sustainability of quality human resources. More
educational facilities accessible will be able to
increase the quality of the human resources
themselves, resulting in trained human resources
capable of propelling the economy forward.
According to the Solow-Swan hypothesis,
economic development depends on the availability
of production inputs such as population, labor,
capital accumulation, and technical innovation.
Solow-Swan proposes that the labor component can
drive economic development in this approach. The
workforce here includes not only the amount but
also the quality of the labor. Human resources are a
significant asset for increasing productivity. The
greater a person's degree of education, the higher
his output productivity, which can boost regional
economic growth. The government's role, in this
case, must provide the facilities and infrastructure
needed during the teaching process. The
government should focus on remote areas where
there are no educational facilities.
4 Conclusion
Based on the data analysis and discussion above,
the following conclusions can be drawn: (1) Road
infrastructure positively and significantly impacted
economic growth in provinces throughout Sumatra
in 2015-2019. This signifies that the provincial
road infrastructure is in good shape and contributed
to Sumatra's economic growth between 2015 and
2019. The existence of good road infrastructure
will make it easier for the community to distribute
goods and services between regions; good road
conditions will also make it easier for PLN to add
electricity to remote areas, (2) Consumption of
electrified electrical energy has had a positive and
significant impact on economic growth in Sumatra
Provinces from 2015 to 2019. This signifies that
the electrification of electricity contributes to
economic growth in Sumatra's regions. Many
provinces still need more electricity, making some
areas depend on other sites. For example, in West
Sumatra Province, which supplies electricity to the
surrounding regions, (3) The size of irrigated areas
positively and significantly impacted economic
growth in the Provinces of Sumatra for the 2015–
2019 period. Irrigation has a positive effect, which
indicates that it contributes to economic growth. In
this case, if the irrigation area is expanded, it will
increase the production of agricultural products,
resulting in a large number of farm products that
can be sold, which will affect economic growth,
and (4) Educational infrastructure in the form of
high school and vocational high school buildings,
both public and private, has had a positive and
significant impact on the level of economic growth
in the provinces on the island of Sumatra in 2015-
2019. Schools have no direct effect on a region's
economic progress.
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Heru Wahyudi, Adinda Putri Mulyya,
Fakhri Rizal Husain, Widia Anggi Palupi