefficient
of determination (R2) is 0.756257, which means
that variations in economic growth can be
explained by variations in the number of local road
infrastructure according to excellent and moderate
conditions, electricity, irrigation area, and the
number of educational buildings for SMA and
SMK equivalents. by 75%, The remaining 25% is
impacted by a variable that is not accounted for in
the model.
3.2 Discussion
3.2.1 The Influence of Roads on Economic
Growth in Provinces throughout Sumatra
in 2015-2019
The growth of basic infrastructure in the form of
provincial road lengths based on excellent and
moderate conditions has a positive and significant
impact on economic growth in provinces
throughout Sumatra. The results of this study are
research conducted by authors [7] on road
infrastructure variables that positively and
significantly influence economic growth in Jambi
Province. This is due to the Harrord-Domar theory,
which states that the more capital, or capital, in this
case, road infrastructure, The more output will
increase. This increase in production will affect
economic growth. For example, if a farmer wants
to improve rural production by buying a new
tractor but there are no excellent road facilities to
transport the additional agrarian output to the
market, the investment from this farmer will not
increase food production much in that area.
In other research conducted by authors [21],
partial variables in road infrastructure have a
positive and significant impact on the economic
growth rate. This is because an increase in the
economic growth rate in the Province of Bali
accompanies every increase in road infrastructure.
According to authors [22], the road variable
positively and significantly affects economic
growth. The results of this study are consistent with
the hypotheses suspected and with the theory that
claims that roads have a substantial impact on
economic growth because the Solow theory implies
that there are only multiple forms of capital. In
addition, research with results similar to this study,
namely [23], demonstrates that roads significantly
impact economic growth in a given location.
Roads, according to Law No. 38 of 2004, are
land transportation infrastructure that includes all
parts of the road, including the development of its
accessories and equipment intended for traffic, that
are on the surface of the ground and water and
above the surface of the water, except for railroads,
lorry roads, and a cableway. Roads are
infrastructure that various regions must own; good
road conditions can facilitate access to trade
between provinces. However, poor and unpaved
road conditions can hamper these activities. There
are still many roads that still need to be asphalted
or are still dirt in several areas in the Province of
Sumatra, which has made economic growth in the
regions in Sumatra not increase significantly.
According to Regulation of the Minister of
Public Works No. 13 of 2011, Chapter I, Article 1,
paragraph 12, road maintenance is an activity for
handling roads in the form of prevention,
maintenance, and repairs required to maintain road
conditions so that they continue to function
optimally serving traffic and the specified plan age
can be achieved. Road maintenance is urgently
needed to improve existing provincial roads to
facilitate access between regions.
The role of allocation, essentially the function
of the government as a provider of public goods
and services such as road construction, school
building, lighting facilities, telephones, and so on,
is one of the functions of the government to boost
economic growth. The government must now offer
road access to current community activities. The
availability of road infrastructure significantly
impacts the distribution of production components
or the products and services generated by industry.
3.2.2 The Effect of Electricity Consumption on
Economic Growth in Provinces
throughout Sumatra in 2015-2019
The results of this study indicate that the
electrification of electricity consumption has a
positive and significant impact on economic
growth. This is in line with existing theories and
hypotheses. The results of this study are also in line
with research conducted by Prasetyo and Firdaus
[24]. The use of electrical energy has a positive and
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.9
Heru Wahyudi, Adinda Putri Mulyya,
Fakhri Rizal Husain, Widia Anggi Palupi
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
significant impact on Indonesia's economic growth.
Electrical energy production activities have an
essential role; for this reason, to increase economic
growth, electrical energy is needed.
Another research that was carried out by [25]
found that electricity has a positive and significant
influence on economic growth in West Java; the
considerable influence of electrical infrastructure
on economic growth demonstrates that the usage of
electricity, particularly in the industrial sector, is
critical in generating economic growth since it is
required as the primary component in supporting
manufacturing process activities.
Furthermore, research by Azuwulandari et al.
[26] said that electrical energy positively and
significantly influences economic growth. More
electricity distributed and installed in Bengkulu
Province will encourage economic growth.
Electricity infrastructure development is a form of
fiscal policy from the government to increase
development and economic growth. Subsequent
research, namely [27], stated that electricity
consumption has a more significant and immediate
effect in the short term. Unfortunately, in the long
run, the influence of electricity consumption on
economic development is insignificant.
According to Yoo, [28], electricity
consumption has a causal relationship (two-way)
with economic growth. This indicates that a high
level of electricity consumption will encourage
economic growth and vice versa. High economic
growth is needed to increase the level of electricity
The development of electricity infrastructure is
necessary for the continuity of community
activities and the production of goods. The
availability of energy supplies, especially adequate
and affordable electricity, is crucial in the
development of the industrial sector because one of
the critical aspects in the business of the
manufacturing industry sector is the guarantee of
the availability of electrical energy, [29]. Electricity
is one of the concentrations for the government,
especially local governments, because many areas
still do not have electricity. Electricity can affect
economic growth in the short term; therefore, if the
government wants to increase economic growth,
the government is expected to be able to meet the
supply of electricity needs.
3.2.3 The Influence of Irrigation on Economic
Growth in Provinces throughout Sumatra
in 2015-2019
According to the results of this study, irrigation has
a positive and significant influence on economic
growth. This is in line with existing theories and
hypotheses. The results of this research are also
consistent with the findings of [11], which found
that irrigation has a positive and significant impact
on the growth of the agricultural sector on the
island of Sumatra. Irrigation will create change and
increase productivity, boosting the farming
industry. The island of Sumatra has good
agricultural potential; the agricultural sector plays a
vital role in the economic development of the
Sumatra region, which is 22.27 percent. The
leading commodity in Sumatra is rice.
According to a study by Rarun [12], spending
on roads, irrigation, and networks significantly
impacts the economic growth of cities in North
Sulawesi. Capital expenditures on roads, irrigation,
and networks include costs for the procurement,
addition, replacement, improvement, and
maintenance of irrigation roads and networks, as
well as expenses for planning, supervision, and
management of irrigation roads and networks that
add capacity until the irrigation roads and networks
are ready for use. Spending on infrastructure is
expected to increase economic growth.
The effect of irrigation on economic growth in
provinces throughout Sumatra has a negligible
effect because many other factors have a significant
influence. Irrigation will have more impact on
agricultural products, which will later increase the
GRDP of the farming sector and further increase
the region's economic growth rate. As with
research conducted by [30], the effect of irrigation
on yields can increase the productivity of food
crops, especially rice. Agricultural productivity per
hectare is higher, thus providing more income to
farmers and increasing employment in agriculture.
3.2.4 The Influence of Education Infrastructure
on Economic Growth in Provinces
throughout Sumatra in 2015-2019
Based on the results of this study, educational
infrastructure, such as the number of high school
buildings and comparable vocational high schools,
has a positive and significant impact on economic
growth. This is in line with existing theories and
hypotheses. The results of this research are also in
line with the results by Imp and Resmi [17], which
found that educational infrastructure had a positive
and significant effect on economic growth in
Central Java from 2011 - 2015. This research uses
the number of school units in provinces throughout
Sumatra. School infrastructure is essential for the
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.9
Heru Wahyudi, Adinda Putri Mulyya,
Fakhri Rizal Husain, Widia Anggi Palupi
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
sustainability of quality human resources. More
educational facilities accessible will be able to
increase the quality of the human resources
themselves, resulting in trained human resources
capable of propelling the economy forward.
According to the Solow-Swan hypothesis,
economic development depends on the availability
of production inputs such as population, labor,
capital accumulation, and technical innovation.
Solow-Swan proposes that the labor component can
drive economic development in this approach. The
workforce here includes not only the amount but
also the quality of the labor. Human resources are a
significant asset for increasing productivity. The
greater a person's degree of education, the higher
his output productivity, which can boost regional
economic growth. The government's role, in this
case, must provide the facilities and infrastructure
needed during the teaching process. The
government should focus on remote areas where
there are no educational facilities.
4 Conclusion
Based on the data analysis and discussion above,
the following conclusions can be drawn: (1) Road
infrastructure positively and significantly impacted
economic growth in provinces throughout Sumatra
in 2015-2019. This signifies that the provincial
road infrastructure is in good shape and contributed
to Sumatra's economic growth between 2015 and
2019. The existence of good road infrastructure
will make it easier for the community to distribute
goods and services between regions; good road
conditions will also make it easier for PLN to add
electricity to remote areas, (2) Consumption of
electrified electrical energy has had a positive and
significant impact on economic growth in Sumatra
Provinces from 2015 to 2019. This signifies that
the electrification of electricity contributes to
economic growth in Sumatra's regions. Many
provinces still need more electricity, making some
areas depend on other sites. For example, in West
Sumatra Province, which supplies electricity to the
surrounding regions, (3) The size of irrigated areas
positively and significantly impacted economic
growth in the Provinces of Sumatra for the 2015–
2019 period. Irrigation has a positive effect, which
indicates that it contributes to economic growth. In
this case, if the irrigation area is expanded, it will
increase the production of agricultural products,
resulting in a large number of farm products that
can be sold, which will affect economic growth,
and (4) Educational infrastructure in the form of
high school and vocational high school buildings,
both public and private, has had a positive and
significant impact on the level of economic growth
in the provinces on the island of Sumatra in 2015-
2019. Schools have no direct effect on a region's
economic progress.
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DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.9
Heru Wahyudi, Adinda Putri Mulyya,
Fakhri Rizal Husain, Widia Anggi Palupi
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
Heru Wahyudi created a research framework and
team leader. Adinda Putri Mulya wrote the
research. Fakhri Rizal Husain collected and
managed the research data. Widia Anggi Palupi
compiles articles, adapts to the format, and
compiles a bibliography.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
The research in this manuscript is supported by
Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada
Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Lampung.
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(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2023.22.9
Heru Wahyudi, Adinda Putri Mulyya,
Fakhri Rizal Husain, Widia Anggi Palupi
E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 22, 2023
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare
that are relevant to the content of this article.